What Direction Is The US Moving?

discreetgent's Avatar
That was a low down cheap shot. Originally Posted by Ansley
Was it? Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Yes, some have taken shots at you. Nonetheless, that was a cheap shot.
ANONONE's Avatar
PJ said it best:


I think CT has more than repented. If you keep rubbing his nose in that same crap it is not very productive. Why not let the past go and give him a chance to grow and lighten up already?
atlcomedy's Avatar
yep cheap shot...let us move on...with CT as part of our group...
Guest012211-3's Avatar
CT deserves forgiveness...I've already forgotten his "misstep"...he's cool.

Why not give DFW the same respect? He posted in this forum because it seems to be a little more tolerant and intellectual than the others. It was just a question which was open for debate, I don't understand all the flaming.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
My intent with this thread was not to say that is what I believe, my intent with this thread is to debate the facts presented with each plank. Either some people are comfortable with the direction the country is going or they are apathetic.

IF apathy is what is taking place then it would be wise to wake up. If they want to put a tin-foil hat on me for caring about something I have taken an oath to defend, so be it, but apologize for taking an interest in a country I voluntarliy served? I think Nicole said it best.
ANONONE's Avatar
Either some people are comfortable with the direction the country is going or they are apathetic. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
What if we are slightly horrified?

As in being on a roller coaster as the cars inch up the biggest hill, only to look down and see several bolts missing out of the frame supports of the tracks. . .

IF apathy is what is taking place then it would be wise to wake up. If they want to put a tin-foil hat on me for caring about something I have taken an oath to defend, so be it, but apologize for taking an interest in a country I voluntarliy served? I think Nicole said it best. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
You served in the military and love our country. Great, I get it. I don't get why you had to bring up CT2500's past.
discreetgent's Avatar
My intent with this thread was not to say that is what I believe, my intent with this thread is to debate the facts presented with each plank. Either some people are comfortable with the direction the country is going or they are apathetic.

IF apathy is what is taking place then it would be wise to wake up. If they want to put a tin-foil hat on me for caring about something I have taken an oath to defend, so be it, but apologize for taking an interest in a country I voluntarliy served? I think Nicole said it best. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Perfectly ok if you agree with all the points you posted. Put together with some of your posts elsewhere I think it would be reasonable to think so. Nothing wrong with that and it should not invite invective.

As I posted I happen to like much of where this country is today vis a vis 50 years ago. I don't pine for how many things were back then.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Perfectly ok if you agree with all the points you posted. Put together with some of your posts elsewhere I think it would be reasonable to think so. Nothing wrong with that and it should not invite invective.

As I posted I happen to like much of where this country is today vis a vis 50 years ago. I don't pine for how many things were back then. Originally Posted by discreetgent
Retoricals: Are you saying that 50 years ago when the unemployment rate was ~5% compared to the ~10% today is a good thing? The actual is closer to ~20% because of those that are underemployeed, have dropped off the books and/or just stopped looking? Is this really a good thing when it takes twice as much work, i.e., 2 income families, to make ends meet as compared to 50 years ago?

It's easy to like what you see if you are comfortable. Put yourself in the shoes of a lot of people, 11.7 million people as posted in previous threads, and look at it from their viewpoint. Some policies/laws provided in the original post have driven this country to where it is today.
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
If you're so unhappy, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out! And 99+% of what you wrote is fantasy. Maybe if you put some more tinfoil in you hat, the voices inside your head will pipe down. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
You're a feisty hog.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Retoricals: Are you saying that 50 years ago when the unemployment rate was ~5% compared to the ~10% today is a good thing? The actual is closer to ~20% because of those that are underemployeed, have dropped off the books and/or just stopped looking? Is this really a good thing when it takes twice as much work, i.e., 2 income families, to make ends meet as compared to 50 years ago? Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
You know?...I've searched and searched. And as much as sometimes DG does just irritate the sh*t out of me... ...I can't find where he said any of that anywhere.
I liked the Clinton years. The dot.com was booming, we had a surplus not a deficit, unemployment was low. Those were the days my friends.


notdeadyet's Avatar
I liked the Clinton years. The dot.com was booming, we had a surplus not a deficit, unemployment was low. Those were the days my friends. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
And the occupants of the White House were a lot more entertaining, too. Maybe, the president needs to learn to play the sax.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
And they could and did sell all kind of technical goodies and ball bearing machines to the Chinese. ICBM type parts. Perhaps just nit picking.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
... I happen to like much of where this country is today .... Originally Posted by discreetgent
You know?...I've searched and searched. And as much as sometimes DG does just irritate the sh*t out of me... ...I can't find where he said any of that anywhere. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
That's exactly what I'm asking, retorically of course. There is no line to read between when someone happens "to like much of where this country is today," are they truly comfortable with the condition of the country?