Penile "pearling"

Yes, it was perfectly placed.
Edited to say: Diamonds are a girls best friend. Now in more ways than one!
mm-good's Avatar
Thanks. Good to know. It actually looked very well done. It looked much more appealing IMO than the pics I saw that were more of the extreme body mod ones.

Even more compelling to know it works some nice magic too

Thanks for bringing this to the Realm!
mm-good's Avatar
Yes, it was perfectly placed.
Edited to say: Diamonds are a girls best friend. Now in more ways than one! Originally Posted by Nicolet
I love how you think!
I personally would love to experience this
How different...curious to how this would feel!
That is nasty. I'd imagine it could damage both parties I'm the long run by losing sensation. Originally Posted by dallasfan
I would agree with that.

mm-good's Avatar
... mmm but that 'lil diamond looks pretty cool and doable. Maybe a new fun shape?

I doubt much loss of sensation on that single well placed, very useful bit.

I am pretty sure thought some of the more severe decorative (?) body modification would at least desensitize you to some pain.

(I'll freely admit a bit squeemishness there!)

** One person's nasty <=> Another person's fancy **
Beau Derierre's Avatar
I am into some real kinky things..but i have to go with "ouch" on this one.
I found it rather stimulating, in more ways than one!
Tell ya what, I'll wear a studded penis sleeve: but nothing permanent!
I'm sure that will produce results!
roninok's Avatar
I believe it is/was originally an asian thing that wealthy people do. Reason I say that is i worked with a few korean fisherman on a korean tuna boat about 20 years ago who would take to cutting pieces of toothbrush handle and shaping them into little round balls and implanted them just under the skin of their penis along the top sealing it with super glue. It was quite disturbing to me at the time. They told me the rich japanese did it and i told them they were sick bastards.
I never followed up after I left there nor did I keep tabs on them, so I have no idea how "that worked out for them".
So it does nothing for the man's pleasure?
Strictly to help stimulate the woman?
Guess it's a drawing card.
What do you say to a woman? "Want to see my diamond?
Want to See My String of pearls?
Quite the ice breaker.
Some of those pics Made Me Shrink up.
I have heard Yakuza members earn 1 per year spent in prison.
@ daveindallas, I'm sure if you saw what ladies go through with breast implants (that, I can post pictures of, if you like), you would shrink up!
I'll admit, my musings were greedy and one sided. I did not think of my partners sensitivity. I'll ask him and report back, although I'm sure he did it for his partners pleasure and that he is not as selfish as I am.