Anybody got a better vid than this of Biden threatening to withhold money from Ukraine unless Hunter's Prosecutor is fired?

maybe.. nobody really said anything until recently.. the right wing only now seems to care. where the fuck have you guys been? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Too much malfeasance to keep up with!

I imagine some journalist somewhere was pushing this thing but it finally has traction now.

Many things get ignored at first and take time to resonate with the public.
  • Tiny
  • 09-26-2019, 09:54 AM
Starts at 1:20. Originally Posted by gnadfly
This video is from RT, which is funded by the Russian government. It's like Pravda was for the USSR.

Joe Biden probably isn't at fault here. Actually, he probably was acting against his son's best interests. Biden's being called out for demanding that the corrupt Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin be fired. Shokin was slow walking an investigation of Mykola Zlochevsky. Zlochevsky owned Burisima Holdings, and Hunter Biden was a director of Burisima. Presumably, once Shokin was removed as prosecutor, cases against Zlochevsky and other corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs could proceed. Vitaliy Kasko, Zlochevsky's deputy, provided a good description of what was going on:

one thing Trump's transcript will do, is definitely take Biden down. I was saying he would quit in October anyway, now I feel like the deal is sealed. if he had shit to say in his defense, he would be on Rachel Maddow in a one-on-one for an hour. but fuck, he wasn't doing TV before, his "people" knew he would falter. no way in Hell he's going near an interview. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
That's what I hate about all of this. We don't know how this will play out, but this is nothing compared to some of the things LBJ and Nixon did. And as IB says, Bill Clinton probably did as bad or worse but didn't get caught. But it looks bad for both Trump and Biden. So the chief beneficiaries are Warren and Sanders. If one of them is elected along with a Democratic Congress, we're going to be on the road to socialism. Their policies are straight out of the Francoise Hollande (French socialist) playbook when he was elected. I say "when he was elected" because he had to change course because of the damage to the economy. Unfortunately, the progressive wing of the Democratic Party did not learn from this, and is taking lessons from the same group of discredited French economists who advised Hollande.
Levianon17's Avatar
the right was moaning about this all day, but... why did they wait until today to call for an investigation and possible criminal charges? this shit happened years ago. they only bring it up because Trump is under fire now.

some Dude is going to be on Fox tomorrow morning, to lay out all his evidence about Biden.. a counter to the DIN's appearance "live" before the Committee.. apparently one unknown guy knows all about this Biden shit, and had held back until now to reveal it. where the fuck has the right wing Journalists been? was this so "normal" to y'all, that you ignored it until "your guy" was under fire? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Well maybe it happened years ago but it did actually happen. Unlike Christine Ford who claimed she was sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh thirty five years ago and that didn't happen. If Biden is nominated and wins the election in 2020 he'll be impeached. Democrats have no idea what they are getting themselves into. They are so bent on getting Trump they will ultimately fuck themselves.
Chung Tran's Avatar
If Biden is nominated and wins the election in 2020 he'll be impeached. Democrats have no idea what they are getting themselves into. They are so bent on getting Trump they will ultimately fuck themselves. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I don't think Biden has a prayer of winning the Presidency.. I said that months ago, before any of this Burisma stuff was widely reported.

I still think Biden will quietly leave the race, and yes, Sanders and Warren are the obvious beneficiaries.
I B Hankering's Avatar
This video is from RT, which is funded by the Russian government. It's like Pravda was for the USSR. Originally Posted by Tiny
This one ain't from RT, but it shows the same damn thing.

Sometimes, the messenger ain't got a damn thing to do with the story.

Quid Pro Quo Joe said what the fuck Quid Pro Quo Joe said.

The Hill's John Solomon will have more on Quid Pro Quo Joe's story tomorrow.
Levianon17's Avatar
I don't think Biden has a prayer of winning the Presidency.. I said that months ago, before any of this Burisma stuff was widely reported.

I still think Biden will quietly leave the race, and yes, Sanders and Warren are the obvious beneficiaries. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I agree. I think Biden will eventually find the door. As for Sanders and Warren neither of them fit the bill either.
  • oeb11
  • 09-26-2019, 04:54 PM
I agree. I think Biden will eventually find the door. As for Sanders and Warren neither of them fit the bill either. Originally Posted by Levianon17

The unbridled Socialism warren and sanders peddle won't fly in America - outside of Kalifornia and NYC.
It is a shame we cannot find better leadership for the nation than we have on stage at this time.

Where is the Eisenhower clone this nation needs??
The unbridled Socialism warren and sanders peddle won't fly in America - outside of Kalifornia and NYC.
It is a shame we cannot find better leadership for the nation than we have on stage at this time.

Where is the Eisenhower clone this nation needs?? Originally Posted by oeb11
The tear down culture of the DPST's makes everyone look small.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Why Was Ukraine's Top Prosecutor Fired? The Issue At The Heart Of The Dispute Gripping Washington

looks like this gang weren't on the same page.

Viktor was slow walking the Bursina investigation and trying to kill it. His actions was actually helping Hunter Biden unintentionally.

Joe Biden unintentionally had Viktor fired.

I don't have another link to to this claim which was told to me verbatim.

it was said that dems from the biden camp found out what Viktor was doing and they apologized for getting him fired and set him up in a cushy well paying job some where else.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I agree. I think Biden will eventually find the door. Originally Posted by Levianon17
better be BEFORE November 1st.. I predicted months ago that he would exit in October. if I'm wrong the Democrats will be sorry. they need to make up a reason unrelated to Burisma, fuck, say his Doctor advised against continuing. garner a little sympathy, whatever you do, leave.. because you simply hold back everyone else if you stay.

Where is the Eisenhower clone this nation needs?? Originally Posted by oeb11

the Right wouldn't support Mitt like they could have/should have. it wouldn't have taken much more to beat Obama.
Levianon17's Avatar
better be BEFORE November 1st.. I predicted months ago that he would exit in October. if I'm wrong the Democrats will be sorry. they need to make up a reason unrelated to Burisma, fuck, say his Doctor advised against continuing. garner a little sympathy, whatever you do, leave.. because you simply hold back everyone else if you stay.


the Right wouldn't support Mitt like they could have/should have. it wouldn't have taken much more to beat Obama. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Romney didn't have the fighting spirit like Trump has. If trump acted like Romney Clinton would have won. Trump beat all the Politicians at their own game and he'll do it again in 2020.
better be BEFORE November 1st.. I predicted months ago that he would exit in October. if I'm wrong the Democrats will be sorry. they need to make up a reason unrelated to Burisma, fuck, say his Doctor advised against continuing. garner a little sympathy, whatever you do, leave.. because you simply hold back everyone else if you stay. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You are correct regarding old Joe.

I'm still rooting for Booker!
Why Was Ukraine's Top Prosecutor Fired? The Issue At The Heart Of The Dispute Gripping Washington

Viktor was slow walking the Bursina investigation and trying to kill it. His actions was actually helping Hunter Biden unintentionally. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Activists say the case had been sabotaged by Shokin himself. As an example, they say two months before Hunter Biden joined Burisma's board, British authorities had requested information from Shokin's office as part of an investigation into alleged money laundering by Zlochevskiy. Shokin ignored them.
Shokin--like Giuliani--is a sleazy liar, no wonder Trump is so fond of them both.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The republicans have a major failing, they don't drive a stake in the heart of democrats when they have them dead to rights. Congressman Leahy was caught leaking sensitive information to the media when he was on the committee overseeing the CIA. He offered to resign and they let him go. Now leaky Leahy is a senator and slinging shit. Metzenbaum was allowed to leave under a dark cloud, Menendez ditto, Clyburn was a crooked judge and now he is a congressman. You've heard of Hillary, Haiti, her brothers, and missing billions?
themystic's Avatar
The republicans have a major failing, they don't drive a stake in the heart of democrats when they have them dead to rights. Congressman Leahy was caught leaking sensitive information to the media when he was on the committee overseeing the CIA. He offered to resign and they let him go. Now leaky Leahy is a senator and slinging shit. Metzenbaum was allowed to leave under a dark cloud, Menendez ditto, Clyburn was a crooked judge and now he is a congressman. You've heard of Hillary, Haiti, her brothers, and missing billions? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Come on Barleycorn. You have the biggest crook in the history of the US sitting in the Oval office fleecing the government for every dime he can get his hands on. Clinton and the Bushes did the same thing. Obama didn't