Obama Still Not Scheduled to Visit West, Texas

(opppps, that looks bad, better schedule in a visit to West and offer up some false HOPE AND CHANGE, otherwise donations might not be so generous !)

Remember. When Obama made that speech in West, Texas, he was on a Texas fund raising tour..............his stop was a photo op to raise more money.......

Obama's false hope promise was just a way to goose his fund raising.

Obama had to know that FEMA wasn't about to throw emergency funding to rebuild West. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

This looks like your handwriting you jackass.
And I was proven right; FEMA denied the funding !

Yeah; they funded about 10% of the needed monies to rebuild - big whoop !

Instead of defending it; you should be criticizing FEMA's stinginess.................... .and Obama's silence on the matter.

Afterall, Obama went balls to the walls when funding for NJ was in jeopardy.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-12-2013, 03:13 PM
If FEMA had chocked up $58 million, poor whirlie would be shittin' bricks the size of VW's

pay no attention
]I never said FEMA hasn't shelled out monies..........[/SIZE]you are the fucking moron for saying so...............woefully short of the cost to rebuild.........but hell, Obama got his sound bite of false HOPE AND CHANGE on his fund raiser to Texas. Originally Posted by Whirlaway;1053108449[SIZE=7

Black is white, up is down. Stupider than a bag of hammers.

I support the rebuilding efforts; it should be paid for, but FEMA should provide the money.

It's shovel ready infrastructure work; better than flushing money to his cronies in the green industry.
Obama's FEMA tosses a bone and you act like the good folks of West were gifted the crown jewels........................ .....
Obama's FEMA tosses a bone and you act like the good folks of West were gifted the crown jewels........................ ..... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Keep tap-dancing pinhead.....
Chica Chaser's Avatar
There is only $1mm in liability insurance. Not even close to being enough to cover the wrongful death lawsuits that have already been filed. Can you imagine? Storing tons of high explosive in the middle of a town and there is not even any sort of requirement that they carry an adequate amount of insurance. And I doubt the corporation has two nickels to rub together in terms of cash to satisfy judgments. Most of the people who are suffering because of this will get squat.

I don't know what the criteria is to qualify for FEMA assistance but one would hope the guidelines were followed. Originally Posted by timpage
1 Mil? Thats it? Thats no more than an a bonded individual is required to have! Doesn't Texas have a Dept of Insurance or Insurance Commissioner?
1 Mil? Thats it? Thats no more than an a bonded individual is required to have! Doesn't Texas have a Dept of Insurance or Insurance Commissioner? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
That's it. Truly unbelievable.

And, we have a department of insurance and an insurance commissioner. Both completely controlled by the insurance industry. We have the highest homeowner rates in the country. Good old Rick Perry.
LexusLover's Avatar
1 Mil? Thats it? Thats no more than an a bonded individual is required to have! Doesn't Texas have a Dept of Insurance or Insurance Commissioner? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Yes, but that's not the ones who "oversee" the "standards" there.

Just like:

Where is the $120 billion BP was supposed to deposit for claims.
We have had the highest rates for years; good ole Anne Richards (too).
We have had the highest rates for years; good ole Anne Richards (too). Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Sorry pinhead, but blaming the democrats for anything that happens in Texas isn't going to pass muster. No democrat has held state-wide office here in almost 20 years. You're constantly taking the credit for what you say are all the wonderful things in the state....be an adult and shoulder some blame too.

State Farm has raised homeowners rates almost 32% since 2011. I don't think Anne was Governor then....that's when your hero Rick Perry was out on the presidential campaign trail making a complete fucking fool of himself and subjecting us and our state to public ridicule for electing such a buffoon to be governor over and over and over.

Fuck off now and get back under your rock.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-12-2013, 03:48 PM
Sorry pinhead, but blaming the democrats for anything that happens in Texas isn't going to pass muster. No democrat has held state-wide office here in almost 20 years. You're constantly taking the credit for what you say are all the wonderful things in the state....be an adult and shoulder some blame too.

State Farm has raised homeowners rates almost 32% since 2011. I don't think Anne was Governor then....that's when your hero Rick Perry was out on the presidential campaign trail making a complete fucking fool of himself and subjecting us and our state to public ridicule for electing such a buffoon to be governor over and over and over.

Fuck off now and get back under your rock. Originally Posted by timpage
of course no dem has held office in 20 years .. the big rough tough Texan Republican majority likes to elect dumb male cheerleaders
of course no dem has held office in 20 years .. the big rough tough Texan Republican majority likes to elect dumb male cheerleaders Originally Posted by CJ7
It's true...wasn't Shrub a cheerleader too?