Trump wins border wall dispute at Supreme Court

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
what do you mean "they"? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

they is matchingmole
  • oeb11
  • 08-02-2020, 12:52 PM
Clyburn today brought the tired old nazi Pelosi bs that Trump would not leve office pacefully if no re-elected.

Trump obeys the Constitution - a document tht guides our Country - and the DimLib DPST's are intent on tearing down.

DimLibs always accuse the Conservatives of their own aims and goals - they preview what they are thinking and planning.

if Biden Loses - there will be riots and looting, arosn and murder in every DPST led city in America in retirubtion.

And if biden is elected - it will either be Civil War - or there will never be a free election again in Amerika./
sportfisherman's Avatar
So Chump won something ?

Will this help his campaign and re-election chances ?

How does this "win" compare to ;

1.Unemployment debacle
2.Economic Depression catastrophe
3.Viral Nightmare
4.Civil Unrest/Protests/Discord

So Chump should push this ?
Is this one he will claim and own ; take responsibility for ?
Or is this one to disavow and distance from like he does so often ?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
‘Hating Joe Biden doesn’t juice up their base’: Key swing state slips away from Trump

To drive down Biden’s support among suburban and older voters, Trump’s campaign has spent at least $4.5 million on misleading campaign ads across Pennsylvania that claim police will be defunded by a Biden administration. Biden has said repeatedly he opposes the idea.

Rep. Dwight Evans, a Philadelphia Democrat who represents a majority-Black district, said he worries about the spots, as well as Trump’s attempts to stoke fear about recent civil unrest and crime in the largest city in the state.

  • oeb11
  • 08-02-2020, 08:10 PM
Trump has no need to stoke fears of unrest in America's DPST mis-managed cities - the mayors and governors will handle stoking racial unrest themselves nicely - and try to blame Trump - as is 9500 above

it is true Incompetence - trying to create a marxist violent revolution - and blaming trump for it.

Seattle has disbanded its' police - watch what happens.

it is a blueprint for America by the marxist DPST's!!!

YSL is a racist meme - 9500 - get some professional help!
don't dis-respect the LGBTQ Plantation group - it is part of your gang! integral to OBLM!
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Trump has no need to stoke fears of unrest in America's DPST mis-managed cities - the mayors and governors will handle stoking racial unrest themselves nicely - and try to blame Trump - as is 9500 above

it is true Incompetence - trying to create a marxist violent revolution - and blaming trump for it.

Seattle has disbanded its' police - watch what happens.

it is a blueprint for America by the marxist DPSY's!!!

YSL is a racist meme - 9500 - get some professional help!
don't dis-respect the LGBTQ Plantation group - it is part of your gang! integral to OBLM! Originally Posted by oeb11
Really?? I haven't seen any evidence of governors, or mayors, stoking unrest. Got any evidence?

Seattle's police are still intact and working. Please stop lying.

What makes you think Yves Saint Laurent is a racist meme? He was a French fashion designer who wasn't political.

Why are you making this stuff up?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
He has a little, little brain.
  • oeb11
  • 08-02-2020, 08:51 PM
Thank you - Size of cerebrum has no effect on fucntion.
Patients with hydrocephalus with extremely thin cerebrum's can function quite normally.

but - 9500 knew that anyway.