The Walking Dead

wheels69's Avatar
I also have been watching since the first season started. ..I can help you (Malaya) catch up

I think Dr. Jenner ttold Rick that everyone is infected, ...that is why Shane when kililled, he became a zombie
same for Randell when he was killed. ..remember those 2 dead security guards who were zombies, but without bites

This Sunday. ..season finale
Season 4 start up on October
Hey, JJ...that would be fun! A Zombie Party...I'm In!!
Yeah....maybe everyone is infected, but the virus only activates when the body dies......hmmmmmm
Either that or Jenner told Rick that Shane was infected and to save his life , Rick would have to suck Shane's dick and get the virus out of him that way!!!!! Thats why Rick killed the mofo.....he aint no knob polisher!!!
Now Lori on the other the end of next weeks finale, they have Lori in the house gangbanging her to kingdom come......

I also have been watching since the first season started. ..I can help you (Malaya) catch up

I think Dr. Jenner ttold Rick that everyone is infected, ...that is why Shane when kililled, he became a zombie
same for Randell when he was killed. ..remember those 2 dead security guards who were zombies, but without bites

This Sunday. ..season finale
Season 4 start up on October Originally Posted by wheels69
Yeah....maybe everyone is infected, but the virus only activates when the body dies......hmmmmmm
Either that or Jenner told Rick that Shane was infected and to save his life , Rick would have to suck Shane's dick and get the virus out of him that way!!!!! Thats why Rick killed the mofo.....he aint no knob polisher!!!
Now Lori on the other the end of next weeks finale, they have Lori in the house gangbanging her to kingdom come...... Originally Posted by jpatduf
Holy Crap, that's the funniest thing I have read all night!
Marcus78's Avatar
I found this little gem on another message board. So very true!

Rakhir's Avatar
Don't get me wrong I love this show! However, there are a number of mistakes I keep seeing that have me asking just what the hell are these people doing?

First episode when Rick is in the tank he never even tried to start it up and drive over the zombies. It obviously had power because the radio worked! Also when he was riding up on the horse there is a fully loaded 50 cal Ma Duce machine gun that would have cut through masses of zombies like a hot knife through butter!

But moving on from there now that they are on the farm why are they not fortifying the place? Gathering supplies from the local town? Hell when they were in the bar for Herschel I would have grabbed all the alcohol I could for disinfecting wounds or trade & barter goods. On their many forays into this town the local hardware store should have been looted for goods, sporting goods stores for winter clothing, ammunition, weapons, arrows, crossbows, concentrated food stuffs, etc.....

Start gathering all the vehicles that work and move them to the farm for spares. Not to mention gathering all the gasoline available!

Ok so maybe I am messing up a good story with all this but this stuff frustrates me to the Nth degree. The writers are missing good opportunities here.

But here are some good rules of thumb to work by when dealing with zombies.

1 Always be faster than the slowest member of your group!
2 Never go back for a family member. You'll only wind up being the one bitten!
3 If its dark. DON'T GO THERE!
4 Once someone is bitten the old double tap rule now takes over and you should finish them quickly. No one ever gets better!
5 Walmarts are good places for food, supplies and guns & ammunition. What? Your Walmart doesn't carry guns? Tough shit blue stater! I sincerely hope you can get by using harsh words!
Marcus78's Avatar
But moving on from there now that they are on the farm why are they not fortifying the place? Gathering supplies from the local town? Hell when they were in the bar for Herschel I would have grabbed all the alcohol I could for disinfecting wounds or trade & barter goods. On their many forays into this town the local hardware store should have been looted for goods, sporting goods stores for winter clothing, ammunition, weapons, arrows, crossbows, concentrated food stuffs, etc.....
At the risk of Likki Nikki reminding me this is the reason I don't sleep at night, and administering a spanking, (the spanking wouldn't be all bad though. ) I must say I agree completely!

I'm fully on-board with the whole willing suspension of disbelief and what not, but they could have thrown a "fix" or two into the writing. Maybe say the only bridge into town was blown up by the army to try and contain shit so going to and from is much harder, but the bar is on the outskirts before the bridge so it's still accessible. Or, have the town so horribly overrun by zombies that going in there is a near-death sentence. It just seemed kinda lazy on part of the writers to ignore this stuff, that's all!

I would have moved into the bar and made that my home-base. It worked okay in Shaun of the Dead after all! LOL There are also some pretty glaring plot holes throughout like when Rick and Shane cut their fingers with knives used to kill zombies only shortly before, thus exposing them to infection. Why didn't he go to town on the zombies with the .50 Cal machine gun, why didn't he drive the tank. Better yet, how the fuck did the guy inside the tank get infected in the first place? It's a freaking tank! I don't think the zombies could have clawed through the many inches of reinforced steel. Okay, I'm going to go outside now before I get too worked up! LOL
Yeah...I thought the same thing in the tank scene! There's a whole lot of things the writers should have included...but, hey, like St. C's doing very well, in spite of all the flaws! spanking coming up!!
vincentfloyd's Avatar
I am a big comic book nerd so of course I love this show!


I'm 95% sure what Jenner told Rick was that everyone was already infected. It's too bad that Shane died as he was my favorite character and was a better leader than Rick, but the actor is leaving for a new show.

I've read what happens to the guy in the tank and how he got bit, but they didn't film it.

Read the spoilers for the season finale...HOLY SHIT. Do not miss this one.

As for next season all I have to say is...The Governor!
Rick clinging to the civilized morality of a modern day lawman is one of the most frustrating aspects of the show. Him and his family are far more trouble to the group than they are worth. I have considered the weapon thing too, a shotgun for sure but a small .22 rifle would have a lot of value because of the number of rounds you could carry.
This is a good show as I have season 1 on blu ray but have not watched season 2 yet. My faves are still "Fringe" and "Breaking Bad."
CuniLinguistic's Avatar
I enjoy that show. I will say I am irked at Lori's about face (several) and am glad "the usurper" (if seen it you know who I mean) is dead.

Raising a question about the evolution of the infection and as mentioned up thread issue regarding the baby.

I just started paying attention to the "Talking Dead" after the show.

Eagerly await Game of Thrones in April. Another show I belatedly got into is "Archer". I laugh my ass off; the humor being right up my alley.
Marcus78's Avatar
Under an hour to go until the season finale! I've set the water cooler up so that we may discuss, what looks to be, the epic human vs. zombie battle that will consume the finale.

Marcus78's Avatar
Well, we finally found out what Jenner told Rick.

**Spoilers Ahead**

So they're all infected? That was predictable, but I wish they had thought of something more creative.

Also, that is one serious badass that saved Andrea. I won't spoil the identity in case they save it for next season, but it should be a good addition. I just hate having to wait until the Fall for the series to resume.
Darn...I kept dozing off during the show and only got to see part of it! I saw Andrea running through the woods, but don't know why or how she got there!