Oops - some of the voter fraud the leftists want you to pretend does not exist

berryberry's Avatar
I'm shocked that the GOP has 'anyone' on their side who is corrupt.{Gasp}

Maybe the term corrupt could mean - 'doesn't do what dear leader wants them to do'? If there is ANY proof of corruption surely the legal minds who spearhead the GOP's attempts to protect one person in all these court filings, would be able to uncover those attempts and easily prove them!

If they cannot- why ?? Aren't there facts to back up those allegations?

Certainly those are so easily alleged, there must also certainly be a reason and facts to back them up?!

Perhaps they are missing cause they were stolen- just like the supposed steeling of an election!?
Originally Posted by eyecu2
When there are six affidavits alleging counterfeit ballots in Fulton County, Georgia's 2020 election, which remain unresolved three years later and after three years, we have still not seen the ballots for which there were six sworn affidavits claiming they were counterfeit. That is not the appropriate way to investigate. The Secretary of State's office filed an amicus brief against us to try to prevent us from looking at the ballots. What kind of Secretary of State would do that?"

that tells you all you need to know about how corrupt Brad Raffensberger is. If Georgia had nothing to hide, why are they fighting to keep these counterfeit ballots secret? Would they not want to disprove the claim if it was false?
... Georgia Board of Elections were all-over the Fulton County
Officials concerning this whole mess... No doubt a Federal Investigation
will take place beginning next year... And will finally get to the
bottom of the corruption and bad ways.

May also happen in other states... A voter fraud issue in Texas
has cause a NEW Election!

#### Salty