tears of joy

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Have you ever noticed how EVERY time you have sex with a man, he giggles a little bit afterwards? ALL of the time. I believe it's a release of emotion like the others have suggested.

Sometimes, my heart contracts when I've been with someone and the feelings that have been expressed are so intense that it's almost like the feeling that I would wish to have if I were to have a relationship with someone.

I have boundaries. Heck, we ALL do. But it is not uncommon (sorry for the double negative in a sentence) to really have a strong feeling for another person when in such an intimate situation with him or her.

I'm trying to think of something funny or light to add to this post but I cannot. Heck! How about that? A green frog with a red tongue! That should do it!

blowpop's Avatar
I get the tears of joy whenever someone I want to see forgoes her better judgement and actually agrees to see me.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Have you ever noticed how EVERY time you have sex with a man, he giggles a little bit afterwards? ALL of the time. I believe it's a release of emotion like the others have suggested. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
...to throw some cold water (sorta) on your idea here - BUT:

Men are notoriously little boys in disguise. This is not always a bad thing but we all still enjoy the thrill and self-satisfaction of making a good "play," whether or not on the golf course, bowling lane, closing a business deal, fixing something or in bed. This does not diminish the reality of the feeling, but many times it is a more self centered acknowledgement of the idea that "yee-haa! I've still got it" whereas BB's described reaction is more along the lines of emotional ambush by something different than the manly "giggle." Both are honest and depend in this instance on the help of another to release it, but the emotion, I think, is centered in different areas and fill different needs.

But, as pmdelites points out, men can also have the same kind of emotional release related to emotional connection as BB had.
houston_switch's Avatar
Never cried during play... but i want to... after having my hands tied, and spanked till I cry... it is a great goal, most players won't play that long or that intensely. Just my $.02.
TheDogger's Avatar
Wow...I can't believe this thread...so glad I found it.

Yeah...I've had it happen to me 4 FREEKIN TIMES. I was much younger then so they were high school/college/20somethings but... it was so peculiar. Most wouldn't talk much about it. Just curl up in my arms and be quiet for a while.

I of course was trying to figure out how to bang them again right then and there. What is it about guys and crying girls that tends to turn them on?
guest063011's Avatar
Wow...I can't believe this thread...so glad I found it.

Yeah...I've had it happen to me 4 FREEKIN TIMES. I was much younger then so they were high school/college/20somethings but... it was so peculiar. Most wouldn't talk much about it. Just curl up in my arms and be quiet for a while.

I of course was trying to figure out how to bang them again right then and there. What is it about guys and crying girls that tends to turn them on? Originally Posted by TheDogger
Mr. dogger,

Guess you forgot about the all night session a couple of weeks ago, think I cried at most 3 tears....??
I have come to realize I am just very taken with my lover. I made love to this man....I mean I really made love to this man. Britney went away completely. Not to say that gentleman don't get the real me, but there is a certain amount of myself I can't just give away to my dates. Its a natural defense mechanism. I completely let go and just let him in and that felt wonderful.
knotty man's Avatar
was gonna make a silly comment..but he sounds like someone you really feel close to. He's a really lucky guy! your a great girl
I have come to realize I am just very taken with my lover. I made love to this man....I mean I really made love to this man. Britney went away completely. Not to say that gentleman don't get the real me, but there is a certain amount of myself I can't just give away to my dates. Its a natural defense mechanism. I completely let go and just let him in and that felt wonderful. Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
ha ha knottyman! I just reread what I wrote. Yes, I let him in and it did feel great! I am always setting myself up around here. *blush*
TheDogger's Avatar
Mr. dogger,

Guess you forgot about the all night session a couple of weeks ago, think I cried at most 3 tears....?? Originally Posted by ambernhouston
There were 4....I counted. Betcha thought I wasn't paying attention cuz I was acting upon OTHER matters. Why you think I was so insatiable??
Shackle's Avatar
The emotional release after making love with someone that you really care about is intense. The sensation is incredible wish I could bottle it for the times when I am to far away to even see her smile,
TheDogger's Avatar
Wow...I can't believe this thread...so glad I found it.

Yeah...I've had it happen to me 4 FREEKIN TIMES. I was much younger then so they were high school/college/20somethings but... it was so peculiar. Most wouldn't talk much about it. Just curl up in my arms and be quiet for a while.

I of course was trying to figure out how to bang them again right then and there. What is it about guys and crying girls that tends to turn them on? Originally Posted by TheDogger
I stand corrected. Make it now 5....no...6. Wow, I've had a month.
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
Yes Yes Yes and it is a mind boggling,body rapturing thing. It is only phenomenal lovemaking that can bring me to tears but it has happened and what a sweet release! MMmmmm Im under The Dogger
TheDogger's Avatar
Yes Yes Yes and it is a mind boggling,body rapturing thing. It is only phenomenal lovemaking that can bring me to tears but it has happened and what a sweet release! MMmmmm Im under The Dogger Originally Posted by caramelqtee mila
Mila...your so sweet....just looking at you will bring a man to tears!

And then when we crash into each other......