Iranian navy commander threatens US ships

Really? And what was the right damn country to attack in your opinion? Let's see.... was it the one that Bill Clinton and other democrats said had weapons of mass destruction?

It really doesnt matter what country it long as you Cut and Run huh? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Look who's trying to call balls and strikes from the Cheap Seats!
are you serious with this must be a slow day in the echo chamber....
if you are i have some lovely swamp land in new jersey i'd like you to one respect the iranians' are smart and they're playing you for saps....they get some low level guy to make a preposterious statement knowing that the right wingers will say the sky is falling....they sit back and laugh while you look like fools....
I bet Obama is after you. He has to have his brownshirts looking for you right now..... I bet he is even going to have his secret gay army invade your ass!
Steve & Mikey will make a cute couple.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Iran is not going to attack one of our ships. This is all for show.
lustylad's Avatar
are you serious with this must be a slow day in the echo chamber....
if you are i have some lovely swamp land in new jersey i'd like you to one respect the iranians' are smart and they're playing you for saps....they get some low level guy to make a preposterious statement knowing that the right wingers will say the sky is falling....they sit back and laugh while you look like fools.... Originally Posted by stevepar

So you think it's all just for shits and giggles? These are the miscreants who held our Embassy people hostage. And blew up the Marine barracks in Beirut. And the Jewish Center in Buenos Aires. And Khobar Towers. They deny the Holocaust and keep threatening to wipe Israel off the map... did you tell Netanyahu not to worry?

Once Odumbo lets them develop nukes, will you then take their rhetoric seriously? Or will you still say nah, they're just playing us....
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The aircraft carrier replaced the battleship because a carrier could attack from 400 miles away and defend itself from a surface attack.
The aircraft carrier is in danger of the cruise missile. We are at a tipping point. Other nations like China have developed the Silkworm missile that can take out a surface ship and have built many of them. They also export them to Iran among other countries. Enough hits and an aircraft carrier becomes a paperweight. More hits and it becomes a reef and grave for thousands of American sailors.

Imagine the following scenario (Tex, have someone help you), the US Navy currently has 10 aircraft carriers, two of them are undergoing overhauls and one is prepared for overhaul putting the three of them out of commission. So the US has seven aircraft carriers. A small country or more than one small country could get a small ship the size of a patrol boat, a frigate, or destroyer within 60 miles of the carrier (note: the Silkworm is not the best anti-ship missile but it is in significant production with many variants) then they can launch a volley of missiles that would destroy or significantly damage an aircraft carrier. What happens if the US has no aircraft carriers to dispatch to trouble spots?

It doesn't matter what happens to those smaller ships, they are expendable. As for the country, how do you bomb a third world country back into the stone age? What would we bomb them with? Our carriers no longer exist? Should we invade? If we did what would cover the marines as they hit the beach? Remember, no aircraft carriers. Suppose some country like China decided that (even though they were not involved) now is the time to take back Taiwan, the Spratleys, and those islands near Japan and South Korea. What would we do? So of the lame are saying that we have ballastic missiles....really? Are you willing to suggest that we go to general war with a massive missile launch? Don't forget that Obama has done away with many missiles.

If you think this is far fetched then tell us why the Soviets shadowed our carriers every time they went out during the Cold War?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
are you serious with this must be a slow day in the echo chamber....
if you are i have some lovely swamp land in new jersey i'd like you to one respect the iranians' are smart and they're playing you for saps....they get some low level guy to make a preposterious statement knowing that the right wingers will say the sky is falling....they sit back and laugh while you look like fools.... Originally Posted by stevepar

The article calls him a top commander, an admiral. So much for your opinion.
BigLouie's Avatar
But that isn't the point with them. They would gladly let their small, cheap destroyers get sunk in return for the publicity coup of sinking a US aircraft carrier. Originally Posted by ExNYer
They would never be allowed to get close enough to an aircraft carrier to even lock on. Their "fleet" consist of 2 ships. Besides one of the ships is used to smuggle arms to countries so they are not going to endanger it. Lots of posturing an no threat at all.
Last year the US military trained more drone pilots than conventional pilots.
Iran is not going to attack one of our ships. This is all for show. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

The ultimate act of religious fervor would be for one of these ragheads to blow a nice big hole in one of our carriers.

He would probably be eligible for 144 virgins.

Keep in mind. They are playing by a different set of rules. They WANT to die for their God
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Our marines were surprised in World War II by the tactics of the Japanese. Wave attacks, no fear, and no surrender.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The aircraft carrier replaced the battleship because a carrier could attack from 400 miles away and defend itself from a surface attack.
The aircraft carrier is in danger of the cruise missile. We are at a tipping point. Other nations like China have developed the Silkworm missile that can take out a surface ship and have built many of them. They also export them to Iran among other countries. Enough hits and an aircraft carrier becomes a paperweight. More hits and it becomes a reef and grave for thousands of American sailors.

Imagine the following scenario (Tex, have someone help you), the US Navy currently has 10 aircraft carriers, two of them are undergoing overhauls and one is prepared for overhaul putting the three of them out of commission. So the US has seven aircraft carriers. A small country or more than one small country could get a small ship the size of a patrol boat, a frigate, or destroyer within 60 miles of the carrier (note: the Silkworm is not the best anti-ship missile but it is in significant production with many variants) then they can launch a volley of missiles that would destroy or significantly damage an aircraft carrier. What happens if the US has no aircraft carriers to dispatch to trouble spots?

It doesn't matter what happens to those smaller ships, they are expendable. As for the country, how do you bomb a third world country back into the stone age? What would we bomb them with? Our carriers no longer exist? Should we invade? If we did what would cover the marines as they hit the beach? Remember, no aircraft carriers. Suppose some country like China decided that (even though they were not involved) now is the time to take back Taiwan, the Spratleys, and those islands near Japan and South Korea. What would we do? So of the lame are saying that we have ballastic missiles....really? Are you willing to suggest that we go to general war with a massive missile launch? Don't forget that Obama has done away with many missiles.

If you think this is far fetched then tell us why the Soviets shadowed our carriers every time they went out during the Cold War? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Wow, maybe we should stop building carriers if they are that vulnerable, although they said the same thing when the Argentinians deployed the Exocet missiles against Maggie Thatcher's Limey's.
JD was more of a threat to our ships when he served than a Iranian warship.
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  • 02-11-2014, 11:24 PM
JD was more of a threat to our ships when he served than a Iranian warship. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
And any Marines that that were unlucky enough to train on JD's ship!