phone calls

memdal's Avatar
No calls or no texts out of the blue, please. I have had a few ladies text me with messages like “Hey sweetie, coming to town and wondering if you want to set up an appointment.” Try explaining that to the SO who happens to pick it up.

One of the great things about these boards is that they provide a password protected, private communication vehicle for any lady to contact me and let me know she is coming. I definitely appreciate the advance notice before an ad is posted because it gives me a chance to book the best times for me or to rearrange my often over-booked schedule. But not on the phone, please. Once we are set, I might say it is okay to text or call at a certain time with more info, but then I am prepared.
Good one's Avatar
I think a call out of the blue is totally inappropriate. Another reason to NEVER give out your real phone number and have a hobby phone. I keep my hobby phone turned off unless I'm using it. I don't mind a pm if a lady wants to see me or is running a special ect...
London Rayne's Avatar
I have caught some very very special deals this way Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
Exactly! If they are that desperate to spam you, take advantage of it baby!
This just underscores the need for all to take control. I use a hobby only phone. It is not on if I can't take a call. Period. I also use Google Voice, but leave it set up not to forward calls. I recommend you test and retest the settings before you leave your regular phone on with a forward of your hobby number. I just leave calls into the phone off. The provider can text me to call her back. I get (a google voice) text if someone call and can ck the voicemail or just call back. The phone never rings.

Of course I have never gotten a surprise call. But I do not have to worry about it.
I get several a week but they are text message which is ok. I tend to be over friendly and I guess they think I am ok. Dont mind it much, if I cant meet I just say cant but thanks for asking. Some ladies come to our town and they have 2 or 3 cancel and if I can help them out I do. Have met a lot of nice ladies in the business and I am respectful of them and them of me.
just saying
London Rayne's Avatar
I get several a week but they are text message which is ok. I tend to be over friendly and I guess they think I am ok. Dont mind it much, if I cant meet I just say cant but thanks for asking. Some ladies come to our town and they have 2 or 3 cancel and if I can help them out I do. Have met a lot of nice ladies in the business and I am respectful of them and them of me.
just saying Originally Posted by hjones
Well aren't you a sweetie!
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
I know this is an old subject....please do not call ...if we do not call first I know sometimes you need money...send a pm please. So is watching Originally Posted by pickupkid
I'm single. I only use a hobby phone. I don't mind a phone call or text from an escort I've already seen and in fact often welcome it (although I usually do not have my hobby phone on me or turned on) . I think you should be aware that not everyone is in your same situation. I'm not disagreeing with you that it's bad ettiquette for a provider to cold call a client who hasn't told her it's OK. But, you should know that it's gonna happen. Therefore, I think if you want to be safe from unwanted phone calls, the primary burden for this falls upon yourself. Get a hobby phone if you don't already have it and keep it turned off whenever you're not using it to make calls or wanting to receive calls. Never rely on someone else to protect you in this business when you can do it yourself.
jughead1171's Avatar
Like some of the others have said, use a hobby phone and don't turn it on unless you can receive a call or text. May mean you miss or not get back to a lady very quickly but that is better than what might happen otherwise