Yssup Rider's Avatar
However, Gruber never says what Whir-LIE-turf claims he says.

Just another of his endless lies.
LexusLover's Avatar
Just judging the arrogant twerp by the same standards you judged Bush....

... except in this case the arrogant little twerp admits deceiving to get it passed.

(That is a paraphrase before you start whining for "a link" or "a quote.")
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did you listen to the YouTube?

What exactly did he "admit?"
But then, when it comes before the Supreme Court, the Court says that Congress could not levy so called " fees", but stated that since Congress had the power to levy Taxes, just call all of those Fees Taxes. Wala, the law is indeed Constitutional because all of the fees are INDEED a tax. And since Congress has the power to levy taxes, all was hunky dory. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That was Chief Justice Roberts, writing the most contorted opinion ever written by a Supreme Court justice, in order to make a 5th vote to leave the law in force.

He's the ONLY one who pulled that particular rationale out of his ass.

At the time, Jerry Pournelle (formerly a full professor of political science at Pepperdine University) expressed the opinion, cogently, that what the Chief Justice was really saying was along the lines of "Ladies and gentlemen, this is a political problem, and it needs to be solved by political methods. This Court wants no part of it."

This, unfortunately, sets a TERRIBLE precedent. It seems to mean that Congress can do ANYTHING, as long as they wrap it in some kind of "tax" for noncompliance.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Did you listen to the YouTube?

What exactly did he "admit?" Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Do you ever get tired of defending Obama? You know you sound stupid, don't you? Probably not, which is why it seems like you are DEMANDING that someone hand you your ass. Well, you've gotten your wish. Now run along, and play with LittleEva while the grown ups have a discussion .
gfejunkie's Avatar
I'm a dumb fuck. Originally Posted by WTF
What exactly did he "admit?" Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Well, Gruber was right about at least two American voters when he referred to their stupidity.
True. And let's add to the list of stupid electorate, those Democrats and liberals who supported Obamacare. I don't know a single conservative who believed the bullshit and lies that Obama and his enablers told us.

Well, Gruber was right about at least two American voters when he referred to their stupidity. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Budman's Avatar
If you dumb fucks are not smart enough to not know a fee is in fact a tax when the government charges it to you then no fucking wonder you think over half the country does not pay any taxes! Those fee's for your drivers license and state sales and property taxes are just fee's.

Originally Posted by WTF
You do realize that every conservative and every republican knew it was a tax and voted against it. It was you and your kind that thought they were going to get more free shit from the government tit that fell for this deception. Congratulations.

Using your argument that everyone should have known it was a tax so lying and deceiving the American people was OK is some fucked up logic. I guess you and all of the libs should shut the fuck up about WMD's in Iraq.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You do realize that every conservative and every republican knew it was a tax and voted against it. It was you and your kind that thought they were going to get more free shit from the government tit that fell for this deception. Congratulations.

Using your argument that everyone should have known it was a tax so lying and deceiving the American people was OK is some fucked up logic. I guess you and all of the libs should shut the fuck up about WMD's in Iraq. Originally Posted by Budman
that's was a wonderful outburst of incoherent and unrelated comments.

maybe you should shift your considerable energy to education.

Maybe some will rub off...

Budman's Avatar
that's was a wonderful outburst of incoherent and unrelated comments.

maybe you should shift your considerable energy to education.

Maybe some will rub off...

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's only incoherent to someone with your limited IQ.

How's the hall monitor position going at the nut house? You must make your parents proud.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Everyone involved in this atrocity should be removed from office, lose their pensions, and be forced to repay every dime they were paid while involved in this deception. Even if you support the bill, the means are despicable, and so undermine the concept of representative government that the end is irrelevant. This administration thinks Americans are stupid. Looks like they are right. Welcome to Amerika.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

A whinier bitch cannot be found!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Assup, we already know you approve and support corruption and dishonesty in government, and that you have no respect for what you call our "fucking Constitution". That is why you call anyone who wants government to be honest and have integrity a "whiner". Ergo, you have earned the highest award for dipshittery that exists. You represent it well.
that's was a wonderful outburst of incoherent and unrelated comments.

maybe you should shift your considerable energy to education.

Maybe some will rub off...

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Gruber went on MSNBC yesterday to tell us he "misspoke" when he called American voters stupid......

Gruber said he regretted the comments recorded in the first video and said he "was speaking off the cuff" at the conference and, with the help of the MSNBC "journalist" attempts to justify lying to the American People.

But now a 2nd video of Gruber again calling the American electorate stupid at different seminar has surfaced (@ the 2 minute mark).....

So much for off-the-cuff spontaneous misspeak.......