The Age Factor??

offshoredrilling's Avatar
I started at 25. Now 60. I find looking at younger girls ok. But can't stand being alone with for very long. So most of the providers I see are Ahem retired. As they are seeing only clients they picked to keep seeing. How long or short that list is for most I can't be sure, other than one. And I know her list only because she has a way for loosing all her numbers. And strangely I know most she keeps seeing. So I have a copy of her list numbers. So when she has a ops with cell. I get a call LOL.

So you could try to get on about to retire gals short list. That is if she going to try that. And it may be hard to get on a gals list being a fairly new client for a gal.
breastfan's Avatar
I may be opposite of most in the hobby. I started in my early 30's and am only an occasional participant. I've alway enjoyed the company of older to much older women at whatever my stage in life. Now in 50's finding a provider with this particular preference is slim pickings. It seems I've been gravitating to providers in their late 30's and up and still finding that level of comfortability.
Have I ever thought about a provider in her 20's? HELL YEAH!!!
But every time I go to book one these lovely ladies I start getting cold feet.
I still want to be able to connect with my provider on some level, and the age difference itself.
She would be close to my daughters age etc,etc.....
And the opens the father/daughter fantasy which is where I know my mind will go.
When I turned 50 my sexual desires and fantasies have gone through the roof, and it seems younger providers are more willing to fulfill these (from what I hear). It's on me to get over this age difference as I think I would have a good time and isn't that what it about....

Sorry for being so long winded.
Guest010619's Avatar
I noticed they look at the wad of cash in your hands and ignore anything else. Originally Posted by Gotyour6
That's the other bulge in your pants that gets the most attention.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I think we all have preferences and things we enjoy. I suppose this is why it might be important to do a little homework. If you're just looking for an inexpensive, quick, close, and available warm wet hole, then no homework needed and don't complain about what ya found.

Hobbyists are different and seem to understand the concept of finding a lady in the wheelhouse of many things, including certain aesthetic characteristics and personality types of women to go along with the main objective. If ya can't find specifically the type of lady you desire in your area, step out of the box, and ya might be pleasantly surprised at times. Best of Luck!
Interesting discussion. Don't think it is an issue at all for most.
Always a nice touch to a ladies' profile if she indicates a preferred age range.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Always a nice touch to a ladies' profile if she indicates a preferred age range. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
I believe for most ladies the preferred age range is: on time, clean, respectful, donation correct. Not necessarily in that order.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Howdy, I've been a lurker here a long time but find it a great site.

I haven't hobbied in several years but would love to indulge now and then. My question is aimed towards providers but feedback is appreciated from all. I started in the hobby when I was 50 out in Denver. Now I'm near Sioux falls and let's just say, the choice of professional reputable ladies is small. I've been hesitant as now I'll be turning 62 soon and so many ladies are, well very young. In Denver it was easy to find someone closer to my age. So is this something I just need to get over in my mind? Do providers really care about a BIG age gap? I've always been a respectful gentleman when it comes to this hobby and appreciate the ladies I've visited. So, is it just my shyness of the age difference thing or do others feel the same? I'd love to get some opinions Originally Posted by chuckwalla
I've noticed far more guys (including some of my own clients) to be more hung up on age (age difference rather) than the ladies. Well before I was a provider I've enjoyed dating men much older than me. If anything for the most part providers especially younger ones (like myself and even younger) warmly welcome and appreciate our older clients....especially your age bracket of 60+. So might just need to get over it in your mind lol. Take care <3
Thanks........It's likely that us "older dudes" are a bit more appreciative and less crazy lol No more raging hormones ;-)
Guest072918's Avatar
to ladies closer to my age (50's). But, I'm looking for more of a connection and usually book multi-hour appointments. There are some great mature ladies in Colorado. I am sure some of them are willing to travel.
$$$ are ageless.