Rittenhouse says he fired former attorney Lin Wood because of his support for QAnon and election-fraud conspiracy theories

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I am thankful today in the knowledge that the only people who believe the Rittenhouse/Mockingbird false smear campaign against me are the same people who believe that Joey “Bribes” Biden won the November 2020 election over President Trump in a historic landslide.

In other words, I find peace of mind in knowing that informed, non-brainwashed people who love America know that the false accusations against me should be thrown in the garbage can like the turkey bones after Thanksgiving lunch.

Garbage is garbage. Always has been. Always will be.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving Day gatherings!!!

Lin ��❤️����
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  • 11-25-2021, 09:20 AM
Lol....but I think bambino is Q with all that third person posting.

Kid is smarter than I thought. Yeah, he made a stupid ass mistake for putting himself there in the 1st place, but at least he seems to have a decent head on his shoulders. Or at the very least, he is smart enough to know when he is being taken advantage of by people who want to further their own agendas and don't really give a shit about him other than to use him as just an additional pathway to enrich themselves. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I think you nailed it.

Now he has to keep a steady course while his Attorneys put together a rock solid civil defamation of character suite against just about everybody.

This will end up as big as the Tobacco Law Suites as far as contingencies go.

The stupid ass news media still doesn’t get it. You would thing that there cadre of lawyers would tell them to shut the fuck up.
LexusLover's Avatar
Your new obsession...

Rittenhouse living in your head rent free.. Originally Posted by bb1961
I heard most of his interview regarding his attorneys ... current and former ... little WTF latches onto even the most obvious cut and paste from a recorded interview. I suspect he heard NONE of Rittenhouse's actual Tucker interview ... only excerpts at best.

WTF is just sour over the verdict.

And why he fired his attorneys means nothing and is irrelevant.
DPST..teh Originally Posted by WTF
This is your THIRD thread on him...you can't get him out of your head...what is your crush on Rittenhouse???
All you do is talk BS...you're no libertarian, you attack conservatism and libertarians (Ron Paul) are more closely aligned with convseratism then libtardism. You're not fooling ANYONE.
GTF over Rittenhouse and start a thread on BRANDON'S accomplishments...no one has.
Being a "libertarian" you should have PLENTY of things to expound on about BRANDON...
LexusLover's Avatar
This is your THIRD thread on him...you can't get him out of your head...what is your crush on Rittenhouse??? Originally Posted by bb1961
He had one on Zimmerman. Pathetic.

The theme of these threads parallels the philosophy of phoney retarded libs who clamber to empty the prisons of the CRIMINALS and repopulate them with PARENTS.

WTF prefers innocent youngsters to be incarcerated so he obsesses.
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  • WTF
  • 11-25-2021, 03:28 PM
This is your THIRD thread on him...you can't get him out of your head...what is your crush on Rittenhouse???
All you do is talk BS...you're no libertarian, you attack conservatism and libertarians (Ron Paul) are more closely aligned with convseratism then libtardism. You're not fooling ANYONE.
GTF over Rittenhouse and start a thread on BRANDON'S accomplishments...no one has.
Being a "libertarian" you should have PLENTY of things to expound on about BRANDON... Originally Posted by bb1961
Brandon you bb1961...these threads are actually about what a joke Lin Wood and all the Q crap is.

Not that you're bright enough to see the nuanced.
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  • WTF
  • 11-25-2021, 03:34 PM

WTF is just sour over the verdict.

And why he fired his attorneys means nothing and is irrelevant. Originally Posted by LexusLover

WTF prefers innocent youngsters to be incarcerated so he obsesses. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Unlike your Monday morning Quarterbacking....BEFORE the verdict, said under what I had researched it appeared he was innocent.

I thought it was stupid for a 17 year old to go but not illegal.

So please stfu with your lies.
LexusLover's Avatar
Unlike your Monday morning Quarterbacking... Originally Posted by WTF
You seem to think that trying a murder case is like football.

No wonder you know nothing about them.

I like what Dershowitz said when asked ... and he's more experienced in that activity that you ..... if I may paraphrase ... he said he has tried too many jury cases to predict what will be the outcome of the Rittenhouse case.

But he's much smarter than you and clearly more knowledgeable on the topic.
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  • WTF
  • 11-25-2021, 05:28 PM
You seem to think that trying a murder case is like football.

No wonder you know nothing about them.

I like what Dershowitz said when asked ... and he's more experienced in that activity that you ..... if I may paraphrase ... he said he has tried too many jury cases to predict what will be the outcome of the Rittenhouse case.

But he's much smarter than you and clearly more knowledgeable on the topic. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Predicting the outcome is exactly like predicting a football game.

Some folks do it before the game....you do it afterwards.

The law was on the kids side. It just came down to the jury. He had the best lawyers money could buy and he'd done 2 mock trials. Those are just facts.

Don't be jealous of me getting the verdict right.
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  • WTF
  • 11-25-2021, 05:33 PM

I like what Dershowitz said when asked ... and he's more experienced in that activity that you ..... if I may paraphrase ... he said he has tried too many jury cases to predict what will be the outcome of the Rittenhouse case.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Next time instead of paraphrasing him with a lie, you should do a little research to see if you memory is fading.


And while the rulings may surprise some casual watchers of the trial, anyone watching more closely will be much less surprised, Dershowitz told Newsmax’s “John Bachman Now.”

“You have the main witness, the alleged victims say ‘he didn’t shoot me until I raised the gun and aimed at him,'” said the famous law professor. “That was really the end of the case. That is a correct judgment. ”
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