The Hobby Pad

burkalini's Avatar
The Burk and the Bitch. Has a nice ring to it and yes I know it's all fun. I think I would pay for a trip to wherever fo that one.
Thats Queen Bitch LOL! It would deff be an xrated reality show rated V for violent haha.
hmm, don't think shorty would be competitive enough. He is too sweet. I'll stick to CC and WeBbad for competition.
shorty's Avatar
Heidi. . . Don't under estimate me lol! You'd be surprised what I can do.
London Rayne's Avatar
I don't need another felony on my record ha ha.
burkalini's Avatar
Did you say ANOTHER. Sorry had to say it.
You have a felony?

Did you say ANOTHER. Sorry had to say it. Originally Posted by burkalini
burkalini's Avatar
Not me.
London Rayne's Avatar
You have a felony? Originally Posted by heidilynnla
Not anymore lol. I was 17, but everything I ever did was expunged. I just meant "another" as in, I would lose my place in the externship. Judges are good friends to have
burkalini's Avatar
Come on gang. No violence involved( well unless both parties want it. lol). Just our brains. I should be out on the first nite.
Indian Leg Wrestling!! Ill kick ya'lls ass!
burkalini's Avatar
Did I say I was 6'7' You ain't got a chance bitch. lol
I can leg press over 450lbs hun, dont understimate this 5'6 blonde with boobs. I never said I fought fair either!
burkalini's Avatar
UH No ball kicking allowed.If you did that I would have to tie your boobs together . lol
Id never do that, I was thinking more along the lines of no panties since my ass will be right by your face!