Newbie question

Interesting question Ian, but DD & TA nailed it on the head (sts... so to speak). The older guys (even though knee-knockin' nervous as they get to the in-call...) realize they have a 1, 2, 3 hour time warp that they step into and imagine being 20 at college again.

The really neat part is that the majority of us "Dirty Old Men" have learned a thing or two that the young bucks haven't yet... almost isn't fair.... Remember the Ole & Young Bull Adage:

Young Bull: Let's run down there and screw us a heifer....

Old Bull: Son, let's walk down and screw them all...
Lol exactly Erich. I don't think guys really start appreciate taking their time with a woman until they're a lil older... lol

Don't get me wrong, I love that crazy, no holds barred type of sex ... but honestly, my best Os were ones where he had the lightest touch. Feeling his breath on my inner thigh, soft flicks of his tongue, grazing my stomach with his fingers while kissing me elsewhere....

Of course there are always exceptions. Older gents that act like a 19 year old or 20 year olds who act like old men. But like I said before, that's the fun part of this "job". The variety.

Actually one of my younger clients asked me yesterday what I thought the perks were. One of them is definitely the experiences. Dining at the Westin and other amazing places, getting to drive a gents Mercedes Benz S500, racing in another's Porsche Carrera, going to work functions, home made meals, wine and good conversation, skinny dipping in gorgeous pools at beautiful houses. Mind you, all these things I've mentioned, the client who was with me was at least 45+. I think the reasons being that older gents probably have more disposable income than a younger guy so he can afford the luxury of multi hour dates.
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  • Ramos
  • 01-04-2014, 09:59 AM
Well hell, I'm in my 70's and still active from time to time. In fact I have a birthday this week and plan to see my ATF No one has ever asked "how old are you" or made any reference to my obvious elderly look. And, the times that I have mentioned my age never seems to matter.
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I feel so much comfortable with older guys I will not see anyone under 30, young guys make feel awkward .. the older the better to me!!!