Mocha, not every escort your age relates to older gents. From my experience with you, you do relate very well. When I first contact an escort, I always make it a point of stating my age, which next month will be 79, as if it isn't going to be a good fit, it's better to know before rather than during a meeting.
Knowing how sex charged you are now, I sure wish I would be around when you hit your 40s. By then I will probably be too old for you say, dead!
Originally Posted by midvale
I know very well many in my age range don't relate with older folks. I just happen to be one that does. As a younger woman who likes older men I'm speaking my piece about how I feel about older men. I've experienced quite a bit in my 26 yrs.
I believe in and follow the golden rule....treat others as they want to be treated and that's REALLY well.
I've always had a mature soul...I was that little kid that didn't want to hang with the kids my age that enjoyed and felt actually more comfortable with the adults. Being in the company of people much older than me just always felt very very right
I don't know if i'll still be doing this in another 14yrs when I do hit 40
BUT I definitely hope you're still here either way and playing "hide the hot dog" with some lovely lady