CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hmmm . . . apparently some of the draconian, crippling cuts are occurring at an agency that NO LONGER EXISTS!

Our country is run by fools.


From Reason Foundation, an important find:

If you want a thorough agency-by-agency rundown of the budget cuts sequestration would deliver, the Office of Management and Budget has you covered. In compliance with The Sequestration Transparency Act of 2012, the OMB sent a detailed report to Congress in September 2012. But there’s a small problem with the report: One of the cuts it warns against would affect an agency that no longer exists–and didn’t exist when the OMB sent its report to congress.

The first line item on page 121 of the OMB’s September 2012 report says that under sequestration the National Drug Intelligence Center would lose $2 million of its $20 million budget. While that’s slightly more than 8.2 percent (rounding error or scare tactic?), the bigger problem is that the National Drug Intelligence Center shuttered its doors on June 15, 2012 –three months before the OMB issued its report to Congress.

If President Obama and his fellow Democrats can’t keep track of which agencies are defunct, why should America believe them when they describe a 2% spending reduction as a “hardship?”

There’s no word on if that spare $20 million will again disappear into the federal bureaucracy or actually be cut from the budget.

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Chica Chaser's Avatar
I wonder where that $20M is now diverted to?
I wonder where that $20M is now diverted to? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Hopefully to provide a safe haven for StupidOldLyingFart in Beautiful Downtown Damascus!
He got his tax increases, but wants to back out on the cuts? Hope he likes being a lame duck because he's going to be one for the next three and a half years. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Correct, as I stated in another thread. The whole "Barackolypse" act is to scare voters into giving him the HOR back. Even if he does get it back, he won't be able to use it like he did in 2009-2010.

Why do you call them "Obama Sequesters"?

President Obama put forth a good plan before Congress to avoid this mess, but in typical fashion they just refused to cooperate.

. . . The bitches refused!
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I like the term "Barackolypse" better. Or "Obamageddon."

Really, where's the plan? BHO was supposed to present a budget for 2013 and failed. He asked for an extension until the end of March. Isn't that a coincidence?

Its pretty simple: Harry Reid is protecting the President by not picking up either of the two bills the House passed to end the sequestration because if they pass the Senate (and they probably would) BHO doesn't want to be seen vetoing them.

I wonder where that $20M is now diverted to? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Good question.

During the Woodward fiasco ("If I've lost Bob Woodward, I've lost the American middle class"), Bob said that Obama was not sending out an aircraft carrier group because of sequestration cuts. Carrier groups are not cheap. So, if Obama wanted to, in order to make significant cuts in the military, couldn't he just stand down an ACC group or two? He is the commander-in-chief. My guess he doesn't need Congressional authorization for that. So why doesn't he? He wants "surgical" cuts to Military can't he order them?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
What happened to all those billions we have been saving from not being in the Iraq war?

I saw on the internet that the cost to be in Afghanistan was about 500 million a day. At 2 days that is a billion dollars. In 88 days we have the cuts to military spending that we need for the sequeester. Get out for 176 days and we have the total sequester coveredfor the year without touching anything else.l
Now just kick in all that money we are giving to the Muslim brotherhood and we are talking some coin.
Stop giving money down a shithole like solar power and we could see some real deficit reduction and we haven't even started to touch entitlements welfare food stamps. Then if we could get them to stop taking separate vacations and actually stay in DC and do some real work I am starting to see a budget surplus.
budman33's Avatar
what amuses me most about this whole thing is this new fucked up strategy that our United State Congress has adopted of late.

They can't get along and negotiate BUT they will vote together to up-vote measures that says they must cooperate in the future or bad shit happens.

Except they dont get along now, so the idea of forcing them to get along later never fucking works. duh

Lunacy bordering on insanity in my opinion.

We vote to create our own cliffs.... it's no wonder the american public and most international communities think they are a bunch of idiots.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
FastGoon, I'm wondering, too. What was the good plan Obama proposed?
chefnerd's Avatar
what amuses me most about this whole thing is this new fucked up strategy that our United State Congress has adopted of late.

They can't get along and negotiate BUT they will vote together to up-vote measures that says they must cooperate in the future or bad shit happens.

Except they dont get along now, so the idea of forcing them to get along later never fucking works. duh

Lunacy bordering on insanity in my opinion.

We vote to create our own cliffs.... it's no wonder the american public and most international communities think they are a bunch of idiots. Originally Posted by budman33
That's because we have had two branches of the government deciding that the best collective use of their brains is as a seat cushion.

BUT, is it maybe possible they are actually talking about some reforms to entitlement programs and the tax code. OK, maybe I'm being a little too optimistic, but one can hope can't they?
willdooit's Avatar
What I was saying is he is effectively outside looking in. He blew his cache on Obamacare and to some extent the drones (which I agree with). He's going to spend the rest of his presidence getting nothing but the finger from congress and trying to implement Obamacare. It's over. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I agree that those right wing haters will continue giving President Obama the finger like they have since he beat on that old fart McCain and the idiot from Alaska. As far as our country goes we need BOTH sides to COMPROMISE for benefit of our country.