Vote For Bernie On SuperTuesday!

HoeHummer's Avatar
Intellectual discussions for a change, thanks to the Shitholians.

Boys, yous are going to figure out soon enough, that the world thinks yous are fucking idiots, and judging by the patter in recent days, yous are doing nothing but proving them correct.

Clean it up, idiots. And wash your fucking hands!

LOLLING America’s finest, eh!
Hotrod511's Avatar
Andrew Yang, the Obama-era crony-capitalist who masqueraded as a "man of the people" came out and voiced his support for Joe Biden. The DNC are pulling out all the stops to "Stop the Bern".
Redhot1960's Avatar
Just voted

I outdone not bring myself to get in the Democrat line and vote for any dipshit Democrat.

I went into the Republican Polling line and proudly cast my vote for President Donald J Trump.
  • oeb11
  • 03-03-2020, 05:32 PM
That’s easy...anyone but trump. Wanna bet? Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Well j666 - expert ini gays as well. ???
last I understood people all have their own opinions, regardless of sexual orientation.

Gays are not a unified voting DPST bloc at your beck and call.

Believe it or not, there are many people of various non-binary orientations who support Trump - for what he has done for the nation. And whining individuals with two week educational curricula aren't capable of any opinion .

Plantation politics are going away - j666 - gonna have to live with it under trump for anotehr four years.
  • oeb11
  • 03-03-2020, 05:34 PM

How True - How True!!!
Look at the patronizing body language.

Chung Tran's Avatar
All 5 election judges(?) were black elders. I tried to sell it by parking in the handicapped space.

LOLLING! Originally Posted by gnadfly
just one at mine.. a black woman who took my ID and signed me in.. I'm standing, she's sitting, so I got a nice view of her ample cleavage.. tried not to be too obvious, staring down.

I felt a little tingle shortly before feeling the Bern!
Did you ask her where to put your superdelegate?
HoeHummer's Avatar
How did that works out for the Republicans?
  • oeb11
  • 03-04-2020, 08:47 AM
Texas is still undecided - to my last check.

i did vote Bernie - early and often!!
go Bernie - now facing the Great Overlord Obama - the man behind the Curtain!!! In addition to the candidates still standing - biden adn Lizzie. i wonder if Obama promised Lizzie the VP for stayng in the race???.
HoeHummer's Avatar

Must be petrifying for yous shitholians. A real leader with a real blackface, coming back to clean the shit off the outside of the torlet.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
meme of the day ..

More like #JoeMentia
bernie is getting serious now

he is dropping the BS from here on out

he says he will now be known as ernie anders
