The numbers mentioned in the OPs article have been debunked.

Clinton won 487 counties nationwide, compared with 2,626 for Trump.

But the gist of his post as to why we need to keep the Electoral College are still spot on. A handful of large cities should not dictate who the next president shall be.
Hotrod511's Avatar
The electoral college actually creates a uneven playing field in that not everyone’s vote carries the same weight. Why should it matter where you live, 1 vote should be 1 vote. Trump lost this past election as over 3 million more people voting for Hillary Clinton, she was the people’s choice. Trump did not win but was awarded the presidency because the electoral college discounted votes for Hillary Clinton, that cannot be described as a equal playing field in any manner. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Attention Everybody

this is the dumbest professor ever
Try explaining that to the morons here. They don’t get it. Originally Posted by bambino
Logic and facts NEVER matter to liberals. Just feelings and whims.

Whatever it is that doesn't fit their agenda AT THE MOMENT ...

...they consider wrong and want to throw out the system unless it works for them!

Anarchist, Nazis, Racist, Socialist Cry-Babbies is all they are. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Exactly. Lets look at Ca and OH for example. How many times did they put legalizing weed to the VOTER, but LOST? THEN what did they do? OH YEA whine and cry to the courts to overturn the will of the people..

They are afraid of books, statues, and now trees in California!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
What they should be afraid of is all the damn forest fires!

I believe they actually want NK to lob a nuclear warhead over here so they can "start over"! They can't get Trump out of the White House, they can't have socialized medicine, and they can't take up everyone's firearms ....

so they want to destroy this country like a bunch of immature brats ...

... throwing a tantrum! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I am honestly to the point, i would actually CHEER if Kim ung did just that and popped off a nuke in CA..
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
.... more proof you're an idiot who doesn't teach "chit"!

What creats an "uneven playing field" is to not know "chit" about what's going on out in the country, depending on FBI agents to manipulate the elections with fake information, buying demonstrators and media pundits, and staying drunk every day believing you are going to be "anointed" PRESIDENT!

Not to mention looking like this!

Trying to ride in on one's husband's coat tails is not considered to be an "Independent New Age Liberal Female" especially after you accuse your opponent of being a predator when you previously trashed your Predator-Husband's accusers and called your opponents supporters a basket of DEPLORABLES!

The list of excuses grows,

............... but are "we" now recycling to the Electoral College?

1. Comey and the FBI
2. Electoral College
3. Russian Collusion
4. Born outside of the United States
5. Wife posed naked one time
6. Bad hair
7. Tweets too much
8. Fucks his son's wife
9. Doesn't produce his tax returns
10. Wife doesn't like him
11. Criminal
12. Crazy
13. Wants WWIII
14. Doesn't know what he's doing.
15. His staff is revolting
16. 20-30 years ago allegedly grabbed a girl's pussy
17. Electoral college.
18. ______________________________ _ End of the first year!

I can already hear her cries for leniency. Originally Posted by LexusLover

She did not call Trump supporters deplorable, she called a huge number of the American people deplorable. The people she wanted to represent. The people made up of veterans, the elderly, movers and shakers, middle Americans, and patriots. Note to Standin Shit; it is fake news to say Trump lost the election no matter how many more popular votes Hillary had. We have 50 separate elections and Hillary should have spent less time in New York and California (which she was going to win anyway) and more time in Michigan and Pennsylvania.