Ladies Who Require a Hobbyist's Real Life Information

I've always required RL information from potential clients, I would like the comfort of knowing who I am dealing with, a screen-name may help but just a simple membership to a site is not the golden ticket to see me. I have never had a problem with obtaining this information from the wonderful gentlemen I have met in the past and would not feel uncomfortable with someone who I felt was trying to avoid giving me certain information.

In my opinion, if you are dealing with a provider with a good reputation, great reviews, and screens appropriately you shouldn't have to worry about your identity being in danger because being careless with confidential information could harm her business as well.

But that is just my opinion.
John Bull's Avatar
You only need a drunken provider calling you once at 3 AM asking you to pick her up because her car broke down to learn really, really fast not to ever give out personal info.
Yes, I realize that all providers who read this will say that they'd never do such a thing; and I'm sure most wouldn't! But the problem is that I'm risking 40 yrs of marriage on that bet and the provider is risking little or nothing because if LE wants her, LE will get her and I don't care how hard she screens and what info she asks for.
I'm risking 40 yrs of marriage on that bet and the provider is risking little or nothing Originally Posted by John Bull
John I can't believe you just made that statement. Great you have been married 40 years. My life and well being trumps your 40 years.
John I can't believe you just made that statement. Great you have been married 40 years. My life and well being trumps your 40 years. Originally Posted by Ansley
I think I have a little crush on Ansley
I think I have a little crush on Ansley Originally Posted by Lovely Victoria
You may just have to get in line
It's a double edged sword to be sure. I think that in some instances, ladies believe that (even though you may not know our "real" name and "real" address) you know a lot of information on us and we know absolutely nothing about you (if you are relatively new and have zero references or references from unknown providers). You read our reviews, you find out our physical appearance, you find out what we will and will not do, most times you figure out our personalities, we have sites where you can see our pictures and a bio. We know absolutely NOTHING about you in general, especially the lurkers and the very part time hobbyists. You can find out if we are reputable and honest or if we are cash n dash scammers. Aside from getting in touch with providers you choose for us to contact... what can we do? We at least want to make sure that you are a real person with a safe job (as in non local government ya know) and since we know that LE would lie to us anyway.... and even if your proven not to be LE... we still don't know if you're some kind of rapist. Seriously, when first starting out or if I felt a bit odd about the appointment, I gave all the information to my sister - name, where we were going to be, hotel room, etc. If I disappeared or ended up raped, beat up, and left for dead... she would know who to go after.

Anyway, not knowing anything about you except for your board persona.... I think ladies need to do the level of screening that they will feel safest at.

And to reiterate, that article on screening was not my wording because I screen differently now that I'm older, wiser, and more experienced. I thought the article which I found on the net may be helpful for the newer ladies. If you follow the link after the article, it will take you to a page that has more information on effective screening for those that don't know how to screen. I edited down the original article.

Thanks for the discussion! I knew it would be agreed with by some and disagreed with by others but this is how we learn from each other.

I had a guy actually ASK to be screened and thought he could get away with giving me a fake name. It only took a search of his phone number to find his real name. Turned out he was a registered sex offender. Not two minutes after I told him I'd found his real name he had already disabled the email account he was using.
Exactly! Fine if LE wants us they'll get us. I'm less concerned with LE than I am with freakazoids who hated their mama's and carry a bloody hatchet in their car. To them, we are the "lost women", the "ones that won't be missed", the "disposable ones". It's why so many serial killers go after prostitutes. Sure, usually the streetwalker types, but the criminals are getting smarter and using technology now also.
gamma's Avatar
  • gamma
  • 07-18-2010, 12:57 AM
I think I have a little crush on Ansley Originally Posted by Lovely Victoria

...and after checking out your website I think I have a little crush on you.

As for info, privacy is basically dead but I like the illusion that is not.
So, you have to ask
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I think I have a little crush on Ansley Originally Posted by Lovely Victoria
You're not the only one! How I wish I would have known who Ansley was before I moved from ATL to PHX last year. Perhaps on one of my trips back home...
I think I have a little crush on Ansley Originally Posted by Lovely Victoria
Dear Victoria,

You're going to have to wedge me out of the way 'cause I'm at the front of that line.
Where's the "I gotta crush on Ansley" thread?

By the same token, I'd like to be on the "crush on Victoria" line, too.
Exactly! Fine if LE wants us they'll get us. I'm less concerned with LE than I am with freakazoids who hated their mama's and carry a bloody hatchet in their car. To them, we are the "lost women", the "ones that won't be missed", the "disposable ones". It's why so many serial killers go after prostitutes. Sure, usually the streetwalker types, but the criminals are getting smarter and using technology now also. Originally Posted by TxBrandy
Yeah this is exactly whom I am concerned about, without the proper screening information a person with bad intentions could slip out just as easily as he came in without anyway to track him.
Gryphon's Avatar
Exactly! Fine if LE wants us they'll get us. I'm less concerned with LE than I am with freakazoids who hated their mama's and carry a bloody hatchet in their car. To them, we are the "lost women", the "ones that won't be missed", the "disposable ones". It's why so many serial killers go after prostitutes. Sure, usually the streetwalker types, but the criminals are getting smarter and using technology now also. Originally Posted by TxBrandy
Oh, you (and all the lovely ladies on this board) would definitely be missed!

But seriously, I've never been able to fathom a woman being able to open the door and invite in a complete stranger. While I definitely appreciate it, it's one of the reasons I think women in general are more courageous than men. So from my perspective, whatever she needs to feel as safe as possible is okay--as long as a level of discretion is maintained.
  • MrGiz
  • 07-18-2010, 10:53 AM
Trouble is..... many, many serial rapist/killers have no criminal records whatsoever, until they are caught.... IF they are ever caught! Yes... screening is very important for the girls' safety.... but real names and addresses offer very little, in terms of a person's character. Hobby references offer more!

I can easily understand the double standard that Skylar admitted, when I asked if she was willing to offer the same info she asks for.... we are all special, aren't we?

Some screen to be wary of BOTH LE and the violent types. We check references to try to ensure you are not some serial violent type, we ask for real names to try and verify employment and google you to TRY and make sure you don't have a criminal record or are listed somewhere as Officer soandso.

So yea ok, "many, many serial rapist/killers have no criminal records whatsoever, until they are caught.... IF they are ever caught!" Well I WANT the sonofabitch to get caught! Fine, he comes up clean because he has no record because the dead or beat up lady is just a whore anyways and probably didn't know his real name so he just disappears to go be violent with someone else. Fuck that! I can destroy notes AFTER the appointment but if I never get back to do that, I want the bastard outed, caught, and FRIED so that he never does that to another woman. It's not just about protecting ME.

Ok re reading that I sounded kind of flying off the handle there. Sorry. I have no problem not knowing what your real name is as long as you have SOLID references. It's the newer guys that we worry about or those that make up references.