Improving Ecc

Girls should have to ask permission before posting publicly about seeing someone because not everyone wants every rendezvous publically documented for all to see Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
So true
pyramider's Avatar
Yes, the ladies would then know without a shadow of doubt that my 1.3" of dangling death is real ... small.
Yes, the ladies would then know without a shadow of doubt that my 1.3" of dangling death is real ... small. Originally Posted by pyramider
Ohh baby 1.3" ,you got my panties r getting moist up in here!!
I myself think this is a good idea. I tried setting something up with Vivi last week but couldn't get past the reference point for her comfort level as one provider wasn't too keen on me seeing a diff girl, and the others retired (destiny, and more recently Vanessa DDD) if this site had that function, would have been easier for all parties. Maybe ladies if you see a review on your side you could just comment on the review that was left for you exactly what Vivi originally posted on this discussion? Super simple, takes 30 seconds, and doesn't require any mods. Just sayin.
Girls aren't allowed to post in the review section
BBG for modtardette!!
Justin Herpantz's Avatar
Girls aren't allowed to post in the review section Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
That's what Mandles are for.