Is it broken, if so, how can it be fixed?

Oswald never fired a shot, .... those who are interested. Originally Posted by dirty dog
...opinon of fact? Fact needs source information, reliable. NOT SAYING THIS IS NOT TRUE, but such strong statements need verification. We need to distinguish between the two to avoid problems within the discussion and other threads. Just good formating to avoid division and dissention?
dirty dog's Avatar
Well I think it can be assumed since I was not in the book depository that it is my opinion.
Well I think it can be assumed since I was not in the book depository that it is my opinion. Originally Posted by dirty dog
You have CIA, NSA, black ops, etc. access to information?
dirty dog's Avatar
You have CIA, NSA, black ops, etc. access to information? Originally Posted by ss4699
I have access to information, and I know people but again I am not in the CIA, NSA, etc. which is why as I stated before it is an opinion. Are you trying to provoke me for some reason, if you dont like what I wrote ignore it.

I am not going to quote source information its available on the net, you might check out the FBI interviews with Trafficanti. I am also very knowledgeable about firearms and am familar with the weapon alleged to have been used by Oswald. I have been to the Plaza in Dallas many times and am familar with both the book depository and the Grassy Knoll. I know what a bullet does to the human body, i know how to determine an entry and exit wound and the differences in the two.

But as I said officer its an opinion much as your comment was.
I have access to information, and I know people but again I am not in the CIA, NSA, etc. which is why as I stated before it is an opinion. Are you trying to provoke me for some reason, if you dont like what I wrote ignore it. Originally Posted by dirty dog
DD - don't take offense. I think ss has a tendency to want to provoke discussion through challenging statements made regardless of their source. Sometimes (as he did with comments I made) he may not realize the way he challenges questions is offensive and can be interpreted as an attack rather than as a question.

ss - no offense intended
DD - don't take offense. I think ss has a tendency to want to provoke discussion through challenging statements made regardless of their source. Sometimes (as he did with comments I made) he may not realize the way he challenges questions is offensive and can be interpreted as an attack rather than as a question.

ss - no offense intended Originally Posted by fritz3552
Fritz, have we meet? Are you my long lost twin brother that I never meet? Or knew about? Did you read my book, or share a class with me?

Yes, an old habit - but I've never been a nun. Sorry DD, trying to encourage individuals to think and interact. Over zealous somethings. I will try to behave is hard to break old habits.

DD might check out the FBI interviews with Trafficanti. I am also very knowledgeable about firearms and am familar with the weapon alleged to have been used by Oswald. I have been to the Plaza in Dallas many times and am familar with both the book depository and the Grassy Knoll. I know what a bullet does to the human body, i know how to determine an entry and exit wound and the differences in the two.

But as I said officer its an opinion much as your comment was.
yes, mine were opinions based on observation at the site. And thanks for sharing yours. All very good reasons for your evaluation and statements. Excellent formation of argumentation. Infact most of our sand box posters are pretty good at this. Thank you all! We have explored some relevant material and I appreciate the efforts!
dirty dog's Avatar
NP SS, as you well know I can come off very aggressive myself. My response was actually in support of your thoughts. Although we will never know because the people with the answers are all dead, but I believe a very good argument can be made that Oswald was just what he said he was, a patsy and he knew that the minute he found out who had been shot. My uncle Paul knew Ruby personally and ran in the same circles if you get my drift. He told me that Ruby volunteered to help out because he had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and in exchange his family would be taken care of when he was gone. As for Johnsons involvment I have not found much in my research, I believe that it may have stop lower on the food chain, most likely with the Military Brass who were angry with Kennedy about the bey of pigs and also his handling and demeanor during the Cuban missle crisis, many officers such as Lemay felt he sold us out and were angry about it. Who knows but its one area I have a lot of interest in.