Justin Fairfax, Virginia’s Lieutenant Governor, Denies Sexual Assault Allegation

Whoa, I didn't see that coming. They are disintegrating at a faster rate than I thought possible.
Yeah, I saw this on the news. When he said "is anyone really surprised that these allegations are being made now?" - I thought - "well,noooooo because that's what the Dems did
to Kavanaugh." Apparently, he has a comprehension problem. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I think the moon walk racist Governor leaked it to the press too....that moron is trying to hang on..
  • oeb11
  • 02-05-2019, 08:10 AM
Virginia lieutenant governor's accuser consults law firm

RICHMOND, Va. — Amid the political upheaval over Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam's yearbook page featuring a racist photograph, a woman who accused the state's lieutenant governor of sexual assault is consulting with a law firm.
Democratic Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax strongly denied the allegations Monday. They were initially circulated on a conservative website.
A person close to the legal team who's not authorized to speak publicly says the woman accusing Fairfax has retained Washington law firm Katz Marshall & Banks and is consulting about next steps. The person insisted on anonymity.
A firm founding partner, Debra Katz, represented Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her decades ago when they were teenagers. He denied the allegation and was confirmed to the court.

I almost forgot

Nazi fake new -doesn't know his stuff!!!

I love it
DPST hypocrisy on full view
Where are the Senate Minority judiciary committee condemnations on this?\
Virginia- a "racist baby-killer" or a rapist for Governor!!!!
  • grean
  • 02-05-2019, 08:42 AM
I think the moon walk racist Governor leaked it to the press too....that moron is trying to hang on.. Originally Posted by friendly fred

That would be fantastically brilliant if he did. What's worse a guy with a 30 year racist yearbook photo, which he now denies being in, or a rapist!

Who needs real house wives of Atlanta when you've got political circuses like this?

The guy said "I'm bad. This guy is real bad. Nowe choose"
rexdutchman's Avatar
There’s a lot more evidence against this asshole than (none) for Kavanaugh.
The DPST hypocrisy on full view
Where are the Senate Minority judiciary committee condemnations on this?\
Virginia- a "racist baby-killer" or a rapist for Governor!!!!
Oh yeah its Russian's or Nazis behind it
  • grean
  • 02-05-2019, 09:43 AM
There’s a lot more evidence against this asshole than (none) for Kavanaugh.
The DPST hypocrisy on full view
Where are the Senate Minority judiciary committee condemnations on this?\
Virginia- a "racist baby-killer" or a rapist for Governor!!!!
Oh yeah its Russian's or Nazis behind it Originally Posted by rexdutchman

Is this what it's like to watch snakes eat their own?

Look at Pense. He sings hail to the chief to himself, every morning in the shower, praying Trump is removed from office. It's the only way Pense will ever become president.

You'll never see him publicly do anything other than give his full throated support of Trump.

What the Democrats are doing with Virginia is almost certainly going to put a Republican in the Virginia Governor's office next term.
What's wrong with Pence?
  • grean
  • 02-05-2019, 11:10 AM
What's wrong with Pence? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Nothing. He just will not win a presidential election. He won't automatically receive Trump's voter's vote.

He would have a decent shot of winning a second term if he finished this term for Trump.
Oh I agree with that.

Nothing. He just will not win a presidential election. He won't automatically receive Trump's voter's vote.

He would have a decent shot of winning a second term if he finished this term for Trump. Originally Posted by grean
Oh it just gets better and better folks!!!!! I swear - you can't make this shit up and the left is just so clueless!!!

Fairfax Accuser Hires Firm that Represented Christine Blasey Ford https://news.yahoo.com/fairfax-accus...wer&soc_trk=ma
themystic's Avatar
What's wrong with Pence? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Christian? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next thing you'll be telling me Trump voters are Christian!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have seen the interview with Lt Governor Fairfax, and he seems like a real down to earth guy. Smart, articulate, and well mannered.

He says he had a relationship with his accuser, totally consensual. We will see what happens.
And that is exactly what we should be doing. I saw him too and I agree with you. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt. Innocent till proven guilty.

I have seen the interview with Lt Governor Fairfax, and he seems like a real down to earth guy. Smart, articulate, and well mannered.

He says he had a relationship with his accuser, totally consensual. We will see what happens. Originally Posted by Jackie S
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup here we go again METOO