Equal taxes for every one?

We do need to pay more attention to what our taxes pay for and less of how much we pay.

The latter will take care of its self if we stopped spending so much. Originally Posted by grean

First order of business. A MAJOR PAY cut to those congres critters. AND then remove the law allowing them 'automatic pay rises above what they give military and retirees, unless they 'vote to say no"..


Third - stop sending bloody foreign aid to countries sending us their folk. SO THAT MEANS a good chunk of central and south america.

retired submariner: I think it is sad you feel it is fair or reasonable for you to pay no income taxes while the successful people have to pay most of the income taxes. Originally Posted by friendly fred

I feel the same way. How can someone claim its 'fair' for almost half the country to pay NOTHING in taxes effectively, while the OTHER half has to pay, to support that first half.

I feel like voting should be proportional to the income taxes paid, an idea first suggested by HL Hunt of Texas.

Every dollar you pay in taxes gets you one vote. Originally Posted by friendly fred

Not sure i like the method, since there's imo a LOT MORE liberals who are million and billionaires than there are republicans.
But i could agree going back to how it used to be, YOU HAD TO OWN land/property, to vote. Not just renting.
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
Let me make a wild guess and say you voted HILLARY! Originally Posted by Marshall2.0
You would be wrong.

I voted for Gary Johnson.
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
retired submariner: I think it is sad you feel it is fair or reasonable for you to pay no income taxes while the successful people have to pay most of the income taxes.

I feel like voting should be proportional to the income taxes paid, an idea first suggested by HL Hunt of Texas.

Every dollar you pay in taxes gets you one vote. Originally Posted by friendly fred
There was a time when only property-owners were allowed to vote.

Voting rights have changed in our culture.
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
Did you just brag about being a sponge?

Seriously though, why should someone be punished for investing in themselves and being successful. It's like work ethic is a dirty word. Originally Posted by OpiXPO
My salary is paid 100% by the federal government. I suppose that in your worldview you might say that my salary is paid for by the tax-payers.

In some other distant reality you might be able to say that all federal spending comes from income taxation. In that fantasy you would be correct to assume that all citizens share some mythical 'burden' of government expenses.

But in this reality our government ran fine without income taxation.

Before the common man began 'filing' income taxes in the 1930s, our federal government had the authority to printing fiat money. There were roads, we had a standing military, and the congressmen were paid salaries. There has never been any real connection between income tax revenue and federal spending.
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
... I feel the same way. How can someone claim its 'fair' for almost half the country to pay NOTHING in taxes effectively, while the OTHER half has to pay, to support that first half. Originally Posted by garhkal
Are you suggesting that US servicemembers should not be paid for their efforts?

We contract years of their lives to serve this nation, and most of us do not pay income taxes.

In your mind, does 'fair' mean that we should NOT pay our servicemembers?
You would be wrong.

I voted for Gary Johnson. Originally Posted by RetiredSubmariner
The way the electoral college system works, a vote for Gary Johnson, or any other Candidate besides President Trump was a vote for Hillary.
  • grean
  • 10-26-2018, 07:40 AM
First order of business. A MAJOR PAY cut to those congres critters. AND then remove the law allowing them 'automatic pay rises above what they give military and retirees, unless they 'vote to say no"..
Originally Posted by garhkal
Politicians in congress, last time I checked make 175k annually and wait for it....They get RETIREMENT BENEFITS!

They do have to serve 25 years before getting those benefits. However, one big cause of our current state is the life long politician.

175k is not all that great compared to alot of member's earning potential. It's still way too much to do the shitty job they are doing. They would lose their jobs if they performed similarly in the private sector.

My guess is many would not do better than 175 in the private sector, however. Otherwise, what incentive would they have to remain in office longer than a term?

For those who can earn more than 175, what is their incentive to stay in office so long?


Equal taxes for everyone?

Most who think of that would agree to a high sales tax replacing the current progressive income tax, no? Basically consumption drives your tax expense.

Why not then have corporations pay higher taxes? They pass the expense off to the consumer. Absolutely, give breaks to individuals who pay the most, the top 50% I believe pay 96% of taxes.

Why, however, give corporations a 14% tax cut?

The lower 50% who cosume the most goods would effectively pay more taxes,no?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Before the common man began 'filing' income taxes in the 1930s, our federal government had the authority to printing fiat money. There were roads, we had a standing military, and the congressmen were paid salaries. There has never been any real connection between income tax revenue and federal spending. Originally Posted by RetiredSubmariner
the Federal Government still prints fiat money. income taxes pay a small portion of total government spending. the rest is "borrowed" from US Citizens and Foreigners alike, but no money changes hands, no currency is printed. instead an accounting entry debits "cash" on the Government ledger, with a corresponding "accounts payable" on the credit side. that accounts payable amount now sums to more than $20 trillion, which worries many, but it shouldn't.. because it was never more than an accounting entry, and will remain as such.
Marshall2.0's Avatar
You would be wrong.

I voted for Gary Johnson. Originally Posted by RetiredSubmariner
I am glad you voluntarily wasted your vote. Please do that again and again and again... Seriously though, your post did give one the impression that you take joy in being a parasite. You may not believe it's coming, but parasites are gonna be dealt with by Mr. Trump...
Marshall2.0's Avatar
My salary is paid 100% by the federal government. I suppose that in your worldview you might say that my salary is paid for by the tax-payers.

In some other distant reality you might be able to say that all federal spending comes from income taxation. In that fantasy you would be correct to assume that all citizens share some mythical 'burden' of government expenses.

But in this reality our government ran fine without income taxation.

Before the common man began 'filing' income taxes in the 1930s, our federal government had the authority to printing fiat money. There were roads, we had a standing military, and the congressmen were paid salaries. There has never been any real connection between income tax revenue and federal spending. Originally Posted by RetiredSubmariner
SEE!!! You don't even acknowledge that you are doing harm to your fellow citizens. You are blind to your immorality...
Marshall2.0's Avatar
Are you suggesting that US servicemembers should not be paid for their efforts?

We contract years of their lives to serve this nation, and most of us do not pay income taxes.

In your mind, does 'fair' mean that we should NOT pay our servicemembers? Originally Posted by RetiredSubmariner
Did you do anything worthwhile we should pay you for? Did you just do something we could have paid an illegal alien from Mexico $5/hr to do instead?
Marshall2.0's Avatar
Politicians in congress, last time I checked make 175k annually and wait for it....They get RETIREMENT BENEFITS!

They do have to serve 25 years before getting those benefits. However, one big cause of our current state is the life long politician.
? Originally Posted by grean
Perhaps we should offer full retirement benefits after 1 year and reduce the benefit 5% a year thereafter...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I am glad you voluntarily wasted your vote. Please do that again and again and again... Seriously though, your post did give one the impression that you take joy in being a parasite. You may not believe it's coming, but parasites are gonna be dealt with by Mr. Trump... Originally Posted by Marshall2.0
Big talk, Marshall.

Lot of it this morning.

The check must be late.
I was drafted into the Army. They took me kicking and screaming. I did my two years, and have the scars.

I never asked the fukin' Government for one thing. Rather than being a sponge, I became a productive tax payer.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah TAX's the liberal dream just look to San Francisco, LA Chicago people leaving in mass due to tax,s COL