Would like some opinions.

heavyraidersfan's Avatar
Seeing a face is nice, but maybe not needed. Although it might tip the scales in your favor at times.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I want to see your drivers license for my protection
FireKitten's Avatar
The debate has been a long one, over the hobby issues, for whatever you are comfortable with.

But, if you want to do anything else with your life, I'd strongly urge ladies to consider what that means, in putting your image out there. The days of AI scraping and usage, are alarming. Everything from CPS, divorce, getting a job, dating, airplane trips, travel abroad, concerts, neighbors, stalkers. It's never erased; and you are going to have a hard time BSing your way out of any "maybes".

I think it might be a little too late for me to turn back now on putting my image out there.
why don't you find one of those sites where you can put on cat ears ,face markings ,ETC just enough to mask your face a little ,the at least potential clients know their not running into the wicked witch of the west .... just thinking , then you could offer up a real pic to serious guys......
Randall Creed's Avatar
If a woman wants to blur out her face, I have no problem with it. I even offer it when I shoot, or use a mask (I have a few I bring with me). Totally understandable for them to want to.

As long as I can see enough of that body to determine if she's someone I'd want to visit, it doesn't make me no never mind.
why don't you find one of those sites where you can put on cat ears ,face markings ,ETC just enough to mask your face a little ,the at least potential clients know their not running into the wicked witch of the west .... just thinking , then you could offer up a real pic to serious guys...... Originally Posted by woodbandit
You mean like Snapchat filters? Yeah you can still see who that person is though just with more bold features.

If a woman wants to blur out her face, I have no problem with it. I even offer it when I shoot, or use a mask (I have a few I bring with me). Totally understandable for them to want to.

As long as I can see enough of that body to determine if she's someone I'd want to visit, it doesn't make me no never mind. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
Nice! They fit some pretty cute masks out there too. I actually have a kitty cat one.

The debate has been a long one, over the hobby issues, for whatever you are comfortable with.

But, if you want to do anything else with your life, I'd strongly urge ladies to consider what that means, in putting your image out there. The days of AI scraping and usage, are alarming. Everything from CPS, divorce, getting a job, dating, airplane trips, travel abroad, concerts, neighbors, stalkers. It's never erased; and you are going to have a hard time BSing your way out of any "maybes".

https://www.dailydot.com/layer8/clea...cognition-app/ Originally Posted by FireKitten

Thank u for this✨✨
You should blur your face for all the reasons FireKitten and others listed. Otherwise, your picture can be in exhibit A, B etc. why would you knowing incriminate yourself or put yourself at risk?
Another topic that would be nice to talk about is how guys wanna make an appointment with you but aren’t willing to show what they look like. They know what we look like beforehand but aren’t even willing to send us a photo to see who were going to meet up with?
Another topic that would be nice to talk about is how guys wanna make an appointment with you but aren’t willing to show what they look like. They know what we look like beforehand but aren’t even willing to send us a photo to see who were going to meet up with? Originally Posted by Sunshine Lovely
Here's the thing:

You have the pussy - you make the rules. I have the money and I decide who gets it.

You can talk about these topics all you want, it's not gonna change the previous statement.
pmdelites's Avatar
how about this ... kinda like a similar security/safety technique w/ hobby phone numbers ...

show pics in ads or websites that show various views of your body w/out your face so us guys can tell if you have the body type we are interested in and/or enticed by.

then, once the guy passes your screening, you can send pics of your face. and he could, at his discretion/comfort level, send you pics of his body and/or face.
tinman483's Avatar
Back in the day I bothered me some. Now I don't mind or care, but some body pix help. Altho the pose can be deceiving.
I would rater see a blurred face than the cat ears or nose, hell I thot it was a dog, LOL
VeronicaTurbay's Avatar
I blur / cut my face and nothing has changed. As a matter in fact, those men who want to have dinner dates and extended meetings prefer my blur face to prevent be recognize in public. We are just friends having a nice time out.
People can see my smile.. and a smile says much more!
SlowHand50's Avatar
I actually prefer to see providers whose ads do not show their face. It shows they are smart and discreet -- a good combination in this hobby.
TeeTaylor's Avatar
I'm pretty sure , I've been passed up for not showing my face on my advertisement. But I care less, I have other business adventures and a legit job. Don't need everyone in my business, definitely I keep everything a part and discreet. I rarely see hobbyist who ask me for face pictures.. Everyone is entitled to privacy!