I completely agree Maddy! Overall something is fishy about them. Time will tell. The daughter just looks way too young! As a mother I would never want my daughter introduced by me to the hobby.You would think she would want better for her child. Myself having a 19 yr old son I am thankful something I don't have to worry about. So sad!
Originally Posted by SensualSpecialist
Well she looks like she could easily be 16 or 17 years old. To me it is really disturbing seeing a mother doing this type of work with her own daughter. Sorry, but there is no way in hell I would encourage my kid to do this.
Something is off.. and whoas to the guys who visit this young girl (kid) because you could be risking some real jailtime if she is younger than advertised.
Didn't Lexuslover post something about the seriousness of having sex with a 17 year old in the state of Texas?