I work with a provider in RW

Big One's Avatar
Just my opinion, but I don't mix business with pleasure. Risk / reward is not worth it to me.
Precious_b's Avatar
I would.

....if i'm about to separate from the company and I don't need any references from them.

dj3379's Avatar
No surprise appointments!!!... No if ands or butts about that... But u do have the upper hand in knowing that she is a freak in a way, depending on how long and why she's decided to moonlight as a schlut-4-money.... If she does it for coach purses jimmy choos, student loans and/or most importantly the fun or $$$... Then hell yea! Use this shit to your advantage! you already know she likes the D! .. BUTT!!! If she has kids..... Then no...it's prob for them cuz she has a low life or crazy baby daddy that can't or chooses not to support them and that's another prob in itself...
Guest010619's Avatar
There are several scenarios here.
1) She might not know who you are but works in H.R. Has a session and then learns who you are. Next time the company has layoffs, guess whose name suddenly appears on top of the list for not donating during the annual charity drive cause you spend it on hookers?
2) You bang her and write a review of it. Other big wigs are bangin her too and she gets found out later and is dismissed for indecent behavior. Do you think it will stop with her? How do you feel now? Was it worth it?
3) you bang her and find out she is later promoted over your department. Next thing you know your job has been transferred to the outskirts of town and at the five pm to midnight shift. There goes your hobby life forever.
Finally, other ladies start whispering around you and pointing whenever you show up, cause they know what she's doing and you as well.
Just keep it a fantasy.
deldez's Avatar
Alright I think I can be rational and thank you everyone for all the input. Htownsa you're right about posting in this forum, I coulda gone to men's lounge but I wanted some girls input as well, thanks SaAngel and the other gals that replied. The provider is cool and we do not work together directly but she knows who I am. She'll never be my boss and I'm not afraid of losing my job cause I can move on with no problem. She's not doing it cause she's got kids only for pleasure I'm guessing and some fun money. I don't think I'll make that appointment ever but a part of me wants to tell her that I know and it's cool and okay. I only wonder if any provider worries that someone knows? I'll maintain my demeanor as the quiet guy and leave life on its current path. Besides who really knows where the path of life really leads? I'm enjoying the ride, hope you are too.
If you are cool with it, just keep it to yourself
Shit, just bang her! Then report back!
Guest010619's Avatar
There's always the reverse possibility. You have been seeing a lady, she later announces that she's going to cut her availability because she's finally getting her dream job. Come Monday, she is being introduced to you as a new co-worker.
Now what?
Why potentially chase a good provider out of the hobby. What Camille said.
I have a RW and would be mortified if I knocked on someone's door and my coworker answered. Discretion is a HUGE thing for me, I'm going to vote no. Don't do it. Just keep your secret to yourself and enjoy flirting with her at the water hole.
Kuhlarrow's Avatar
+1 to CK
X10 to Evelyn

C'mon man; Leave her alone!

Can't help but feel that you would use this as leverage against her - same thing applies in reverse so if you say she knows about you and hasn't approached you - why not be a gentleman and reciprocate? Really you need to blast it all over to show what???

I've actually HIRED providers in my business and NO-ONE knew nor did I EVER treat them any different than employees or associates. In fact I stopped "hobbying" with them while employed OUT OF RESPECT and obvious moral & business ethics. So Gentle-MAN up and respect her privacy.
FunTxGent's Avatar
Shit, just bang her! Then report back! Originally Posted by Louigi
If she's a stripper and your the bouncer,,,,I agree!!!! Probably other than that idk lol
Samcro84's Avatar
Who has seniority or who is the boss?

Not sure if I would do it. Could go really good or really bad.

I like the idea I will do her and even pay. Will report back to you.
+1 to CK
X10 to Evelyn

C'mon man; Leave her alone!

Can't help but feel that you would use this as leverage against her - same thing applies in reverse so if you say she knows about you and hasn't approached you - why not be a gentleman and reciprocate? Really you need to blast it all over to show what???

I've actually HIRED providers in my business and NO-ONE knew nor did I EVER treat them any different than employees or associates. In fact I stopped "hobbying" with them while employed OUT OF RESPECT and obvious moral & business ethics. So Gentle-MAN up and respect her privacy. Originally Posted by Kuhlarrow
What he said.........make it "not your business" and move along.
Chincho's Avatar
You know her and you know she fucks on the first date! Hmmm... I would get close with her at work, and have real sex with her not the stuff she sells here at her 2nd job.