Survey: Who's your ATF in N. LA?

Dragon_inc's Avatar
Who is Vivian Knight? Does BGL needs to partake?
ROFL, sorry i couldnt help myself.
I can't laugh, but only feel pity for any hobbyist in her area who hasn't been knighted.
BGL You need to get Knighted asap before some Dragon finds your pesent ass in a dark ally and has a snak.

all in fun .... missing a adventure in life if you don't get Knighted.
Flyboy576's Avatar
It gets no better than Vivian... period.
creekby's Avatar
looks like there are still some oppourtunities for Miss Knight!
another one i would add to the ATF list for N La. ( Sam Milone ) she is suppossedly retired now but she was an outstanding young lady !!
She would definately be at the top of my list.
MacTheKnife's Avatar
And shes modest too..dont you just love her!! Originally Posted by wildwooly1
She is also a modest smart ass.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Who is Vivian Knight? Does BGL needs to partake? Originally Posted by blackgreenlantern

HID just loves it when people talk in third person. LOL

Now I'm just a lil OLD country mouse and even I've heered of Viv. Course I actually read other folks' posts.

It looks like to me Viv has so many knights that there isnt much room left at the round table and Im sure it has to do with that personality of hers.
There are none any better and when she gets that evil grin on her face watch out !
Ive been knighted so many times I think ive earned the Title SIR Wildwooly1
Okee dokee, first off, Mac... I *resemble* that statement!

BGL is a valued poster here, but judging by his posts, I'm not quite what he's looking for... so ease up on him about being Knighted. WALDT ya know.

There are MANY lovely & smart ladies I've had the privilage to 'work' with... either in person or by email. I'm kinda embarrassed (but EXTREMELY flattered!) this thread leans in my favor. Thanks to all of you wonderful fellas for allowing me to be myself & accepting me the way I am. I hate it that I never got the chance to be in the same place at the same time as Sam Milone... i felt she and I had a trust between us that is very valuable from our side of the biz.

HID... I heered of u too, buckeroo... I even *know'd* ya a time or two.

SIR Wooly... one life saved is a woody earned...!! (personal pun there y'all)

Prag... right back atcha.

Too many to mention in this thread, but nonetheless I reckon I've know'ed ya all that's mentioned me here & hold a place for you. Wiz and Dragon, save me a place at the Waffle House!!!!

Please allow others to chime in, as flattering as this is... cuz like I said, there are many wonderful ladies out there who've had my back as many times as I've had theirs.

You fella's are great, and as big as the size of Viv's Round Table is, there's room for a few more. (that 3rd person stuff *is* kinda fun, HID!)
the pragmatist's Avatar
"as big as the size of Viv's Round Table is, there's room for a few more." But not too many more, please or there won't be room for the old faithful, tried and true types! You know the FOFJ types!
Seirus's Avatar
Ok. So Vivian, please pm BGL. It's time to get knighted. BGL is a freak & the 2 in my N. LA list can attest to that. So, if you are in the area, I want to see if you are as good as they say. By the way, I wear a green lantern shirt. My new thing is to give out a plastic green lantern ring & my top 3 will get a josten's green lantern ring.
the pragmatist's Avatar
dude, you have it backwards. It's not up to you to determine if it "is time to get knighted" and if VK is "as good as everybody says you are" its up to her to determine if YOU are worthy for consideration.

Frankly - not speaking for the lady of course - but frankly, being a self-professed "freak" who considered wearing a Green Lantern tee-shirt and handing out plastic trinkets as being indicators of class and "worthiness" isn't putting the best foot forward. Unless, perhaps that IS your best foot.
Linus's Avatar
  • Linus
  • 04-22-2011, 03:11 AM
Vivian is a #1. It's just that simple. Class, fun, beautiful, adventurous, and red hair. What more can I say except, Vivian, when will you be back?
Seirus's Avatar
Pragmatist you have no clue about me. Before you talk shit, know your opponent.
the pragmatist's Avatar
whatever. I may be more "clued" than you realized...
Besides, there are no "opponents" here, just good clean fun!
Right, HID?
Little Late on this one But Not only is VK my ATF in NWLA, She is my ATF perriod. I wont go into details,But I just really Enjoy her company. I have actually been laying low and somewhat Semi-retired from the hobby but make it a point to see her each time she visits.