Matt Gaetz

HDGristle's Avatar

Is that the best case you can make for the guy? He ticks off a few people you don't like?

Terrible choice.

If you really want to fix the DOJ to ensure justice is blind and non-partisan and the Dept doesn't ever, ever, ever again engage in election interference by waging lawfare against the out-party's Presidential candidate, then you don't nominate a hyper-partisan asshole who holds grudges and likes to settle scores to run it.

Matt Gaetz should NOT be confirmed by the Senate.

You see, Gristle? This is why those two morons Obama and Harry Reid should not have killed the filibuster for executive branch appointments back in 2013. They're the dickheads who opened the door and made it easy for bad nominees to sail through the Senate confirmation process! Originally Posted by lustylad
You act like I don't agree.

It's like the infinite money glitch. Do I blame the guy who posted bank fraud first? Or the morons who followed the example?

He's an asshole for posting it. They're assholes for trying it themselves.

And Matt Gaetz? He's the gaping goatse of assholes. And The Trumpster's his daddy now.

But fuck if I'm not entertained by this all.


lustylad's Avatar
It's like the infinite money glitch. Do I blame the guy who posted bank fraud first? Or the morons who followed the example? Originally Posted by HDGristle
Lousy analogy.

We can all expect people not to rob banks just because someone else shows them how easy it is.

But no reasonable person would expect Senate Republicans to reinstate the old filibuster rules and thereby disadvantage themselves after Obama/Reid blew them up purely for their own short-term political advantage.

Yes, in politics you DO blame the guy that engaged in the bad behavior FIRST!

Notice how it's always the Democrats who LEAD the race to the bottom!
HDGristle's Avatar
No, I fully expect idiots to try the infinite money glitch, even now. That's on those who are dumb enough to do it AND the guy who started it.

Sadly for you, I blame everyone dumb enough to do stupid shit. Especially those who bitch about how stupid it was and then go out of their way to do it too.

Seems like your standards are low. Goose/gander and two wrongs = right so blame the first guy.

We do, however, agree that Matt Gaetz is a hilariously dumb AG pick
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 11-14-2024, 03:35 AM
Maybe all libtards including males will shave their heads and refuse sex. In protest .
Gold. Snick ER doodle. #winning
HDGristle's Avatar
They'll probably be too busy wondering if Gaetz is allowed to be near schools.

I almost forgot the House Ethics panel was supposed to meet about him.

(Staff edit)

Guess we know why some folks are pushing hard for recess appointments.


If I remember correctly was there a President that had a very young intern give him blow jobs in the Oval Office, hmm.
Did this same President travel (Staff edit)

Was this President removed from office over these allegations?

F the swamp. The swamp went after Gaetz hopefully he has the likes of Garland, FBI and CIA investigated over the phony Russian investigations, FISA warrants, Trumps family members being brought before congress, Trumps staff being put in jail because they wouldn’t testify against him.
bambino's Avatar
Dems are in total PANIC MODE ��

MOSKOWITZ AFTER GAETZ TAPPED FOR AG: "They’re not just going to go around and shut down puppy mills. This is a very serious pick."

"Trump is obviously telegraphing that he means business."
bambino's Avatar
I’ll drop the mic right here.
HDGristle's Avatar
Not really seeing what that has to do with Matt Gaetz, Chase....who even most Republicans can't stand.
lustylad's Avatar
No, I fully expect idiots to try the infinite money glitch, even now. That's on those who are dumb enough to do it AND the guy who started it.

Sadly for you, I blame everyone dumb enough to do stupid shit. Especially those who bitch about how stupid it was and then go out of their way to do it too.

Seems like your standards are low. Goose/gander and two wrongs = right so blame the first guy. Originally Posted by HDGristle

No Gristle. You still don't get it.

It was wrong to eliminate the filibuster that worked well for the US Senate over its entire history dating back to 1789. The old rules forced Presidents to nominate reasonably qualified candidates to all federal positions.

It's not wrong to abide by the new rules after they have been changed.

So you are making a false equivalence when you preach to me that two wrongs don't make a right.

If the reckless, short-sighted Dems hadn't changed the rules at Obama's insistence back in 2013, flawed nominees like Matt Gaetz would be DOA in the Senate.
Imagine having a U.S. Attorney General who not only has to make his (Staff edit), but is not allowed within 500 feet of a high school or playground. Lol.
HDGristle's Avatar
Sorry, Lusty. I blame the side that poisons the well and the side that knows the well is poisoned and drinks from it anyways.

Remember, tho. Bam says he's going to be a recess appointment. Different levels of complexity and complicity.

bambino's Avatar
Gaetz chewed this fraud up and spit him out.
bambino's Avatar
Senator Ron Johnson was just asked by reporters about newly nominated Attorney General Matt Gaetz.

In response, he unfolded a printed photo of Rachel Levine and Sam Brinton and asked the reporters if they had ‘harassed’ Democrats about these nominees.

Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 11-14-2024, 01:47 PM
Oh the fear and angst, it's lovely to see and hear the left

I hope Gaetz is going to gut Justice like every other government controlled institution.

It's a Libertarian dream, and a good start to making this the land of the free AGAIN.

A soft revolution that uses Government to police itself first, instead of blood under the tree.

Sure, political winds change, but if they swing too far, something snaps, and this time it has.