Anyone on fetlife or chaturbate?

well...i had to change my name on there cause i had people looking up my account and asking me to do things listed on that account during a normal session. I'm not really sure I want to be on any of these accounts anymore
I'm on Fet, I use it as a social networking site, not a dating site or a place to advertise. I've been a member for over 5 years and in that time, FL is the only site I frequent that has been a constant. Great pictures, ability to keep in touch with friends, show off pictures of myself, and participate in group discussions is what keeps me there.

I never seem to discover anyone worthwhile on there but there are many people I have met through other mediums whom I later friend on Fet after we have made first contact elsewhere.

John Baku, owner of the site, is actually denying any new membership requests until further notice. Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
Yup pretty much same for me. Although if you do come across me in Fetland, don't mention the hobby. I do not use my fetlife for hobby stuff. It's all personal. I got so angry when a client went and tracked me down on fetlife and started messaging me asking how much I would charge for such and such. I was like "dude, no." It's like finding my FB and messaging me hobby stuff. Please remember, gents, that Fetlife is a social networking site and some providers use it for their personal life. Don't assume it's just another way to try and get sex. The community and Fet is a very important thing for some of us.
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
well...i had to change my name on there cause i had people looking up my account and asking me to do things listed on that account during a normal session. I'm not really sure I want to be on any of these accounts anymore Originally Posted by Cayde1129
I wouldn't be so quick to cancel your fet account as they closed new sign ups unless you get an invite and existing members are only getting a limited number of lifetime invites.
Some dude just messaged me on my fet calling me an illegal whore basically. This is why we can't have nice things. The disrespectful idiots ruin it for everyone.

And to the dude who messaged me that shit, you're a fucking FUCKTARD and a fucking stalking weirdo. If someone says their Fet is personal don't fucking track them down to call them an illegal whore. Wtf are you even doing on this site?

My fet is PERSONAL. Do not contact me via Fet about hobby shit. I will chew you a new asshole and block you. There's a reason I'm not giving out my fet handle.

Please if you sign up for fet, it's NOT a dating site. It's NOT a hooker site. It's a social media site and unless you have permission from an escort don't contact her on Fet.
I have tried to sign up on Fetlife for several weeks, but they are not accepting new members��
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Butt of course Im on FetLife what better place to post those kinky pictures....MsAthenas is the handle there
I am sexxmetalbarbie. Usually online late late or early am. Favorite me and you'll be notified when im online.

Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
I have tried to sign up on Fetlife for several weeks, but they are not accepting new members�� Originally Posted by JohnBrownToo
They closed new member sign ups. Now you have to know somebody on there to get an invite.

Here's the announcement post about it.

My new fetish, watching kinksters hypothesize why FetLife turned off signup. I tried to add it to the fetish list… but allegedly it’s too long! :-/
Some of my favourite ones include:
  • John is lazy
  • John is stupid
  • John is fed up
  • John only cares about loving boobs
  • John only cares about money
  • John has diarrhea
  • John forgot he started FetLife
  • John joined the stubby edition of the Chippendales
  • John doesn’t care about FetLife anymore
  • John’s fallen and he can’t get up
Did I mention the “John doesn’t care about FetLife anymore” hypothesis?!?!
The one hypothesis I didn’t see much of was:
The team at FetLife cares so much about the community that they are willing to take a short-to-medium term loss, to create a better, healthier, safer, and more vibrant community over the long-run.
And the reason they are not communicative is because FetLife is a very small team and everyone has their heads down and are focusing on making FetLife better.
I know… I know… crazy.
And yes, I know… the vocal minority tends to be negative nannies while the majority are smarter than that.
Hammer Time!
My-my-my-my music makes me so hard makes me say oh my Lord
Thank you for blessing me with a mind to rhyme and two hype feet
That's good when you know you're down
A super dope homeboy from the Oaktown
And I'm known as such
And this is a beat uh u can't touch
So to answer people’s questions…
Why didn’t you make an announcement earlier?
Because we were focusing on solving the problem.
Why are you announcing it now?
Because many of the details have been worked out so I can now take a breath and the time to properly explain things to the community.
Why did you guys turn off signup in the first place?
There is not one reason… it’s a combination of many reasons… but the overall decision was based on us wanting to prioritize the experience of current members over signing up new members.
I don’t know about you… but it really pisses me off when a company treats new customers better than their loyal customers that have supported them over the years. People that were no longer customers in many cases… but people who have become friends and extended family. And I was tired of us doing that here.
So we turned off signup to get our priorities straight and ask ourselves how we can make FetLife better for current members and the community as a whole.
How has turning off signups changed things?
Turning off the signup process decreased our support cases by over 50%. We went from taking days to handle some reports and emails to most being handled in minutes now.
I just logged into the program we use to handle emails and reports and we only have one email that has not been responded to.. and it’s one minute old. Before we closed our signup form… if memory serves me correct… case count was over 1,500 and some emails and reports were over 1 week old. Not cool Mr. Carter.
It also decreased our revenue by approximately 15-20%, since 15-20% of our revenue comes from new members. So I guess that negated the “John only cares about money” hypothesis.
Why do you think cases dropped by over 50%?
Mainly because the equation has changed. There is now a true consequence to people’s actions. I estimate more than 120 hours a week was devoted to dealing with trouble members. That’s a lot of hours.
Is FetLife going to ever turn sign-up back on?
Yes and no. Will the old signup return? No. Will new people be able to join FetLife? Yes.
How will people be able to join FetLife in the future?
That is something we will iterate over. But at first, kinksters will only be able too join by invite only.
How will someone get an invite?
Another member of FetLife will have to invite them.
Will everyone get an unlimited amount of invites?
Will everyone on FetLife be able to invite someone to join?
Who will get invites to start?
So that we can get this out in a reasonable amount of time, the first people to get invites will be people who have supported FetLife. For every two months you’ve supported FetLife, you will get one invite. So if you supported us for 6 months. You will get 3 invites. If you support us for 6 months in the future. You will get another 3 invites.
Lifetime supporters will get 24 invites each.
This will be retroactive.
When will you start to give out invites to supporters?
Early next week. But hopefully sooner.
Hey hey… how about non-supporters?
Invites WILL NOT BE limited to just supporters. We are doing that first to get the invitation system out sooner than later. Then we will start looking at the process of giving invites to more people.
Will everyone get invites to give out eventually?
Absolutely not. Some members of the community will get invites and continue to get more invites… while others won’t get any invites at all.
The formula has not been solidified yet so I can’t comment on it further at this point. But suffice to say… if all you do is violently attack other members of the community… you probably won’t get any invites… let alone keep your current account! #BasicLogic
How will this make FetLife better for everyone?
Barriers to entry don’t solve all problems… but they can drastically decrease them.
How about people who don’t know anyone on FetLife and want to join? I didn’t know anyone when I joined!
Neither did I! But all problems have solutions and all solutions have pros and cons. We are putting one foot in front of the other and we will iterate until we find the right balance that creates the best possible community.
How long did it take you to write this announcement?
Over 3 hours. To write takes long… to write well takes even longer! :-/ And no… I don’t consider this writing good! :-/
Thanks for being patient and thank you for hearing me out.
And… oh yeah… Obama for a 3rd Term!
StaceyMay's Avatar
I am on a site that's similar- I dont go on much- but will be on more once school starts again
Bikerjoe337's Avatar
I just joined Fetlife and looking for friends on there,same handle as here. If I do become friends on fet with any providers here I promise to be a gentleman and keep the hobby separate and respect your personal lives. The hobby is great to enjoy the company of ladies but even through the hobby, part of what makes it exciting for me is meeting new and interesting people. If I hobby long enough I do hope to make at least a couple of good friends, maybe not be completely involved in their personal lives but at least enough to not be just about business.
like that Chaturbate
I am on BOTH.
I think I am too boring for
They closed new member sign ups. Now you have to know somebody on there to get an invite.

Here's the announcement post about it. Originally Posted by Keyhole Arc Blow
There are too many people now who are not even into the lifestyle and are abusing the real definition of Fetish and BDSM people.
It is turning really gamey.
I'm glad that maybe it can go back to what the owners intended...a venue for FETISH and BDSM.
Danson&Highsmith's Avatar
I was on MyFreeCams before I came here, but eventually it was just not enough. I liked some of the girls I saw on there and got to know some of them, but I'd rather be in the company than just watching from a screen if I can.

Not on Fet and don't know much about it.