It's funny that you think this thread (and forum) owes you an explanation.....you are the asshole for not understanding how federal involvement (especially Obama's statements) have thrown gas on the Ferguson fire...

But here, let me lay out some key points:

  • Federal involvement has not improved matters in Ferguson. The Obama administration has repeatedly intervened already in the Brown case, muddying the waters and driving justification for additional community violence.

  • DOJ Tried to Quash the Strong-Arm Robbery Tape.

  • The Holder DOJ Is Doing Its Own Autopsy.In other words, riots, looting, and protests now drive decisions about whether or not state autopsies are trustworthy, according to the Obama administration.

  • Obama Administration Officials Paint a Moral Narrative Condemning the Police (without the full facts being known).

  • Obama Prompted Local Officials to Undercut Police. According to a report from Bloomberg News, Obama coordinated the messaging of Missouri Governor Jay Nixon. Obama reportedly met with Holder and advisor Valerie Jarrett about the situation; Holder then dictated orders to his top officials at the Department of Justice, including telling them to express objections about police response to the riots. Jarrett is apparently also meeting with Al Sharpton

  • The Democratic Party desperately needs racial polarization. It can’t win national elections without a ridiculous proportion of African-American votes–perhaps as much as 90%. No other ethnic or demographic group votes so monolithically. It is, frankly, unnatural. Yet the Democratic Party needs that absurd level of polarization to continue. So what does it do? Its reporters and politicians gin up controversies like the Brown case to instill fear and paranoia in blacks. How else can the Democrats expect voters to overlook its failed policies and continue to toe the party line? This is why the Obama administration lost little time falling in with the protesters, rioters and looters.

The question you should be asking (Dipshit AssUP) is : Will the Justice Department investigate impartially? Or will it be influenced the thugs’ veto to favor a narrative which, ideologically, it already finds persuasive

I still don't understand how this is Obama's fault. And none of you happy assholes have explained it.

I guess THAT'S Obama's fault, too.

Stupid traitors... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Obama's chief of staff (political advisor)...nothing like racial divide to motivate your base.....fan those flames Obama.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Can't understand how this behavior of looting and mayhem will make this situation better. It won't bring back Michael Brown or officer Wilson's action less justified. The only thing it really confirms to me is just how divided this country has become racially, socially, and politically. WE really haven't evolved much. These acts of looting are not acts of compassion or caring they are acts of mere selfishness. Incidents such as this have happened before, it's happening now and it will happen again. Those living in the midst of it don't seem to ever learn anything from it.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Ironically, we are becoming more divided at the same time diversity is increasing, while we are being lectured that diversity is a strength.
In fact, it just seems to cause divisive ethnic turf wars and conflicts over which racial group receives what, and which one suffers from the hegemony of the others. Ethnic minorities nurse historical grievances, then vote in their own people to protect and advocate for their own narrow racial interests, while decrying the same in their opponents. It is a disaster, although it does bring about some interesting new restaurant concepts.
Ironically, we are becoming more divided at the same time diversity is increasing, while we are being lectured that diversity is a strength.
In fact, it just seems to cause divisive ethnic turf wars and conflicts over which racial group receives what, and which one suffers from the hegemony of the others. Ethnic minorities nurse historical grievances, then vote in their own people to protect and advocate for their own narrow racial interests, while decrying the same in their opponents. It is a disaster, although it does bring about some interesting new restaurant concepts. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You are right, and if you go back to the OP plus the stupid statements coming from the right it will give you a glimmer of some of the problem.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You are right, and if you go back to the OP plus the stupid statements coming from the right it will give you a glimmer of some of the problem. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
A glimmer of hope is all I want BigTex..err IvaBiggen.. I can't tell you too apart.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's funny that you think this thread (and forum) owes you an explanation.....you are the asshole for not understanding how federal involvement (especially Obama's statements) have thrown gas on the Ferguson fire... You're the asshole for not understanding how important it is to prove the bullshit you call others assholes for refusing to take based on a your word, a word proven time and time again to be LIES.


The question you should be asking (Dipshit AssUP) is : Will the Justice Department investigate impartially? Or will it be influenced the thugs’ veto to favor a narrative which, ideologically, it already finds persuasive
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The question I (and everybody else) SHOULD be asking is how can you post something as garbled as you did in the paragraph above and expect anybody to understand what the fuck you're talking about?

What would MLK and his crusading bunch of Republicans do in Ferguson?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You are also missing side issues;

Ferguson is a great distraction for the approaching deadline for the IRS to come clean on the emails. Or will they disobey a federal judge's orders.

Ferguson allows the White House to further divide the country along racial lines with mid terms coming up.

With an average double digit shooting rate in Chicago (only 300 miles away) every weekend Rahm is breathing easier for himself.

Obama did not cause the problems in Ferguson but he is sure not helping them with his hands off interference through the Justice department. However, the democratic party is balls deep in this problem. St. Louis and the surrounding communities are one party towns and that party is the democratic party. The amazing thing to me, since I'm involved with this stuff, is that the people of Ferguson have abdicated their own rights to a ruling few. The democratic party have become the champions of racial ratios (in their minds). The police, fire, and military are expected to represent the population of the city or area but in the democratic party there are very few people of color in the decision making positions. Why is that?
Ironically, we are becoming more divided at the same time diversity is increasing, while we are being lectured that diversity is a strength.
In fact, it just seems to cause divisive ethnic turf wars and conflicts over which racial group receives what, and which one suffers from the hegemony of the others. Ethnic minorities nurse historical grievances, then vote in their own people to protect and advocate for their own narrow racial interests, while decrying the same in their opponents. It is a disaster, although it does bring about some interesting new restaurant concepts. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
That's because blacks have a persecution complex. Guys like Al Sharpton help nurture this trait most black Americans seem to have. I don't see the people of Ferguson gathering to mourn the loss of one of it's citizens and to console each other. I see them gathering to protest the authority of the Police and declaring them public enemy number one to the Black Community.

A glimmer of hope is all I want BigTex..err IvaBiggen.. I can't tell you too apart. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I can't tell you IB JD whirrly turdfly apart either dumb ass.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well, The president just jumped out of thr frying pan and into the fire.

He has dispatched Eric Holder and the a Justice Dept to Ferguson in order to have another autopsy, and to get to the real truth.

They best be careful what they wish for. They might not like the truth when it is revealed to them. Originally Posted by Jackie S

JLHomo is channelling the utterly whipped IBIdiot.

How apropos.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Originally Posted by I B Hankering