Why do you hobby instead of random hookups?

I'd say, almost all of those reasons to some extent. I chose #1. I'll also add that I am experience seeker. I get a kick out of learning about, and trying different things. Outliers interest me. Its like investigative reporting, learning about this vibrant sub culture that, before 6 months ago, i didn't even know existed. The whole hobby lifestyle, while not necessarily for me I've found, is really interesting.
B.Wayne's Avatar
Gram I could almost write exactly what you posted. For me inpartucular though its about meeting people I may otherwise not get the chance to meet and get to know. For an example im a clean cut guy but say I saw a girl who I thought was gorgeous but was all covered in tats and peircings and stuff. Well if I would approach her in my business attire or somthing I bet the first thing she would think is "what the hell do you want?" She would see me and automatically assume we would have nothing in common and such. This gives me a chance to meet different people that may otherwise already have their mind made up about someone they would see in a different setting.
But I do just pick up the random.
I'm surprised no one has said this...

A lot of hobbyists are simply.. unattractive. That is why they have to PAY for it.
Sorry but with the economy going the way it is, $200-$300 is a lot of money to spend on pussy. Take this from someone who has charged $300 and up. I have regulars that binge and see me more than several times a month and I'm very happy that they're financially secure enough to do so.

I recently became a female hobbyist myself (sorta) and I'm sure the ladies I/we see are more than happy/relieved to see that I am a very "attractive" woman.

Yes, I can see the guy that wants variety, I can also see the guy that wants a NSA relationship... but I believe a lot of guys use those excuses to make them feel better as to why decent looking/attractive woman will fuck them for free.
daty/o's Avatar
I'm surprised no one has said this...

A lot of hobbyists are simply.. unattractive. That is why they have to PAY for it.
Sorry but with the economy going the way it is, $200-$300 is a lot of money to spend on pussy. Take this from someone who has charged $300 and up. I have regulars that binge and see me more than several times a month and I'm very happy that they're financially secure enough to do so.

I recently became a female hobbyist myself (sorta) and I'm sure the ladies I/we see are more than happy/relieved to see that I am a very "attractive" woman.

Yes, I can see the guy that wants variety, I can also see the guy that wants a NSA relationship... but I believe a lot of guys use those excuses to make them feel better as to why decent looking/attractive woman will fuck them for free. Originally Posted by hiddenrose
Boy, aren't you the charmer.
Women FUCK for Free??

I recently became a female hobbyist myself (sorta) and I'm sure the ladies I/we see are more than happy/relieved to see that I am a very "attractive" woman.
. Originally Posted by hiddenrose
I call BS on this without pics.

TheAntichrist666's Avatar
I do it, because I don't like bullshit.
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 09-09-2012, 01:20 PM
I does it cause I likes it. If I like what's on the menu, I go for it!!
Because they have no game lol. I do both. I don't care how good looking you are, how much you approach, it's a tough game to get laid the numbers are not stacked in your favor. Most clubs/bars are 70% dudes, of the girls that are there, at least 30% are with their BF or husband at that time.

Not to mention when you have girls who are down logistics, friends, other shit can fuck you up.

But I also only pay for the hotter women (or at least those who look it from their pics, been duped a few times).
pmdelites's Avatar
i selected "Providers are just better at what they do. I can live out my fantasies!"

but it's really a combo of that and "I like variety. It's hard to get this variety picking girls up!"

for me, going out to meet, chat up, and convince a woman to go have some NSA delites takes time and energy and game. while i'm pretty sure i could convince her to do so, i dont have the time nor the energy to go thru that routine.

plus, it's also about "different" or "strange" - someone other than the s.o. cos that path is pretty much the same as it's been for a while.
on the hobby path, there are so many choices and activities and locations and ....
plus so much easier - contact, screen, drive, knock, kiss, caress, undress, lots of intimate delites, cleanup, dress, back to the real world.

thanks to all the fine women w/ whom i've visited over the years!!!!!
Lucky 1's Avatar
I chose the "I like variety" selection also...then realised that when chooseing a provider I have a tendency to pick a certain type and look...young...latina...curvey ....we've all got a type we are attracted to
cumalot's Avatar
It's hard to find good Kink in the RL world.....ijs
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I'm surprised no one has said this...

A lot of hobbyists are simply.. unattractive. That is why they have to PAY for it.
Sorry but with the economy going the way it is, $200-$300 is a lot of money to spend on pussy. Take this from someone who has charged $300 and up. I have regulars that binge and see me more than several times a month and I'm very happy that they're financially secure enough to do so.

I recently became a female hobbyist myself (sorta) and I'm sure the ladies I/we see are more than happy/relieved to see that I am a very "attractive" woman.
but I believe a lot of guys use those excuses to make them feel better as to why decent looking/attractive woman will fuck them for free. Originally Posted by hiddenrose
Unfortunately an attitude like that can make someone physically attractive ..very unattractive, Ive never had a client that was even close to how you describe "your" clients, quite the opposite in fact.

If you continue with your superior attitude and looking at your clients that way..you will have a long sad road ahead of you and I feel sorry for you ..you being so young hopefully your attitude will adjust with time.

Id take being pretty on the inside and ugly on the outside any day.

Unfortunately an attitude like that can make someone physically attractive ..very unattractive, Ive never had a client that was even close to how you describe "your" clients, quite the opposite in fact.

If you continue with your superior attitude and looking at your clients that way..you will have a long sad road ahead of you and I feel sorry for you ..you being so young hopefully your attitude will adjust with time.

Id take being pretty on the inside and ugly on the outside any day.

Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Sorry I don't care for your riff raff....
Some of us already know how YOU REALLY are on the inside. You do put on a great show though.
Do us all a favor and go sip on a bottle.
*leaves before pussyposse shows up*
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Sorry I don't care for your riff raff....
Some of us already know how YOU REALLY are on the inside. You do put on a great show though.
Do us all a favor and go sip on a bottle.
*leaves before pussyposse shows up* Originally Posted by hiddenrose
sorry if I hurt your feelings, you can stop with the nasty PM's ..I won't respond.