Republicans Well On The Way To Destroying Your Healthcare!

Too early to tell. But I am not banking on anything coming along that would give me an incentive to change the coverage I've had for 25 plus years. I am sorry ya'all can have Obamacare, Trumpcare, Janicare for all I care.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Ditto on that.

The one thing I dislike about Obamacare is it gave my Shop's Insurance Carrier an excuse to up our rates to the extent that our healthcare cost are now our biggest expense after Payroll.

I doubt it will go back down.

But, at least Hillary Clinton is NOT the President.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ditto on that.

The one thing I dislike about Obamacare is it gave my Shop's Insurance Carrier an excuse to up our rates to the extent that our healthcare cost are now our biggest expense after Payroll.

I doubt it will go back down.

But, at least Hillary Clinton is NOT the President. Originally Posted by Jackie S
it will. Trump knows the power of the free market. once the big players can actually make money and provide coverage and cover those with prior conditions, we'll have better healthcare for all and at lower costs.

this is the big money way. all hail Emperor Donald ... er .... der Fuhrer .. no .. that's not it .. today he's President Trump. but u might wake up tomorrow and find out he's Lord Emperor of the Universe.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Let's compare the process this time.

Obamacare was written up behind close doors in Harry Reid's office and all the Grubbered Dems fell in line and voted on something they didn't even read. We all were lied to and the Dems RECKLESSLY created a NON WORKING ENTITLEMENT and now the Dems are criticizing a Republicans proposal to try to work with that RECKLESS ENTITLEMENT without even reading it again!!

Because they created this horrible entitlement we can never go back and fix it with a free market approach.

The Democrat party has ZERO credibility and should just shut the fuck up and get out of the way..
pyramider's Avatar
How can trumpcare be any worse than obamacare? Premium doubled, deductible doubled, out of pocket doubled .... that is my insurance.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
How can trumpcare be any worse than obamacare? Premium doubled, deductible doubled, out of pocket doubled .... that is my insurance. Originally Posted by pyramider

it's not. once Trump does what Obama should have done ... just remove preexisting conditions restrictions .... and let the market determine the policy costs .. Trump's new health care will be just what he said it will be .. "Awesome!"
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-07-2017, 09:52 PM
it's not. once Trump does what Obama should have done ... just remove preexisting conditions restrictions .... and let the market determine the policy costs .. Trump's new health care will be just what he said it will be .. "Awesome!" Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yet he said everybody would be insured...Hmmmmm
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yet he said everybody would be insured...Hmmmmm Originally Posted by WTF
they will be .. and without the threat of Gov intervention. and we all know how that turned out? yeah???

u are smart enough to realize that many just paid the IRS fine .. and that's what is was ..
to avoid the un-affordable costs of ACA even with gov subsidies .. and others would just sign up, get their med care and then CANCEL their coverage???

so what was the point??????

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Yet he said everybody would be insured...Hmmmmm Originally Posted by WTF
I'm not sure that's what he said. I believe the claim was it would be better and less expensive.

And you won't be charged a fee for being an American which is what Obamacare essentially does.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Obamacare hasn't been repealed yet. You just described all the problems we were having with Obamacare.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
There is no obamacare.

And the RWWipes in the House won't let his abortion even go to the senate.

Let's see how smart Eddie Munster is now that he's got to put his. Indy where his while ass mouth was.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-08-2017, 07:55 AM
Let's compare the process this time.

Obamacare was written up behind close doors in Harry Reid's office and all the Grubbered Dems fell in line and voted on something they didn't even read. We all were lied to and the Dems RECKLESSLY created a NON WORKING ENTITLEMENT and now the Dems are criticizing a Republicans proposal to try to work with that RECKLESS ENTITLEMENT without even reading it again!!

Because they created this horrible entitlement we can never go back and fix it with a free market approach.

The Democrat party has ZERO credibility and should just shut the fuck up and get out of the way.. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Trumpcare was written up bcd.

They are wanting to try and pass it your TV broke?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-08-2017, 07:57 AM
they will be .. and without the threat of Gov intervention. and we all know how that turned out? yeah???
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Please explain how everybody will be insured? Are you talking about everybody just using the ER as their healthcare provider?

You do realize that is why hospitals oppose this Trumpcare right. Nothing was done except give wealthy folks around a 200k a year tax break and rearrange the chairs on the Titanic.

Kinda like the real Titanic...all the rich folks get the life rafts and the poor will drown.
bambino's Avatar
Please explain how everybody will be insured? Are you talking about everybody just using the ER as their healthcare provider?

You do realize that is why hospitals oppose this Trumpcare right. Nothing was done except give wealthy folks around a 200k a year tax break and rearrange the chairs on the Titanic.

Kinda like the real Titanic...all the rich folks get the life rafts and the poor will drown. Originally Posted by WTF
Great! I hope Asswipe drowns first!!!!!!!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-08-2017, 09:45 AM
Great! I hope Asswipe drowns first!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Poor folks can keep their insurance on the Titanic....all the rich mofo's are taking the lifeboats!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Trumpcare was written up bcd.

They are wanting to try and pass it your TV broke? Originally Posted by WTF
Yeah but it is still a just A proposal and it's out there now and open for constructive debate. This version will be changed quite a bit.

Pay attention.
bamscram's Avatar
Republicans are disagreeing on it much less the dems. They may have to go behind closed doors to pass it.