biden bombs syria

HedonistForever's Avatar
Anyone surprised by this? We basically have The kenyan back in office with a lot of his admin/hoodlums! Originally Posted by winn dixie

Actually, some of the experts tonight are giving Biden credit for doing what Obama wouldn't do, take on Iran.

Israel said very pleased with US strikes in Syria: ‘Biden is not Obama’

Officials tell Walla News they see attacks on Iran-backed militia base as a positive signal about new administration’s posture toward Tehran, say US gave Israel advance notice

Israel is highly pleased with Thursday night’s US airstrikes against an Iranian-backed militia base on the Syrian-Iraqi border, Israeli officials told Walla News Friday.
Officials told Walla they see the strikes as a positive signal about the new administration’s posture toward Iran, and believe it will send a message to Tehran that it must restrain itself and its proxies in the region.
They said they had been concerned by growing Iranian provocations in the region, often through its proxies, and had shared this concern with the Americans.

“The Iranians didn’t realize that [US President Joe] Biden is not [Barack] Obama, and that if they will continue down this road of miscalculation they will eventually get hit,” an Israeli official told Walla.
The report added that Washington had notified Israel in advance of the airstrikes. The notice was a routine update that occurs whenever US operations may affect Israel and vice versa.
In the first military action undertaken by the Biden administration, the US launched airstrikes in Syria targeting facilities near the Iraqi border used by Iranian-backed militia groups. The Pentagon said the strikes were retaliation for a rocket attack in Iraq earlier this month that killed one civilian contractor and wounded a US service member and other coalition troops.

While pointing out that Biden has been wrong on literally everything that came before, I'm giving him credit on this one. It took 3 attacks by Shia militia supported by Iran though they deny any linkage to this group, before they decided they knew exactly who to hit.

What I disagree with is this "proportional response" bullshit. Our policy should be, "we will hit you twice as hard on the first offense and if you do it again, we will hit you till there is no one left to hit, without hitting Iran directly. These are militias I'm talking about.

I'm pretty sure that right now, plans are on the table for an all out massive attack on Iran nuclear facilities if Israel pushes the matter that far. To avoid as much damage to our positions in that part of the world, we would need to target every single missile launcher we could find, every airfield and destroy every single port capable of launching warships and fast boats and co-ordinate all this with Israel.

If we are going to take out their nuclear capability it will have to be a destroy everything less they hit our bases and troops.

I hope it never comes to all out war but I hope we have the nerve to do so if needed. This crap about letting Iran arm proxies all over the Middle East is bullshit.

Where is Rep Omar and the suspects complaining about the Muslim persecutors?
winn dixie's Avatar
The "squad" is still cowering from the near death experience they had.

bahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahah a
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
biden is a hypocrit. he criticized trump's actions toward Iran. so, now, he's taking a page from trump.
winn dixie's Avatar
Wheres the outrage in the lsm? Fucking hypocrites
rexdutchman's Avatar
The LSM is to busy being stupid over the covid shots ( u unknow Big T s vaccines ) and going to Houston
Senility NOW .
ON the LSM they have spent more time on Teddy ( not right but) then the CHINESE spy S that were driving Fienstiens and fucking the guy so that's where the LSM is right now
HedonistForever's Avatar
biden is a hypocrit. he criticized trump's actions toward Iran. so, now, he's taking a page from trump. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Being a hypocrite is a prerequisite to being a Democrat.
Ripmany's Avatar
All president bomb Syria just like they all live in the White House.
  • oeb11
  • 02-27-2021, 11:48 AM
There is a still applicable parody of teh Beach Boys 'Barbra Ann' - even covered by the late Sen John McCain.

McCain Sings "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran"

I have reservations about bombing a country with a majority of young people chafing at the tyranny of the ruling Iranian elderly theocracy, but no hesitancy about bombing the Mullahs!


Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran
Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb
Bomb Iran
Let's take a stand
Bomb Iran
Our country's got a feelin'
Really hit the ceilin', bomb Iran
Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran

Went to a mosque, gonna throw some rocks
Tell the Ayatollah, "Gonna put you in a box!"
Bomb Iran. Bomb, bomb, bomb
Bomb Iran
Our country's got a feelin'
Really hit the ceilin', bomb Iran
Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran

Ol' Uncle Sam's gettin' pretty hot
Time to turn Iran into a parking lot
Bomb Iran. Bomb, bomb, bomb
Bomb Iran
Our country's got a feelin'
Really hit the ceilin', bomb Iran
Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran

Call the volunteers; call the bombadiers;
Call the financiers; better get their *** in gear
Bomb Iran. Bomb, bomb, bomb
Bomb Iran
Our country's got a feelin'
Really hit the ceilin', bomb Iran
Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran
(Let's nuke 'em! Whoo!)

Call on our allies to cut off their supplies
Get our hands untied, and bring em' back alive
Bomb Iran. Bomb, bomb, bomb
Bomb Iran
Our country's got a feelin'
Really hit the ceilin', bomb Iran
Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran

Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran
Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb
Bomb Iran
Let's take a stand
Bomb Iran
Our people you been stealin'
Now it's time for "keelin", bomb Iran
Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-27-2021, 01:06 PM
On the flip side of that Trump had more loyalty to the American people than Biden has. Originally Posted by Levianon17
wtf doesnt care about that. Originally Posted by winn dixie
That is because it is utter bullshit.

Trump cared about Trump. Period. End of story. Nobody could care less about this country than a fellow narcissist.

So on his worst day...if you consider Biden a narcissist, than they could care equally less about this country.

But nobody can care less than Trump.
winn dixie's Avatar
Trump is a Patriot! He entered politics because he cared about this Country!
Anything else is just verbal vomit!
We need to leave the goddamn middle east alone. I'm really tired of all this imperialist bullshit.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-27-2021, 01:37 PM
Trump is a Patriot! He entered politics because he cared about this Country!
Anything else is just verbal vomit! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Trump entered the primary to elevate his brand.

He was as shocked as the pundits were when he won.

He is about as patriotic as Benedict Arnold or a better comparison...Julius Rosenberg and Ethel Rosenberg
winn dixie's Avatar
Trump entered the primary to elevate his brand.

He was as shocked as the pundits were when he won.

He is about as patriotic as Benedict Arnold Originally Posted by WTF
Yeah right!

Booming economy till the chinese wuhan virus hit.
Stock market booming
Lowest unemployment in decades
Made other Countries pay their fair share
Did not enter into any new wars
Made America Again!

Id say Trump cared!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-27-2021, 01:45 PM
We need to leave the goddamn middle east alone. I'm really tired of all this imperialist bullshit. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Our Jewish friends will never let that happen.

They have joined up with the evangelicals and it is in our destiny to protect Israel.

Instead of MAGA it should have been MIGA