I B Hankering's Avatar
So now liberals are communists? It was pushing the envelope to imply that all liberals are socialists. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Like the term"liberal socialist"
Are the liberals trying to separate themselves from the socialist or the other way around??
I hear the term "progressive" and I don't know where that fits in.
I consider myself a Conservative and make no other monikers for about yourself??
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Like the term"liberal socialist"
Are the liberals trying to separate themselves from the socialist or the other way around??
I hear the term "progressive" and I don't know where that fits in.
I consider myself a Conservative and make no other monikers for about yourself?? Originally Posted by bb1961
Actually there seem to be several types of "Conservatives".

"Socialism is an economic system where the means of production, such as money and other forms of capital, are owned by the state or public. Under a socialist system, everyone works for wealth that is in turn distributed to everyone. Under capitalism, you work for your own wealth. A socialist economic system operates on the premise that what is good for one is good for all. Everyone works for their own good and for the good of everyone else. The government decides how wealth is distributed among the people."

I am a Liberal, slightly left of center. I am also a Capitalist and have benefited from living in a country that is capitalist. I worked for my own wealth and except for taxes and charitable donations, I want to keep what I made.

However, I do think we owe it to others who are less well off to, in minor ways, subsidize them but certainly not to the extreme. I had a family member, a single mom with a teenage son, who lost her job and received unemployment and food stamps until she found a new job. I can't believe anyone would have a problem with that.

As I implied with my earlier post, I think it is wrong to simply assume that every Liberal is a Socialist, or even worse, a Communist.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Actually there seem to be several types of "Conservatives".

"Socialism is an economic system where the means of production, such as money and other forms of capital, are owned by the state or public. Under a socialist system, everyone works for wealth that is in turn distributed to everyone. Under capitalism, you work for your own wealth. A socialist economic system operates on the premise that what is good for one is good for all. Everyone works for their own good and for the good of everyone else. The government decides how wealth is distributed among the people."

I am a Liberal, slightly left of center. I am also a Capitalist and have benefited from living in a country that is capitalist. I worked for my own wealth and except for taxes and charitable donations, I want to keep what I made.

However, I do think we owe it to others who are less well off to, in minor ways, subsidize them but certainly not to the extreme. I had a family member, a single mom with a teenage son, who lost her job and received unemployment and food stamps until she found a new job. I can't believe anyone would have a problem with that.

As I implied with my earlier post, I think it is wrong to simply assume that every Liberal is a Socialist, or even worse, a Communist. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Keep voting liberal and we will soon get there (liberal socialist communist) what ever they are
Actually there seem to be several types of "Conservatives".

"Socialism is an economic system where the means of production, such as money and other forms of capital, are owned by the state or public. Under a socialist system, everyone works for wealth that is in turn distributed to everyone. Under capitalism, you work for your own wealth. A socialist economic system operates on the premise that what is good for one is good for all. Everyone works for their own good and for the good of everyone else. The government decides how wealth is distributed among the people."

I am a Liberal, slightly left of center. I am also a Capitalist and have benefited from living in a country that is capitalist. I worked for my own wealth and except for taxes and charitable donations, I want to keep what I made.

However, I do think we owe it to others who are less well off to, in minor ways, subsidize them but certainly not to the extreme. I had a family member, a single mom with a teenage son, who lost her job and received unemployment and food stamps until she found a new job. I can't believe anyone would have a problem with that.

As I implied with my earlier post, I think it is wrong to simply assume that every Liberal is a Socialist, or even worse, a Communist. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I consider myself a traditional conservative....with the chooses
they "break down"
I love their def of a "libcon" middle of the rode... an oxymoron maybe in the same vain as a transgender....terribly conflicted!!
"Black conservative" now were dealing with ideology based on race!!
Is their and group that identifies "white liberal" vs "black liberal"??
Just a question, is antifa... another identifier "conservative" or "liberal"...
This group at this website is just trying to throw together a bunch of sub group terminology to try and explain what they don't understand.
What is their take on liberalism, socialism and communism???
rexdutchman's Avatar
The issue is the Liberals have been pushing socialist type agendas so the left of center is becoming very left of center in my opinion , true communism is sometimes the end result of the social agenda. ( gov control over everything)
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I consider myself a traditional conservative....with the chooses
they "break down"
I love their def of a "libcon" middle of the rode... an oxymoron maybe in the same vain as a transgender....terribly conflicted!!
"Black conservative" now were dealing with ideology based on race!!
Is their and group that identifies "white liberal" vs "black liberal"??
Just a question, is antifa... another identifier "conservative" or "liberal"...
This group at this website is just trying to throw together a bunch of sub group terminology to try and explain what they don't understand.
What is their take on liberalism, socialism and communism??? Originally Posted by bb1961
The source I cited was one of many which simply illustrated that there are breakdowns of "Conservative". Google "Types of conservative" and see what you find. To be honest, I don't like applying labels to any one.

FWIW none of my viewpoints as to why I believe I am slightly left of center can in any way be related to socialism. I have already stated that I am a Capitalist and not a Socialist. So to equate being Liberal with being Socialist is wrong.
Humpty Dumpty's Avatar
Communism sucks!
MT Pockets's Avatar
So now liberals are communists? It was pushing the envelope to imply that all liberals are socialists. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

He doubled down with the commie remark. LOL! He knows he is wrong and losing so he goes for the insult game. Ironically he supports Trump who happens to admire Kim Jong-un and wants to be just like him LOL!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Actually there seem to be several types of "Conservatives". Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
from the above link in quotes

Traditional Conservatives (Tradcons, Cruzcons)
Liberal Conservatives (Libcons) (Bush conservatives) (more accurate call them Progressives)
Black Conservatives

New Conservatives (Neocons, Trumpcons)
'Alt-Right' ( I object to their inclusion to this group, theres nothing conservative about this group, I'd call them Alt-Left)

political quizzes
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
My point Liberalism, socialism, progressives , all about the same. ( no matter what they name it ) Originally Posted by rexdutchman
and it's always failed, no matter how many times it's been tried.

trivia question ...

what was Obama's campaign slogan in 2008?

guess who he "stole" it from???? wait for it .... you simply can't make this shit up people!!!!


ah and speaking of campaign slogans and posters .. what do you think would be the reaction today over this ..?

OH MY!!!! how racist!

He doubled down with the commie remark. LOL! He knows he is wrong and losing so he goes for the insult game. Ironically he supports Trump who happens to admire Kim Jong-un and wants to be just like him LOL!
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
If you are referring to me I'm not a Trump supporter...but when the choose is between Shillary and just about ANYONE else..YES.
Wrong about what??...losing what??...seems like the left are the ones that are losing!!
I don't insult anyone...but if the shoe fits.
BTH I'm glad you're a mind reader...people make a fortune doing must be a trillioniare!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
from the above link in quotes

Traditional Conservatives (Tradcons, Cruzcons)
Liberal Conservatives (Libcons) (Bush conservatives) (more accurate call them Progressives)
Black Conservatives

New Conservatives (Neocons, Trumpcons)
'Alt-Right' ( I object to their inclusion to this group, theres nothing conservative about this group, I'd call them Alt-Left)

political quizzes Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Thanks for the links!! No matter how accurate or inaccurate these little tests are, I enjoy taking them. I completed the first one and I came out as a Centrist, 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal.
MT Pockets's Avatar
You commies are always brilliantly....stupid. Originally Posted by bb1961
So now liberals are communists? It was pushing the envelope to imply that all liberals are socialists. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
If you are referring to me I'm not a Trump supporter...but when the choose is between Shillary and just about ANYONE else..YES.
Wrong about what??...losing what??...seems like the left are the ones that are losing!!
I don't insult anyone...but if the shoe fits.
BTH I'm glad you're a mind reader...people make a fortune doing must be a trillioniare!! Originally Posted by bb1961
You called me a commie and stupid because you lost the debate. You also showed your ignorance of political formats when you implied the Socialism and Communism were interchangeable terms. Somehow you personally responded to the losing comment and tried to make it about parties instead of you and I. Then you followed up saying you never insult anyone while talking about the insult you just posted. Your spelling is a bit off so I guess you meant BTW instead BTH. I am not a mind reader but when you blatantly display your position it is pretty easy to deduce your thoughts on a given topic.

One more thing I might add. Your four dots ( should have been 3), imply a run on in the sentence. By ending it with "stupid" it makes it a personal attack directed at whomever you were responding to. In this case it was me and and I am offended so I hit the RTM button. Have a nice day!
Thanks for the links!! No matter how accurate or inaccurate these little tests are, I enjoy taking them. I completed the first one and I came out as a Centrist, 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

If you add that together I think you really get confused, lol.
