Perry is in Addison NOW? And about to announce ...

His last campaign cost the state of Texas over $3.5 million. Wonder how much this time? Get ready Texas to be the butt of late night talk show jokes again.
Perry will never be elected president, ever. I don't think he could even get the Republican nomination. Any Republican that donates money to his campaign is throwing his or her money down the drain.

The only reason he won the governorship so many times is because the Democratic party in Texas are fragmented, unorganized and don't seem to have any idea what they're doing.
Knight2554's Avatar
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I'm surprised that we're not seeing Perry SUPPORTERS chiming in! Are there NOT any? Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Yes there are! Me. Without him there would be no humor on the republic primaries. Oops!

Go Rick! Keeps us laughing!
Chung Tran's Avatar
I think Perry meant to say "incident" and not "accident", but it only underscores how ill-prepared he is in front of cameras.. and rustic.. his ego must be enormous to trot out another Presidential campaign after the previous debacle.
TexTushHog's Avatar
He's a fool! And an asdhole. And a . . . . And I forget what the third thing is.
He's a fool! And an asdhole. And a . . . . And I forget what the third thing is. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Nice, very nice. And I think it was "Oops", that was the third.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Perry will never be elected president, ever. I don't think he could even get the Republican nomination. Any Republican that donates money to his campaign is throwing his or her money down the drain.

The only reason he won the governorship so many times is because the Democratic party in Texas are fragmented, unorganized and don't seem to have any idea what they're doing. Originally Posted by Alastair
I was speaking about this with an elderly family member yesterday. In Texas, we used to be a conservative Democratic state. At least that was the case when I was (much) younger. So I agree that if the Democrats were more organized, and could find one candidate that is great for governor, the Dems have a better presence in this state.

I think Perry meant to say "incident" and not "accident", but it only underscores how ill-prepared he is in front of cameras.. and rustic.. his ego must be enormous to trot out another Presidential campaign after the previous debacle. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I almost, read almost, felt sorry for him making that gaffe. But it's just one out of so many. I agree, too.

I have no CLUE why he decided to run again. Doesn't seem too bright.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Perrys predecessor in TX was not too bright either. Give a bad image for TX in my opinion. I miss KBH, she was a great senator. We need more like her.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I once saw a debate, at a fundraiser, between Hutchinson and one of my favorite politicians of all time, Ann Richards. What a hoot.

Kay was drinking white wine and of course, Ann was drinking none. It was a great debate and lots of fun banter.

Never been a huge KBH fan, though. Just a preference.
I would never vote for Perry in the primary, for three reasons.

First of all, he's a simpleton who would be in way over his head when considering almost any complex or nuanced issue.

Secondly, he has a demonstrated tendency to make very embarrassing gaffes.

The third reason I would never support him is...uh, hold on. I'll think of it!
Um I can't stand that man he tries to preach and be godly he is a hypocrite.