An American Badass

eccieuser9500's Avatar
He's not a badass. Noam Chomsky is an American Dumb Ass.

Chomsky is arrogant, sanctimonious and wrong. Originally Posted by Tiny
Principle 1

Madison was looking forward, not backward, when he argued to "protect the minority of the opulent (wealthy land and slave owners starting a new country) against the majority (desperate family farmers and obviously the free labor)."

Principles 2 & 3

If you think commerce "hasn't controlled American society since before Theodore Roosevelt" and still "kind of agree with" me on the speculative forces on Wall Street controlling the economy, then I have to be clear so you can decide which way you want to go.

The elite, not JUST his majesty, control trade with innuendo. I'm no economist, constitutional scholar or commodities broker; I understand just enough to know that when a deal is made, especially one on paper, both sides have to keep their word. The Chinese devalue their currency at will. True. I believe the U.S. devalues its stock just as easily with its words.

The nuances of farm subsidies, labor laws and banking are foreign to me. My area of "expertise", if you will, is in import and export. I ask as many questions to those above me about time and space to move something as I do to those I work with directly. Nobody likes paying somebody to just sit around. Much more, nobody likes having to work without getting paid. Any government shutdown is a shame.

Principle 4 & 5

Enough investment in public works, health care (yes, I'll play the sympathy Special Olympics card) and the labor force is essential. Not just a trickle. Typical line of progressive bullshit? Man is not on the fuckin' African grasslands anymore.

Principle 6

Here we go again. You kind of agree with me on this. As long as those you say I "demonize" just budget for breaking the law, they'll always be regarded as too big to fail. Banks, manufacturers and huge agriculture get bailed out. Why doesn't the invisible hand take care of them too? And I don't mean with invisible handcuffs.

Principle 7

More bullshit? Now the new wave is self branding. Jordan is a brand as G.E. is a brand. Anyone with a twitter account is a brand. The bigger the brand, the easier it is to buy congress. When you can write the laws and pay the law makers to put their names on the resolution, you get the results you want. A "get out of jail free card".

Principle 8

You more or less agree with me on this. Labor should be taken seriouly. I don't always agree with unionization.

Principles 9 & 10

I'll explain: the current state of discourse is toxic. Self-defeating. We, the people, should be angry at our representatives. The fat cats want us to be misinformed and ignorant so we can fight, litterally, amongst ourselves. They don't include themselves with the trampling herd.

Arrogant? Maybe. Sanctimonious? Doubt it. Wrong? I don't think so.

rexdutchman's Avatar
Simple really People in Power will do ANYTHING to stay in power
  • Tiny
  • 04-17-2019, 08:02 AM
Hey Eccieuser, I'm a Libertarian. I hate rent seeking capitalists who don't play fair as much as you do. The lobbyists are responsible for out of control costs in health care and higher education that have become a huge burden on many Americans. And I'm mad as hell too at our federal representatives. That's probably where we part company. You seem to think that we can solve all our problems by throwing more money at a federal government that's inefficient and inept. Speaking of which, I missed this from your first post,

April 15th is when we should remember how democracies actually function. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
On April 15 I wrote my last check to the federal government. Combined with previous payments and withholding, I'll pay them about 1/3rd of my income this year, not counting social security and medicare taxes. What do I get for it? Well, jack shit. Maybe the air traffic control system and better interstate highways. On April 15, I realize the federal government operates a lot like the Mafia. They take lots of money from you, and then will provide protection when the Mexicans or the Canadians decide to invade.

Add in the property taxes and sales taxes and I'm probably paying around 45% of my income to governments. But the state and my locality actually provide good value for the money, things I can see in everyday life. They don't flush the money down the toilet. I can walk in and talk with my local representatives if I want to.

Noam Chomsky, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren would boost that 45% of what I'm making to about 60%. For the "billionaire class", who Bernie hates now that everyone knows he's a multi-millionaire, they'd take maybe 80% by the time you add up their income tax and their wealth tax and their death tax. And they'd perhaps actually reduce the amount of taxes they collect because people would quit investing and working. And these billionaires are the people who create and grow the businesses that provide jobs and economic growth. And so how are the mother fuckers in Washington going to spend the money? Maybe they can find a new war somewhere to fight or as you say pay a lot of people to sit on their asses.

You put more money in the hands of my state government or my local government to solve society's problems and it might very well make sense. They're efficient and accountable. So why not do that. If California wants to provide free university education for everyone and Wyoming doesn't, let them have at it.

Anyway, thanks for your last post, it was thought provoking. Hope you'll weigh in on a new thread I'll be writing, to accompany the first of your "American Badass" series. It will be called "The Koch Brothers: American Heroes."
rexdutchman's Avatar
TINY ^^ 100% I have said for years the feds learned from the Mafia in the 40s and 50s
What you said is really true for anyone paying attention
  • Tiny
  • 04-17-2019, 10:54 AM
TINY ^^ 100% I have said for years the feds learned from the Mafia in the 40s and 50s
What you said is really true for anyone paying attention Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Absolutely Rex. Admittedly, the IRS won't break your leg if you can't pay. But you're never going to get away from a federal tax lien, even by filing bankruptcy.

There is one other difference. The government is smoother than the Mob. For many taxpayers, the money is deducted from their paychecks so they don't notice it the way they would if they had to write a big check each year, or if Guido came around every week with a gun looking for his cut. Lately you even read about some idiots who are pissed off because while they're paying less tax, their refunds are lower.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Hey Eccieuser, I'm a Libertarian. I hate rent seeking capitalists who don't play fair as much as you do.

Anyway, thanks for your last post, it was thought provoking. Hope you'll weigh in on a new thread I'll be writing, to accompany the first of your "American Badass" series. It will be called "The Koch Brothers: American Heroes." Originally Posted by Tiny

Thank you for your words. If anyone thinks I'm anti capitalist, commerce or merchant is wrong. You know some don't play fair. I am, and I assume you are, anti elitist; against those who know they don't play fair. The biggest excuse is, "well . . . it's not against the law." Here's an old adage for you: not everything that is legal is ethical, and not everything that is ethical is legal. I always use this simple point to argue; "you are the kind of person who would pay three children three dollars an hour instead of one man ten dollars an hour just to save a buck." What kind of work?

Anyway, I'll be waiting on the next installment of our newly christened series. I thought of Ralph Nader when I read that. I wonder if he's still relevant. It was a badass move to wedge the divide to between Gore and Bush. I'll have to read more on the brothers Koch. Heroes, you say?

Is dissidence the life blood of a democracy? I welcome those on the other side of the isle to participate in the American Badass series. William F. Buckley? Oooh! What about Camille Paglia?
  • Tiny
  • 04-17-2019, 05:15 PM
Thank you for your words. If anyone thinks I'm anti capitalist, commerce or merchant is wrong. You know some don't play fair. I am, and I assume you are, anti elitist; against those who know they don't play fair. The biggest excuse is, "well . . . it's not against the law." Here's an old adage for you: not everything that is legal is ethical, and not everything that is ethical is legal. I always use this simple point to argue; "you are the kind of person who would pay three children three dollars an hour instead of one man ten dollars an hour just to save a buck." What kind of work?

Anyway, I'll be waiting on the next installment of our newly christened series. I thought of Ralph Nader when I read that. I wonder if he's still relevant. It was a badass move to wedge the divide to between Gore and Bush. I'll have to read more on the brothers Koch. Heroes, you say?

Is dissidence the life blood of a democracy? I welcome those on the other side of the isle to participate in the American Badass series. William F. Buckley? Oooh! What about Camille Paglia? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Nothing to disagree with in that post Eccieuser, except that reason is the life blood of a democracy,

The Koch Brothers are the last of the gilded age tycoons, like Carnegie, Mellon and Stanford. They contribute billions to charitable causes you'd approve. And hundreds of millions to ones you wouldn't. They're the anti Noam Chomsky's. Stay tuned.

Your American Dissident web site looks interesting by the way, extremely politically incorrect. Will check it out when I get some time.
Heres the real American Bad ass.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Mr. Madison was looking back at the recent rebellion: Shay's Rebellion -- an agrarian insurrection. And the memory of the levelers in Mr. Cromwell's New Model Army was better appreciated in 1787 by these former Englishmen than it is today understood by 20th century Marxists like Chomsky who'd misrepresent history to advance their agenda in a heart beat.

At the conclusion of the Philadelphia Convention a lady posed a question to Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”

Dr. Franklin replied, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”
eccieuser9500's Avatar

Heres the real American Bad ass. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Mr. Madison was looking back at the recent rebellion: Shay's Rebellion -- an agrarian insurrection. And the memory of the levelers in Mr. Cromwell's New Model Army was better appreciated in 1787 by these former Englishmen than it is today understood by 20th century Marxists like Chomsky who'd misrepresent history to advance their agenda in a heart beat. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Noam Chomsky said similar stuff about Obama. The bottom line is Government works for the Corporations not the people and it doesn't matter whos in office Democrat or Republican.
Noam Chomsky said similar stuff about Obama. The bottom line is Government works for the Corporations not the people and it doesn't matter whos in office Democrat or Republican. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Isn't that why the government's scope and presence should be as limited as possible, regardless of whos in office Democrat or Republican.
themystic's Avatar
Heres the real American Bad ass. Originally Posted by Levianon17
This pussy? American Traitor and coward. Birds of a feather flock together. Trump and his peeps. Anti American cowards
Isn't that why the government's scope and presence should be as limited as possible, regardless of whos in office Democrat or Republican. Originally Posted by eccielover
Although Government has it's place, I do agree it's scope and power should be greatly limited.
This pussy? American Traitor and coward. Birds of a feather flock together. Trump and his peeps. Anti American cowards Originally Posted by themystic
Just sit tight 2024 will be here in five years and you can vote for the Socialist of your choice. In the mean time quit worrying about shit you have no control over.