
*self edit*
awl4knot's Avatar
This debate about copyrights and model releases beggars this basic point: Private photos of providers should remain private unless and until there is permission to share them with others.

The OP's lack of discretion illustrates the potential pitfalls of allowing photographs. Those photos are often sent backchannel to others and can end up on the internet, sometimes well after a lady has retired. The same thing happens when pics are emailed as part of the pre-tryst exhange of info. Those pics can end up in strange places.

Trust is a wonderful but fragile thing. In the hobby it often goes by the alias "YMMV." If a lady trusts you enough to allow private pics, you should honor that trust by asking permission to share the product of that trust.

I'm sure this is what our good mothers would tell us.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Daphne, The kid's father comment is interesting for sure knowing that my kid's father is not living. Thanks!
Lots of retired providers post here love don't worry too much about me.
I'm not that angry/do not have that much hate in my heart to call you names my dear/bicker with you.
I wish you the best love. take care.

To stay on topic: The OP is the type of photographer providers should be looking out for.
Provider should always take their time and research the photographer. Providers that are looking to
protect their brand should always go the extra mile to make sure their photos are not being stolen.
Most of these "Guys with cameras" do NOT have good intentions. OP, No offense but what you're doing is wrong. I agree with Awl4knot. To those that care: GeishaDiaries wrote an amazing on how to protect yourself from content theives

This is a must read!
Naomi4u's Avatar
This debate about copyrights and model releases beggars this basic point: Private photos of providers should remain private unless and until there is permission to share them with others.

The OP's lack of discretion illustrates the potential pitfalls of allowing photographs. Those photos are often sent backchannel to others and can end up on the internet, sometimes well after a lady has retired. The same thing happens when pics are emailed as part of the pre-tryst exhange of info. Those pics can end up in strange places.

Trust is a wonderful but fragile thing. In the hobby it often goes by the alias "YMMV." If a lady trusts you enough to allow private pics, you should honor that trust by asking permission to share the product of that trust.

I'm sure this is what our good mothers would tell us. Originally Posted by awl4knot
I agree with this . Well said love.
all I can say is... obviously you didn't do your checking up; even then, you wouldn't have a clue

<---- check the stats.

As for my rates that I change from time to time, it's customer appreciation month
Houston is good to me, very good. Don't be so predictable with the rates blow; it proves my earlier comment about you being ordinary and run of the mill. Next time use a current ad and not one from almost exactly one year ago lol. If you had half a brain you would know that when Craigslist closed, BP reworked the way they did pics and took down old pics from all the old ads. But of course you're a genius. When are you 'retiring' again?

good to know your sorry ass is still here though lol so don't threaten to leave, be a real woman and be about it.

before I get points, I'll leave this thread alone.

see you in Houston gaynomi lmbao
pyramider's Avatar
See here.. I would like for you to take your own advice. I notice the little nasty comments/attacks you make every time I post. That is why I responded the way I did. It is ok though. You know to get respect, you have to give it.

So Pyramider, Now I was not attacking you. But your pissy attitude is wearing thin. I suppose you never heard the old saying, "You can attract more bees with honey than vinegar. See how it goes both ways? Enjoy your night.
----------------------------------------------------- Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I have better things to do than to follow you spamming on SHMBs. But how can I not when you post in just about every thread on this board? When you decide to post a well thought out thought I really wish you would notify us so we can mark the day on our calendars. Toodles
I have better things to do than to follow you spamming on SHMBs. But how can I not when you post in just about every thread on this board? When you decide to post a well thought out thought I really wish you would notify us so we can mark the day on our calendars. Toodles Originally Posted by pyramider
If we gave Naomi her own forum and called it "ask the non-fucking prophet" do you think dearhunter would be jealous?

What was this thread about?

Is it hijacking if it is already off track?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Another good topic that gets drowned out with all the snarky personal insults. I remind everyone that we are in the national boards here, our main face to the world. Anyone care to try steering this one back on course before I close it?
So true BUT who is usually the one to start with the snide snarky comments?? it is good to see others who see behind the BS curtain. I have avoided commenting so many times to avoid drama and Bs but since other are speaking out now perhaps some behavior will change... now to the OP it wouldn't hurt to ask the girl for permission just to be safe..
Another good topic that gets drowned out with all the snarky personal insults. I remind everyone that we are in the national boards here, our main face to the world. Anyone care to try steering this one back on course before I close it? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Naomi4u's Avatar
Can anyone clear up the use of pictures of providers? I have pictures I have taken of several providers and wonder what I can and can't do with them. Can I post them on photo sites? Do I need a signed release from the model? If there is no money involved do I need a release? I gave several photos to a provider and she is using them on her web site. Should she be required to obtain my permission? Originally Posted by tucson
You said "I gave several photos to a provider and she is using them on her website. Should she be required to obtain my permission". That is why I asked why you gave her the pictures. When I first had my first TFP (Time for prints) shoot. A lot of photographers told me that I could post the pics on my model mayhem, myspace and facebook profile but not on my professional website. They wanted me to pay extra for the photos to be posted on an adult/escort site. So it all boils down to what the agreement was between you too. You have already stated that there is no agreement and she has already posted the pictures on her professional site. Most photographer will charge and arm and a leg for rights. I had hell finding a photographer that didn't want to own the rights to my images which was a bit scary.
well I got points... they tasted like chicken salad with WALNUTS. Wonder if anyone else got any for their "unnecessary rudeness"... back on topic, yeah they can use ur pics lol.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I really don't give a damn who started what. The OP asked a legitimate question, one that I am interested in and would have liked to hear some answers to. I would have thought that every single lady that uses pictures in her advertising would feel the same about. Silly me, its apparently more important to attack everyone on their opinions than to discuss a legitimate, relevant and important topic.

This one is closed.