Government Spying Out of Control

I'm sure that Timpage was celebrating Hanukkah back in 1937 when someone told him that the government was rounding up Jews and trucking them to work camps. They also told him that no one ever came home. Timpage is the sort to blow them a raspberry and say that he trusted his government implicitly because he voted for the current government.

I am younger than COG and I heard the story as well. I am also a historian and know about World War I. The Sedition Act, the imprisonments, the deportations, the "we have to do this to guarantee our safety" crowd in government. You have to accept that Obama is breaking the law in order to be worried but we have a board full of Kool Aid drinkers. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Weren't that Asians not Jews????
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  • Old-T
  • 12-13-2012, 05:50 PM
The right to privacy is a natural human right. Its enshrinement in the Constitution has largely kept America from becoming East Germany. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I have absolutely no idea what a "natural human right is". Personally I believe Jefferson wrote some good creative fiction when he said man has any inalienable rights.

Having said that, I support the idea as a great advancement in governance and human progress. But I believe we gave it to ourselves, we were not born with it,

But I also believe we have a problem with two very basic rights we enjoy, and as a group we have stuck our head in the sand about a very necessary national debate we need to have. We want security and we want privacy. Unfortunately in today's world they are not both possible in the extreme.

We can either give up some privacy, or we can give up some security. And most people do not want to face it is impossible to have both at the level we had in 1776. The bad actors have too many new and different ways to kill Americans and commit terror.

I make no claim to know where the balance point should be. No idea how many preventable terror events I am willing to endure for how much privacy. I don't know the mix, but I know must be a mix. Complete privacy is anarchy, complete security is a gulag. I find neither acceptable. But we will either have the discussion in an honest, depoliticized way or we will arrive at a haphazard very suboptimal answer.
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Can you prove that, RaggedyAndy? It would be interesting. But I bet you can't. It's just another strawman argument because you are unable to address the issue at hand.

Every time you try to sound smart, it just gets stupider. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It has to do with you and the rest of our resident "Freedom Fighters'" penchant for "good government" - that is, by your definition and by your definition alone. Huge blind spots where you guys are concerned, big enough to be seen not only from the moon, but also from Mars.

You attempt to "guide" (read dominate) the conversation through the force of sheer volume. Of course, it's really by volumes of sheer cut'n'paste bullshit. Keep track of YOUR matches, old "wise" one (almost choked on that one) - your barn full of strawmen could go any time.