Cheapest and best health care I ver received from from my employer. Point of fact my wife takes a cancer pill that runs 800 a month, when I was working for the man m co pay was zero, care to guess how much it is under socialist Medicare my friend?
Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Medicare A & B are single payer systems run by the government. It's not free. Anyone who gets paid by W2 has been paying into the program through payroll taxes. With Medicare Part B you have to get a supplemental health insurance policy (for the medical) in the free market. Medicare Part B just by itself is not going to pay for a lot.
Group health insurance will always be cheaper than Medicare because the risk pool of the policy holder is a lot younger. To be eligible for medicare you have be age 65 or older.
No health insurance company is going to sell a 65 year old person a health insurance policy in the individual market. It's just too risky. The health insurance companies underwriting department would never allow that. That's called capitalism.
The bottom line is you are seeing a higher price for that cancer pill because of RISK. Not because the government runs medicare, which is program for older people. Medicare Part D which is optional is suppose to help seniors with their prescriptions. The price of that pill will never be cheaper than what it cost under a group health insurance policy from the employer.