Would providers still be interested in....

Shiloh Stevens's Avatar
I have done the international trips with a couple of clients.

My conditions:
1. We need to see each other a few times before I even consider traveling with you. This means screening will have already taken place.
2. I've introduced client to reliable friend who will have details of the trip. This means someone else other than client will now my whereabouts.
3. This is not a vacation for me. I make sure that I am paid for my time when I am with a client. If I want a real vacation I can take it on my own. Which I do from time to time.
I have done the international trips with a couple of clients.

My conditions:
1. We need to see each other a few times before I even consider traveling with you. This means screening will have already taken place.
2. I've introduced client to reliable friend who will have details of the trip. This means someone else other than client will now my whereabouts.
3. This is not a vacation for me. I make sure that I am paid for my time when I am with a client. If I want a real vacation I can take it on my own. Which I do from time to time. Originally Posted by Shiloh Stevens
Absolutely! I don't understand why anyone would give up the opportunity to make several $K in paradise with all expenses paid.

OK... you might never return but that's just a minor detail!

Did I mention Aruba has a red-light district?
Still Looking's Avatar
I have done the international trips with a couple of clients.

My conditions:
1. We need to see each other a few times before I even consider traveling with you. This means screening will have already taken place.
2. I've introduced client to reliable friend who will have details of the trip. This means someone else other than client will now my whereabouts.
3. This is not a vacation for me. I make sure that I am paid for my time when I am with a client. If I want a real vacation I can take it on my own. Which I do from time to time. Originally Posted by Shiloh Stevens
Well I see where SNL'S red avatar dress went to! LOL I travel for and with... the end!
London Rayne's Avatar
I can think of only 3 people I would feel safe going overseas with in the hobby, and I will just leave it at that. I know so many women who up and hop on a plane to see someone they have never met, but that would never work for me. I have to be with someone several times before I will even spend more than 4 hours with them.
burkalini's Avatar
The only time I went on a trip with a provider is with the one that I eventually spent a year with her. Needless to say we both felt very comfortable with each other. Other than that I can't see staying a whole trip with one gal when so many are available everywhere in and out of the hobby.
I don't have a problem with it. I've only been on a 2 other international dates and they were both great! Maybe I'm falsey optomistic... They always seem like fun to me. Just take the necessary precautions and don't let your guard down too much.
shorty's Avatar
It really is a bad idea for ladies to even consider a date past an overnighter. I've never figured out why ladies would put themselves at that kind of risk. Money isn't everything when your talking about your life! Even a overnighter can be dangerous because of the time frame.
London Rayne's Avatar
It really is a bad idea for ladies to even consider a date past an overnighter. I've never figured out why ladies would put themselves at that kind of risk. Money isn't everything when your talking about your life! Even a overnighter can be dangerous because of the time frame. Originally Posted by shorty
Exactly! Seeing new places and dollar signs is not the best thing to lead with, when your life could be in danger. Unless you know everything about that guy including where he lives and works, you really can't take that many precautions lol.
shorty's Avatar
Exactly! Seeing new places and dollar signs is not the best thing to lead with, when your life could be in danger. Unless you know everything about that guy including where he lives and works, you really can't take that many precautions lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne

We have a winner here!!