I want to sponser a FBSM section!

Ford2221's Avatar
I second this!!!
There was a time when you could buy your own private forum but I cannot find the link now. The Spider Hole was/is one such private forum though I don't think its a payed for forum. You could control who get in and some loosing of some of the milder restrictions of the web site in general. Be youir own modarator to a limited extent.

Prehaps thats still on option?
I vote yes indeed
I like it!
I vote yes!!!!
prepare4trouble's Avatar

I hereby throw my support behind this endeavor
bkat6049's Avatar
Count me as for it.......
This has my vote as well.
+1 vote

I understand the arguments against a FBSM forum up to a point, but a little common sense goes a long way. If you got a BJ from a licensed provider who just happens to dig your chili, and you post it here... How is that a problem of the forum? You could just as easily post it in indy reviews.

Not having a forum doesn't prevent dumbies from doing stupid things!

IMHO, if the argument against a forum is to protect LMTs, then either
- don't give BCD credit for reviews (I know, shocking, but I bet it eliminates a lot of your concern.)
- Only allow reviews for ladies who have eccie profiles.

Then see how long it lasts, how active it is, and what kind of response you get.

(and I'll sign up for mod status - I'm all about the free FBSM!) (Yes, yes, I know, only *good* mods get freebies!)
  • Sami
  • 10-25-2013, 11:48 AM
I would love to see one, but I don't see it happening. Many have asked for a long while. I been practicing my FBSM almost 4yrs now. I really enjoy doing them. ST69 I have seriously considered going to school and get my license, but my guys insist I don't need it. A lot of pros and cons to being licensed.
NearHauteRed's Avatar
I would love to see one, but I don't see it happening. Many have asked for a long while. I been practicing my FBSM almost 4yrs now. I really enjoy doing them. ST69 I have seriously considered going to school and get my license, but my guys insist I don't need it. A lot of pros and cons to being licensed. Originally Posted by Sami
A FBSM section would be great, but many FS ladies like yourself offer FBSM, not to mention, many FBSM ladies offer FS so it would be a redundant section. As far as going to school to get your MT license, the cons outweigh the pros in this type of profession. If you can give a great massage, getting a license is not going to make the massage better, but if you get one, it will more than likely be stripped from you due to the nature of this business and I am sure you can spend that money on something else!
BushMaster's Avatar
It would be a great asset to ECCIE,

Would really help some of us in finding what we are looking for, ( in mid-cities, please pm me if available) lol

What is the hold up?
"Lets Do It"
I vote yes as well