Does a gent/ladies persona on the board stop you from seeing them?

Not really. I do appreciate real tho. For that reason the outspoken sarcastic smart Ass sweetheart you see on here is how I am in the RW! Originally Posted by ZantannaParella
Since 2 trolls have come out from what ever bride they were being held under it absolutely does in some cases. I'll continue to trust my gut feeling. It's never done me wrong. And several people in here will know what I'm talking about.

I example Kentucky Derby
Second in almost 4 years only one bad expierance and i didn't follow my gut off day i Guess lol
USAsoldier's Avatar
Lol umm what?? ^^^^^^^^^
Chlorine's Avatar
Without a doubt....
Yes and Yes PERIOD.
Bankshot's Avatar
Absolutely will stop me from even thinking about seeing someone.
  • dmode
  • 07-27-2019, 12:59 PM
If they're going to repeatedly be ugly in their comments then you can be sure that it'll be magnified in person. Frankly some of the attitudes are a huge turn off.