Texas Secession recap...

Munchmasterman's Avatar
I don't know what is so hard to understand about this. In 1860 the southern states seceded from the union. They did not declare war on the north. South Carolina fired on the fort when Lincoln tried to resupply it and add more troops. Up until then relations were fairly civil. The soldiers went into Charleston to buy food at the markets. Firing on the fort was a PR mistake. It gave Lincoln the moral authority to send troops into the south. That is the history.

The modern version (as I have written many times) is not about leaving the US. It is about the states putting force the idea that the states are independent of the federal government as enumerated in the Constitution. There would be a war only if the occupant of the White House wanted one. Otherwise the states would do their thing, stop sending their tax money to DC, and stop listening to federal laws that violate the Constitution. I imagine if one state started the ball rolling several other states would join. Once again (so that you understand this simple thing) there would only be a war if Barry wanted one.

And by definition secession has nothing to do with leaving the country like so many liberals threaten but never do. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You never get it right.

When and where have liberals "threatened" to leave the country? What state?

If you can't answer the question, just do what you normally do.

Lie, crawl away, or both.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Heh, ol' Cornyhole has been in the floor stripper fumes again. Our local Kommunitee Kollege janitor who stands in the hallway and listens in on a few classes can't get much right because he argues backwards from his "conclusions" instead of starting with a premise and moving forward. Typical Teawipe snob.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, quit your constant bitching or get the fuck out!

It's gonna be at least 12 years before you matter again as an ideology, so pack up your shut and go somewhere where you'll feel safer ... Argentina has been know to harbor bitter old Fascists!

Hasta la vista motherfuckers!

The modern version (as I have written many times) is not about leaving the US. It is about the states putting force the idea that the states are independent of the federal government as enumerated in the Constitution. There would be a war only if the occupant of the White House wanted one. Otherwise the states would do their thing, stop sending their tax money to DC, and stop listening to federal laws that violate the Constitution. I imagine if one state started the ball rolling several other states would join. Once again (so that you understand this simple thing) there would only be a war if Barry wanted one. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The Constitution does NOT enumerate that the states are independent of the federal government. To the contrary, the Constitution enumerates specific powers that the federal government has. To the extent a federal power conflicts with a state power, per the Supremacy Clause, the federal power wins. That's hardly an enumeration of independence for the states.

And states don't send tax money to DC. People and businesses do. Are you proposing that states PREVENT businesses from sending income tax, payroll tax, FICA, etc. to the Treasury?

Stop listening to laws that violate the Constitution? Who makes THAT determination? Ricky Perry? Andrew Cuomo?

The states don't have the option to stop listening. The feds have their own laws, police force, and courts. The states can sue in court and let the Supreme Court decide.

What happens if the Supreme Court decides that the federal government DOES have the power to make marijuana sales illegal? What does Colorado do then? Ignore the Supreme Court and have the state police arrest DEA agents with they raid pot dispensaries?

The "modern version" as you call it isn't any smarter than the "slavery preservation version" of the 19th century.
It's gonna be at least 12 years before you matter again as an ideology... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
12 years?

"I call that bold talk for a one-eye fat man."

You think Biden or Hillary is a shoo-in? If Obama doesn't get the economy moving and soon, the Dems are toast in 2016.

They might have inherited a bad economy, but they will have had 8 years to fix it. If the economy still sucks in 2015 and all we have done is treble (or worse) the national debt, the Dems will lose BIG.
12 years?

"I call that bold talk for a one-eye fat man."

You think Biden or Hillary is a shoo-in? If Obama doesn't get the economy moving and soon, the Dems are toast in 2016.

They might have inherited a bad economy, but they will have had 8 years to fix it. If the economy still sucks in 2015 and all we have done is treble (or worse) the national debt, the Dems will lose BIG. Originally Posted by ExNYer
True Grit!! The Duke...best movie ever!! (The original, not the remake done by those pissant libtards.)
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The original statements:

Eddie Vedder - "I'm moving to a different country if little Damien II gets elected."

Alec Baldwin - was never quoted directly, but reportedly made a statement to his wife Kim Basinger, who was later quoted in Focus magazine saying that Alec "might leave the country if Bush is elected president ... and then I'd probably have to go too."

Barbara Streisand - "I don't think you'll see me around here for at least four years."

Robert Altman - "If George Bush is elected president, I'm leaving for France."

Pierre Salinger - "If Bush wins, I'm going to leave the country and spend the rest of my life in France."

You can kiss my ass now.
I B Hankering's Avatar
On February 1, 1861, the state of Texas declared its secession from the United States. Just an FYI.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So did a lot of states back then, IBCrying. Civil war and all, you know. What's your point?
Who the hell keeps track of the secession anniversaries of Confederate states?

Oh, that's right. Folks longing for the good old days. Just an FYI.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Who the hell keeps track of the secession anniversaries of Confederate states?

Oh, that's right. Folks longing for the good old days. Just an FYI. Originally Posted by ExNYer
The History Channel, and other folks who know something about history! Just an FYI.
True Grit!! The Duke...best movie ever!! (The original, not the remake done by those pissant libtards.) Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN

what about the piss ant libatards that made the first one?