#Unwantedivanka — WTF was she doing at the G20 and DMZ anyway?

HeyYssup Rider...Why is your bullshit meter always pointing back toward you?
How do you know this? Where you there?

So you think this is about misleading innocent students?

The DPSHT propaganda machine will not be able to contain the world’s justified and uncontrollable laughter at the awkwardness of this buffoon and his spoor.

Ivanka and Jarred did not belong in that room and she had no business horning in on a conversation between world leaders, like it was some kind of punch bowl social. I guess nobody ever told her tonfuck off at Daddy’s country club.

Why does she still have a security clearance?

Why aren’t you talking about that, oeb? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
  • oeb11
  • 07-01-2019, 11:16 AM
The rest of the world has got to stop meddling in our affairs. We elected Jared and Ivanka and all the Trump children to represent American values and vision on the world stage.

They’re the best and brightest.

Apparently the rest of the world didn’t get the memo. Or else they’ve never been to a country club dance.

Don’t these stupid world leaders know how hard it is to keep the kids occupied during the summer????

You’d think Trump might have gotten a clue after bringing his uninvited progeny to Buckingham Palace.

On a serious note: this was circulated by the French government. Not the Russians.


Pretty funny.

Real embarrassing.

Take your daughter to work day!


] Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

If Hillary has won 2016, and Chelsea was in the same position as Ivanaka so vehemently protested by YR - Well!!!!
The LSM and YR wold be falling all over themselves in laudatory comments about how wonderful she is, and what wonderful preparation for her Future White House terms in office.

Just the usual Hate Trump hypocritical BS.

At least spending time creating montages keeps their hands out of trouble - very much as fingerpainting for kindergarten children.

Yes, YR has yet to figure out that his avatar points at his own posts.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You seem about as obsessed with my avatar as bb1961 is with his ratings.

I guess Trump really is a role model for some Americans.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
How do you know this? Where you there? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Are you suggesting that this was a doctored video?
  • oeb11
  • 07-01-2019, 11:38 AM
Top doctored pic is from the Yalta conference. FDR was soon to die of cerebral hemorrhage.

Second doctored pic appears to be of WW2 or Korea vintage - likely WW@ - I do not know which landing beach -head.

Those were men of the greatest generation - took extreme courage to charge out from landing craft into enemy fire.

Anyone with the mental disconnect to put Ivanka in that milieu is truly a twisted mind. That is pathetic.

Just another attempt by DPST's to alter History to their own doctrine.
Along the lines of a national socialist of the 1930's - tell the Lie often enough and loud enough - the People will believe you.
You still didn't answer my question? To hard for you?
Redhot1960's Avatar
You still didn't answer my question? To hard for you? Originally Posted by LayedBackJack
Ze can't, you know cognitive dissonance...

Cognitive dissonance theory has a long and esteemed history in social psychology. As originally formulated (Festinger, 1957), cognitive dissonance is induced when a person holds two contradictory beliefs, or when a belief is incongruent with an action that the person had chosen freely to perform. Because this situation produces feelings of discomfort, the individual strives to change one of the beliefs or behaviors in order to avoid being inconsistent. Hypocrisy is a special case of cognitive dissonance, produced when a person freely chooses to promote a behavior that they do not themselves practice.
lustylad's Avatar
What does that have to do with this, bambino? Weak attempt at what aboutism. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Off topic. Didn’t you already start a thread on Hunter Biden? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
When someone points out a DIRECTLY RELEVANT ANALOGY that exposes an OP's double standards and selective outrage, we would expect an intelligent OP either to concede the point (admitting the analogy fits) or call it a false equivalent and cite the reasons why.

But if the OP doesn't know how to debate, he/she will just whine about the post being "off topic" and refuse to address the DIRECTLY RELEVANT ANALOGY.

Trump nepotism bad, Biden nepotism good. Got it, folks?
You seem about as obsessed with my avatar as bb1961 is with his ratings.

I guess Trump really is a role model for some Americans.

Chuckle. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You are the ONLY one that mentions rating...I'm just throwing it back in your face!!
You dish it out but you can't take it.
You start a thread and give yourself five stars...self-adulation!!
Why not start a thread about the Democrap that will bet your arch nemesis...good fucking luck with that...should be 5 stars!!
So you think this is about misleading innocent students?

The DPSHT propaganda machine will not be able to contain the world’s justified and uncontrollable laughter at the awkwardness of this buffoon and his spoor.

Ivanka and Jarred did not belong in that room and she had no business horning in on a conversation between world leaders, like it was some kind of punch bowl social. I guess nobody ever told her tonfuck off at Daddy’s country club.

Why does she still have a security clearance?

Why aren’t you talking about that, oeb? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Did someone mention something about ranting...
You remind me of Roy Roger's horse.

The rest of the world has got to stop meddling in our affairs. We elected Jared and Ivanka and all the Trump children to represent American values and vision on the world stage.

They’re the best and brightest.

Apparently the rest of the world didn’t get the memo. Or else they’ve never been to a country club dance.

Don’t these stupid world leaders know how hard it is to keep the kids occupied during the summer????

You’d think Trump might have gotten a clue after bringing his uninvited progeny to Buckingham Palace.

On a serious note: this was circulated by the French government. Not the Russians.


Pretty funny.

Real embarrassing.

Take your daughter to work day!


] Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Hotrod511's Avatar
So you think this is about misleading innocent students?

The DPSHT propaganda machine will not be able to contain the world’s justified and uncontrollable laughter at the awkwardness of this buffoon and his spoor.

Ivanka and Jarred did not belong in that room and she had no business horning in on a conversation between world leaders, like it was some kind of punch bowl social. I guess nobody ever told her tonfuck off at Daddy’s country club.

Why does she still have a security clearance?

Why aren’t you talking about that, oeb? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What does that have to do with this, bambino? Weak attempt at what aboutism. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Who elected her?

Who confirmed her?

Who invited her to the G20? Or Buckingham Palace?

You need to admit the possibility that this might not be in the best place to do a “Beverly Hillbillies” redux.

Or own the awkwardness.

https://twitter.com/parhamghobadi/st...035449357?s=21 Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Off topic. Didn’t you already start a thread on Hunter Biden?

Yet another swing and miss, bambino.

I’m gonna catch cold! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Back on topic.

The looks on their faces is priceless!

They wuz all like “whaaaa?”
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Hotrod511's Avatar
You still didn't answer my question? To hard for you? Originally Posted by LayedBackJack
he's having one of his moments! "a meltdown rant"
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It’s not off topic. It shows how you’re a blind hack. And It’s in the news. ABC just ran a big story last week. Just like you’re trying to make this into fake news. Nothing illegal or improper about her being there. Originally Posted by bambino
Start your own thread, then Bambino.

And check your PMs.