Voter fraud bullshit exposed!

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-24-2012, 12:29 PM
Well, son-of-a-bitch!?! Now your lame-ass wants to equivocate over the number convicted and the number on trial !?! THIS -- after you just ignorantly started this thread and made repeated posts claiming voter fraud NEVER happens!?! You need to get your fucking story straight, marks-rocks-with-pee.

Are you going to continue to argue voter fraud never happens, or are you now going to argue that no one was ever convicted of voter fraud? BTW, if you argue either way, you are going to further validate that you are a Dim-witted moron, marks-rocks-with-pee, because -- and here you've demonstrated that your cognitive skills are obviously impaired or undeveloped -- a number for those convicted was already posted @ #7: "177 people have been convicted -- not just accused, but convicted -- of voting fraudulently in the Senate race. Another 66 are awaiting trial." Originally Posted by I B Hankering

177 ?

snick ........
markroxny's Avatar
Marks-rocks-with-pee, you're the ignorant-ass that started this ignorant thread with the ignorant assertion that voter fraud NEVER occurs! Are you still arguing -- in the face of over whelming evidence to the contrary -- that voter fraud NEVER occurs? You ARE a fucking moron, and voter fraud happens!

Regarding Novemeber 6: you can't see a god-damned thing, marks-rocks-with-pee. You are blitzed on Odumbo Kool Aid, and you're incapable of dealing with minor autonomic functions let alone higher, cognitive functions such as thinking and recognition.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

My first post was a quoted article and a link, so how the fuck you saying i started a thread that says it never occurs.




KoolAid Count = KoolAid Count+1
Odumbo Count = Odumbo Count+1
I B Hankering's Avatar
177 ?

snick ........ Originally Posted by CJ7
Sniffing dick again, CBJ7?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-24-2012, 12:38 PM
"Since 2000, only 10 cases of in-person voter fraud have been proven nationally."
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think you think you're serious...Pick up a history book dimwits. Voter fraud has always been the hallmark of the democratic party. The Tweed machine, Tammany Hall, The Daly Machine, The Pendergast Machine, The KKK, Polls taxes, to modern times of St. Louis, Clay County Missouri, Philadelphia and the Black Panthers, Kansas City, Broward County Florida, etc, etc, etc. The democratic is GUILTY and will remain GUILTY until they clean their own house.
I B Hankering's Avatar

My first post was a quoted article and a link, so how the fuck you saying i started a thread that says it never occurs.




KoolAid Count = KoolAid Count+1
Odumbo Count = Odumbo Count+1 Originally Posted by markroxny
Marks-rocks-with-pee, you entitled this thread "Voter fraud bullshit exposed". The definition of "bullshit" is "nonsense" and/or "false"; hence, you posted "voter fraud is nonsensical and false." BTW (have fun, ass-hole!):

Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie.
Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie.
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I B Hankering's Avatar
"Since 2000, only 10 cases of in-person voter fraud have been proven nationally." Originally Posted by CJ7
243 people have already been convicted or are awaiting trial on voter fraud underscores a persistent concern that, despite their small share of the vote, ineligible ballots can actually swing results."

"177 people have been convicted -- not just accused, but convicted -- of voting fraudulently in the Senate race. Another 66 are awaiting trial."
markroxny's Avatar

Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie.
Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie.
Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie.
Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Marks-rocks-with-pee is a Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Just what i thought on all counts. Saying an issue is bullshit is not the same as saying it never happens. It's just not an issue that is gonna change this election. So you #failed IDIOT!

And you also proved my other have a tea-pot dome for a brain, no arguments so all your stupid little pea head can do is say the same shit over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over and over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over and over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over
I B Hankering's Avatar
Just what i thought on all counts. Saying an issue is bullshit is not the same as saying it never happens. It's just not an issue that is gonna change this election. So you #failed IDIOT!

And you also proved my other have a tea-pot dome for a brain, no arguments so all your stupid little pea head can do is say the same shit over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over and over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over
over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over Originally Posted by markroxny
So now you are rejecting Merriam-Webster definitions, marks-rocks-with-pee!?!

BTW, told you couldn't count that high on your fingers and toes.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-24-2012, 12:56 PM
I B Hankering's Avatar Originally Posted by CJ7
243 people have already been convicted or are awaiting trial on voter fraud underscores a persistent concern that, despite their small share of the vote, ineligible ballots can actually swing results."

"177 people have been convicted -- not just accused, but convicted -- of voting fraudulently in the Senate race. Another 66 are awaiting trial."
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-24-2012, 01:00 PM
243 people have already been convicted or are awaiting trial on voter fraud underscores a persistent concern that, despite their small share of the vote, ineligible ballots can actually swing results."

"177 people have been convicted -- not just accused, but convicted -- of voting fraudulently in the Senate race. Another 66 are awaiting trial." Originally Posted by I B Hankering

speaking of the over and over Queen ...

I B Hankering's Avatar
speaking of the over and over Queen ...

lmao Originally Posted by CJ7
Hey, moron, you've been posting the same 'message' over and over and over, and now you dare dissemble over the verbiage used!?!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-24-2012, 01:25 PM
Hey, moron, you've been posting the same 'message' over and over and over, and now you dare dissemble over the verbiage used!?! Originally Posted by I B Hankering

nah, just pointing out what a stupid MF'r you are.
I B Hankering's Avatar
nah, just pointing out what a stupid MF'r you are. Originally Posted by CJ7
Another instance of you, "the kettle", calling the pot black: hypocrite!