Khazir Kahn And Wife On MSNBC Right Now

you are interpreting my comments as criticizing Muslims.. why? I don't criticize them at all.. I am criticizing one guy.. Senior Khan.. did you not read where I basically called his son a Hero? you are so entrenched in the anti-Trump barrage, you stretch my comments to say what you want them to say.. Procrustean, as the Greeks say.

and yes, there were a few anti-Vietnamese folks some decades ago.. but America brought many Vietnamese in after the war.. reached out, bent over backwards to unite families, educate children.. Catholic Charities did tremendous work and effort (I know of no Muslim groups that assisted, by the way).. America has been great for Vietnamese people, yet you single out a few that were discriminatory during wartime. Republican President Gerald Ford was a strong agent for Vietnamese assistance.

you assume Trump would be anti-Vietnamese.. I totally disagree.. his public stance against China, regarding the accumulation and invasion of islands in the South China Sea is very "pro Vietnamese".. what have the Democrats done there? nothing.. China is threatening us this very day.

your turn.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Again you are sadly formed- if Trump is so much against China why does he do so much business with China? He obviously supports China's economy by sending jobs to China- yet he tells his followers that he's going to bring jobs back to America- total bullshit and you know it.
China is perhaps a threat to us economically because they flood our markets with bullshit products and they don't import nearly as much in dollar value that we export- but that's been going on for many years and you can't blame any political party one way or another.

So let me ask you this question- if we had no problem bringing in vietnamese decades ago- why does Trump have a problem with bringing in muslims today? Did we know that perhaps some of those vietnamese could have been Viet song "plants" and perhaps have ill intent?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Again you are sadly formed- if Trump is so much against China why does he do so much business with China? He obviously supports China's economy by sending jobs to China- yet he tells his followers that he's going to bring jobs back to America- total bullshit and you know it.

So let me ask you this question- if we had no problem bringing in vietnamese decades ago- why does Trump have a problem with bringing in muslims today? Did we know that perhaps some of those vietnamese could have been Viet song "plants" and perhaps have ill intent? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
I didn't say he was against China.. you tend to parse words to get them to mean what you want.. try not to do that, okay? I said he is against China's incursion into the Spratley Islands and other regional territories. he is against China currency manipulation, too, which is positive.. Obama doesn't give a shit, China runs all over him. sure, Trump does business with China.. so what? what large international business doesn't? he has goods made in Viet Nam too, and is appreciated there for doing so. I believe Trump has more of a chance to bring jobs back to America than Clinton.. I noticed during the Democratic Convention, that Clinton copied several of Trump's platforms verbally, including bring back jobs to America.. her party has done its best to cause jobs to leave America.

Trump does not have a problem with bringing in Muslims today.. that's the whole bullshit narrative you and others decided to adopt.. you know damn well Trump wants only a TEMPORARY ban on Muslims from A FEW countries, for vetting purposes.. you won't say it, because you want to paint Trump as an Ogre.. honesty doesn't fit your agenda of promoting Hillary to the Presidency.

the Viet Cong? good example.. the US Army had a Hell of a time figuring out who was the enemy.. many soldiers were killed in situations where confusion abounded.. some Civilians as well.. the My Lai massacre stands out as an egregious example. the US vetted the Vietnamese people that came here! most started in refugee camps before eventually coming to these shores. so the example of the Viet Cong is outstanding in its support of vetting certain Muslims today.
LexusLover's Avatar
Again you are sadly formed- Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Better than being sadly uninformed, as yourself.
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump does not have a problem with bringing in Muslims today..

so the example of the Viet Cong is outstanding in its support of vetting certain Muslims today. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Most of the folks with whom I am familiar were from the South and they were "allowed" to come because they had been "sympathizing" and/or working with the U.S. forces ... and would have likely been summarily executed ... so they were already a "known" before they were processed to come here ...

.. the same with many South Koreans who were "assigned" to U.S. forces.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Most of the folks with whom I am familiar were from the South and they were "allowed" to come become they had been "sympathizing" and/or working with the U.S. forces ... and would have likely been summarily executed ... so they were already a "known" before they were processed to come here ...

.. the same with many South Koreans who were "assigned" to U.S. forces. Originally Posted by LexusLover
exactly.. I started to say that myself, but I didn't want to make the argument too narrow.. and by the way, many "sympathizers" and fellow soldiers were executed or sent to labor camps.. those that couldn't find a way to escape.
LexusLover's Avatar
exactly.. I started to say that myself, but I didn't want to make the argument too narrow.. and by the way, many "sympathizers" and fellow soldiers were executed or sent to labor camps.. those that couldn't find a way to escape. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
... also some "married" U.S. personnel and then got processed through the State Department as a "dependent" and with "dependents".... with associated paper work .... a notary stamp in little wax and a ribbon looked good!!!!
Chung Tran's Avatar
... also some "married" U.S. personnel and then got processed through the State Department as a "dependent" and with "dependents".... with associated paper work .... a notary stamp in little wax and a ribbon looked good!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
are you trying to say some Vietnamese were involved in bogus marriages, for the purpose of leaving to the US?

nope.. didn't happen.. couldn't happen..

okay, it happened

Another tool the MSM doesn't want to investigate and then bellyaches when somebody does.
LexusLover's Avatar
are you trying to say some Vietnamese were involved in bogus marriages, for the purpose of leaving to the US?

nope.. didn't happen.. couldn't happen..

okay, it happened Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Once the DOS/DOD papers were done, signed, and filed it was legit!!! .. as well as the "adoptions" with the pretty wax and ribbons!!!!

(Choice: Be married and a parent OR break rocks for 10 years!)
LexusLover's Avatar

Another tool the MSM doesn't want to investigate and then bellyaches when somebody does. Originally Posted by gnadfly


"How to conduct business in the different parts of the world including the United States, Latin America, Asia, Middle East"

How much per refugee does he get paid for processing "paper work"?

He was with the same firm as Comey and Lynch ... who handled the CLINTON SLUSH FUND ... and their tax returns!!!!!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
are you trying to say some Vietnamese were involved in bogus marriages, for the purpose of leaving to the US?

nope.. didn't happen.. couldn't happen..

okay, it happened Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I am sorry for how we left SVN, the donkeys voted against giving you a single bullet
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
All Trump wants to do is fully vet people coming in to the US from from countries known to harbor terrorists. He not said he would ban all Muslims. But he will halt immigration until we have the means available to vet them as thoroughly as possible. What's wrong with that? Why do some of you want to allow terrorists into this country?
If you fools had a real man for a candidate instead of that blustering buffoon, he would have ignored the Khan incident for what it was. Then it would have been a one day event.
However he can't keep his Twitter shut, and is losing ground each day.
Hell even his lap dog has spoke out against his comments.
LexusLover's Avatar
All Trump wants to do is fully vet people coming in to the US from from countries known to harbor terrorists. He not said he would ban all Muslims. But he will halt immigration until we have the means available to vet them as thoroughly as possible. What's wrong with that? Why do some of you want to allow terrorists into this country? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

"They" don't. "They" want to make sure Trump is defeated.

If he is close in the polls by the end of October, ..

...."they" will float the rumor he is a "pervert" ... and downhill from there.

Someone on here has already "moved" in that direction.

The recent attack on his comments about "sexual harassment" is typical.
Khan is all for Sharia is nothing more than a Dem puppet

And I don't want to hear it is from "Conservative Post" you always put up Liberal Media Post constantly. LOL