I appreciate the support ladies and gentlemen

Are we voting for who is the biggest dick, or who has the biggest...or maybe both.
Are we voting for who is the biggest dick, or who has the biggest...or maybe both. Originally Posted by lacrew_2000

Probably many candidates for the first category, don't care about the second.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
...don't care about the second. Originally Posted by vitokc
LOL. No, but the ladies might like to know. I won't lie, I wouldn't win. LOL.
LOL. No, but the ladies might like to know. I won't lie, I wouldn't win. LOL. Originally Posted by kcbigpapa

They may, but I wouldnt be a judge or contestant. No shot at winning for me either.
dirty dog's Avatar
Well then I delcare myself the winner, I have been told many many times that I am the biggest dick in the room.
john_galt's Avatar
You know I am pretty smart but that doesn't mean anything. I get high test scores but when I worked in a shipyard I found a bunch of smart people who had never went to college. Is there something wrong with wanting to further my education?

Let me recount how I got here; When I got my first computer I couldn't wait to get on the Internet and talk to intelligent, thoughtful people. Boy, was I disappointed. Instead of good conversations I got "how old are you?", "what is your sex?", and "where do you live?". I went for years without checking out chatrooms or bulletin boards until one day I was doing some research. I followed a link and found Jackie of Sintropolis. I was astounded that I had found someone intelligent, well informed, and had first hand experience of what she was talking about. From there I found another lady; Elena and another. I followed them to Eccie and here we are. I have had fun cruising down the information highway but I guess those bums who stand on the street corner exist here as well. You're trying to make a point when some vagrant spits on your windshield, squeegee in hand. Then we're supposed to smile and pay them for their crap. I guess I have to put up with the squeegee bums in here as well.

I just found out that one of my instructors in doing research into prostitution. Maybe I can volunteer for research time.
Adrielle's Avatar

If you're going to play in the sandbox and engage in political discussions (which for some reason never actually end up as discussions. Converstaions that go like this are not discussions: "ALL YOU LIBERALS... BLAH BLAH BLAH...", "OH YEAH? WELL ALL YOU CONSERVATIVES ARE... BLAH BLAH BLAH".) then you need to be prepared to take some heat.

Sweet Jesus, I love politics as much as the next person, but I have NEVER seen so many instances of genuine, honest discussion topics going so astray. I always want to pop in and post something, but because so many of the threads end up completely off topic, I don't see a point (and the fact that the last time I attempt to contribute, I was treated like I was an idiot, which I don't appreciate but it doesn't keep me up at night). The sticky that Omahan posted recently needs to be read by everyone. The people that stir the most shit aren't necessarily the ones getting pointed in these threads, and if more posters kept that in mind before getting so easily riled up, then, and I'm just guessing, that the number of problems would decrease.

If more of you boys would learn to play nicely instead of going straight to the "BUSH WAS AN IMBECILE THAT GOT US ATTACKED" and "OMG OBAMA IS A MUSLIM" same old-same old, then this post wouldn't be here. However, there are always going to be people who refuse to play squarely within the bounds of decency. So until we discover unicorns in the wild and pigs fly, if you're gonna participate in pissing contests like this, then toughen up.

ETA: I realize this post comes off as rather bitchy. That's not my normal mode, so I apologize. But it blows my mind that so many educated, well spoken gentlemen on this board could so regularly be so rude to one another. I get it, this is the internet and everyone has balls of steel because of the anonymity factor. But like I said earlier, if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. And if not, maybe you should just book a meeting with your favorite woman and blow off some steam.
It was much more simple when it was just the biggest dick contest.
Well I for one am truly humbled, John Galt that you have chosen this site as a place to exchange intellectual insights and opinions in a gentlemanly fashion. I had no idea how smart and educated that you are until you told us.

Made me think of a recent quote that I read; "The fool's the one who fools himself that he's fooling others."

Not talking about you of course I was thinking about the vagrants spitting on your windshield.

Summer school at KU started on the 8th. Are you going this summer? Regular classes have been out for 2-3 weeks.

I wish for you a tremendous day of learning.
Omahan's Avatar
This thread is not staying on topic - if there ever was a topic. Thread closed.