Here's something guaranteed to piss everybody off

Randy4Candy's Avatar
It's not too late to up your $10.00.
[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=3]Yep, that does it for me.

[COLOR=DarkGreen]Can we threaten to shoot whoever made these bonehead decisions?

Understand that doing that, whether it be the bonehead who set the policy (O'Blunder), or the bonehead who carried it out (Eric "I Don't Recall" Holder), would result in a quick and unpleasant visit from the Secret Service. Not that I would lose any sleep... Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
You know, you guys just look fucking stupid blaming Obama for every fucking thing under the sun that you don't like. You think Obama signed an order that this shitbag gets paid even though he's accused of this crime. It just makes you look stupid.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, Fox News was all over this story last week. They reported it and they commented on it on many different shows.

You know, you guys just look fucking stupid blaming Obama for every fucking thing under the sun that you don't like. You think Obama signed an order that this shitbag gets paid even though he's accused of this crime. It just makes you look stupid. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
Never said anything about anyone signing an order. O'Blunder set the policy of treating terrorists like common criminals through the justice system. (Or in this case, a military court.) Holder carries it out. Naturally, it follows that, as a result, this Jihadist continues to get paid.

The more important part of my reply was to the lady, attempting to clarify exactly who she would be threatening to shoot.

Read a little slower next time, TP, you sound like Assup and CandyAss when you don't.