OBAMA EATS DOG...........

For gods sake what's wrong with eating dog meat in a country where that is normal?
I've had dog meat in Indonesia, ostrich meat and monkey meat in South Africa and horse meat in a country where that is normal. And I'll eat it again if I would be in those countries.

Everyone who goes to a Vietnamese restaurant in the USA might have had cat or dog meat, you'll never know.

But of course eating dog meat is highly criticized here just for one particular reason: because Obama ate it. Originally Posted by waverunner234
would it be safe to assume there is no Dog Pound in Countries like Indonesia, lol.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 04-19-2012, 01:34 AM
would it be safe to assume there is no Dog Pound in Countries like Indonesia, lol. Originally Posted by acp5762
No it's called the Buffet line.....
This whole "Obama eats dog" story is in response to the "Romney ties dog to top of Station Wagon" story.

Its not getting any MSM traction. Even if he was when he was a young boy, late night comedians should poke fun at him. He's simply ridicule proof.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
If Obama ate monkey brains would that be considered cannibalism?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If Obama ate monkey brains would that be considered cannibalism? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Let's not get THAT started again.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
"One Hundred And One Ways To Wok Your Dog." Originally Posted by I B Hankering
THAT'S funny!

joe bloe's Avatar
If Obama ate monkey brains would that be considered cannibalism? Originally Posted by The2Dogs

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
C'mon. We've all eaten a dog at some point in our lives. You remember college, don't you?
LOL at this thread...sheesh. It is not uncommon for people to try the cuisine in these different countries...and Obama was something like 7 or 8 when he tried it. I have had bat, possum, squirrel, snake, gater, and a whole bunch of other weird shit all while traveling the globe. I have even eaten bugs that were served in London when I was there...chocolate covered crickets.

So is this just another bash thread to try and make Obama look less American? Seriously...get a grip you right wingers.
I B Hankering's Avatar
LOL at this thread...sheesh. It is not uncommon for people to try the cuisine in these different countries...and Obama was something like 7 or 8 when he tried it. I have had bat, possum, squirrel, snake, gater, and a whole bunch of other weird shit all while traveling the globe. I have even eaten bugs that were served in London when I was there...chocolate covered crickets.

So is this just another bash thread to try and make Obama look less American? Seriously...get a grip you right wingers. Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
"Possum, squirrel, snake, gater," and a couple of other critters you failed to mention are all considered South Louisiana delicacies: no bats.

Every motorcycle rider worth his salt has eaten bugs.
joe bloe's Avatar
C'mon. We've all eaten a dog at some point in our lives. You remember college, don't you? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Where in the Hell did you go to school? I have eaten street tacos in Ciudad Acuna back in the seventies when I was in college, but I always assumed that was rat meat. Dog meat is what they serve in the regular restaurants down there.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok, think, Joe. "Dog" can be a slang term for an unattractive woman. It was a pun, a play on words. And actually, it was pretty funny. I don't mean to be condescending, that is, to talk down to you, but pay attention and notice where the fun is.

Eating a dog? College? Yeah, that's funny!

Now I know why nobody got my Michelle Obama comment. Lighten up, people!
"Possum, squirrel, snake, gater," and a couple of other critters you failed to mention are all considered South Louisiana delicacies: no bats.

Every motorcycle rider worth his salt has eaten bugs.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Hahaha...so true on the motorcycle comment! Been there done that...
TheDaliLama's Avatar
How much is that doggie in the window....??
Af-Freakin's Avatar
If Obama ate monkey brains would that be considered cannibalism? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
no, but the way ur daughter gobbles my cock would. LOL!